Showing posts with label Attention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attention. Show all posts

June 10, 2020

Her Bike, His Tires

I really like the look of this simple bike. 

The pink frame for her. 

The blue tires for him.

This bike is unisex and a standout!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 29, 2020

Boots Of Many Colors

Similar to Joseph and The Technicolor Dreamcoat, these boots come in a virtual rainbow of colors. 

Honestly, not sure who would actually wear something like these. 

I think them gaudy except as a sweeping fashion statement by someone fairly spectacular who could carry it off. 

Perhaps another show featuring the dancing Rockettes, doing the long row of eye-high kicks could be quite a sight in a managerie of these colorful boots rising and falling. 

Kick 1-2-3.  Higher and higher.  Red, yellow, and blue.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 27, 2020

Party Balloons!

Now those are some party balloons!

Really, they are part of an exhibit from the Hirshhorn Museum.

But boy do they make a statement.

Big, pink, and with polka dots.

They are the king of the party. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 29, 2020

Street Art Wow

Some street art just makes you stop and say wow!

This mural on the side of a building in Philadelphia is just amazing. 

It takes a regular street (even next to an abandoned lot) and makes it eye-popping. 

Some people seem to walk by and not even notice. 

I'm not sure how. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 28, 2020

Hand Pointer

That's a cool way to point something out. 

Sort of unexpected sticking out of the wall like that. 

But effective use of visualization. 

The floating hand. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 14, 2020

I Say Upside Down You Turn Me

I liked this advertisement for WOOW eyewear. 

Like the faces, the colors, the upside down and right-side up orientations. 

Seems cool, hip, with it. 

Happy hippie times. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)

January 6, 2020

Story About Dressing Modestly

One of my good friends told me a funny story.

The friend of his daughter was wearing one of those cropped shirts which expose the belly.

She said that her dad told her to throw a party for her clothes, so that her shirt could meet her shorts.

I guess all dads worry about the modesty of their daughters.

This was a good tznius story that hammers home the point and is also pretty funny. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 24, 2019

Celebrating The Holidays

This holiday outfit has got to win an award. 

The matching suit and tie with all the decorative holiday ornaments. 

The bright red shirt. 

The tree hat with the star on top.

And the dark glasses. 

Wow, standout city!

Where do you get clothing like this?

I wonder if I could do this with a menorah too. LOL

Happy Holidays to all.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 6, 2019

Fire Stripes on Buggy

Thought this VW with the fire stripes was pretty cool. 

Black, white, and red.  

Definitely a standout!

The only thing better is the VW van with the psychedelic hippie colors and fantastical images for hope and love.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

October 18, 2019

Check Out Those Rims

Wow, this was some car that I saw in Florida. 

Pimp my ride! LOL

Check out those awesome gold rims with this blue "oldies" car. 

This was definitely a standout even down there where there are plenty of Bentleys and Lamborghinis driving around. 

The owner of the car gave me a big thumbs up when I tool this photo. 

Hope you enjoy and Shabbat Shalom!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 10, 2019

Cash Is King

This was a funny shirt this lady was wearing on the Metro. 

It mimics the Sweet 'N Low artificial sweetener logo and says:
Fund R' Low
Need a Sugar Daddy

This was one of those shirts that gets your attention. 

It's different.  It plays off a familiar brand.  It bright pink, red, and blue and stands out.  And it could certainly have a sexual connotation.  

Anyway, this was a pretty bold shirt to wear into conservative Washington, D.C. 

But I guess wherever you go, fashion, sexuality, and cash is king. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

August 7, 2019

Ocean of Words

I really like this phrase from a book that I'm reading called "Like Dreamers."
An ocean of words and a desert of ideas.

Too often, we hear people who like to hear themselves talk, think very highly of themselves, show off, or just spout away. 

And while they say a lot...

There may not be a lot there. 

New ideas, thoughts, ways of looking at things, innovation, creativity, outside the box thinking--that's like a desert!

In Yiddish (and it's always funnier in Yiddish), we say:
A big, big mouth, and a tiny, tiny head.

Similarly, in Hebrew, there is phrase that translates to:
Say a little, and do a lot. 

Sometimes, the smartest people are the ones who use their words wisely, strategically, with depth and meaning, and when they really have something to say.

It's at that time that you better be listening.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 20, 2019

Around The Corner

Thought this was a better design for a corner on a building. 

While I still don't really like the plain cinderblock underneath...harsh, boring. 

The colorful, Jenga-type pieces stacked interestingly on each side makes a nice inviting presentation. 

So I guess you would say this is an acceptable way to cut corners. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 10, 2019

Long Nails

Ran into this lady in South Florida. 

Couldn't help but notice the nails. 

She told me she's been growing them like this for 29 years!

I asked if she had any difficulty typing, driving, or anything. 

And she told me she does everything with them.

No, I don't think that I want to touch these things. 

I'm only getting as close as the camera. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 7, 2019

Really Highest Quality

Just thought this was a funny, educational photo.

Vendor is selling jewelry on the corner (outside the Metro).

They're advertising:

Products Of The Highest Quality

But would you even expect to get the highest quality jewelry off the street. 

As nice as these products may be (and he may be), I don't think anyone would really believe this. 

So while the ad grabs your attention and makes you look, it doesn't make you believe. 

Advertising and branding has to be credible to reach their intended audience or else it'll just come off as fool's gold. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 18, 2019

This Is What You Smell

Great sign at the nut stand at Sugarloaf Festival.
"This Is What You Smell!"

Hot cinnamon pecans or almonds. 

Wow, did that smell nice.

I got a tiny bag of the pecans, and when I opened it, the smell and taste that hot cinnamon really took over. 

Were there other smells present as well?

Probably, but I chose to focus on the cinnamon nuts. 

The other smells will have to wait for their special sign and appropriate attention to deal with it. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 13, 2019

Upside Down Bird, Black Sheep--Same Thing

I thought this art was funny and accurate:
There's always one in every family.
Really, it should be there is always one (or two) in every family, group, and organization. 

Whether it's the upside down bird or the "black sheep"--I think we call it that person a troublemaker!

Is it the attention they crave? 

Is it a good fight or argument they are after?

Are they just different and that's okay.

Listen, we are all the same, but we're also all different. 

Imagine being completely the same and how boring that would be. 

So being the upside bird isn't necessarily a bad thing. 

The other birds may look at this upside down bird as cuckoo.

But the bird may not be a cuckoo bird at all.

He may just be acting himself. 

To the upside down bird, he probably thinks of himself as being right side up bird, and that it's the other birds that are the cuckoos.

From my experience, there is being different and then there is being cuckoo for real. 

There really are one or more cuckoos just about everywhere you look.

Worse yet, if the other 4 birds are sane, then watch out because you may be the cuckoo bird.

And then there was the movie, "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest."  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

October 9, 2018

Anyone Have A Question About This Car?

Yeah, all I can say...
Anyone have a question about this car?

I am pretty sure this car is owned by Matthew Lesko, "The Question Mark Guy."

Lesko was in a number of commercials and infomercials about asking him how to get free information and grant money from the government. 

He dresses and drives in question marks, and I've seen him a number of times around town. Frankly, it's sort of hard to miss this guy!

His self promotion sort of makes you wonder, if you had to choose just one symbol to wear everywhere to represent you to the world--it could be a punctuation mark or anything else--what would that look like?  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 19, 2018

Impact of Hyperwork on Family

I am seeing this all the time now... 

Parents of little children, or even older children, who are too busy working to pay much, if any, attention to their families.

Call it a disease of the industrial revolution + information technology. 

Whether people worked on the assembly line making widgets or nowadays on the computer and smartphone answering their bosses and colleagues compulsively--it's become a global obsession. 

On one hand, with the impending robot and AI revolution taking over jobs, people need to be grateful to even have a job to earn a living for the families.

On the other hand, with the connections to each other and our work 24/7, the depression-era saying of:
Brother, can you spare a dime?

Has morphed into:
Brother, can you spare some time?

Yes, we all need to be responsible adults, earn a decent living and pay our bills. 

But in the end, it's not money or things that we give to our families that is the most important.  

I would argue money and things are the least important, and what is truly most precious is the love, time, and attention you give to yours. 

As the old saying goes:
Money can't buy love.

But time and attention given to your loved ones can build meaningful relationships that last a lifetime and beyond. 

Yes, of course, people need to work to earn a living and productively contribute something to society, but it is also true that work is used as an excuse to run away from parental and familial responsibilities. 

It's easier to give an Amazon gift certificate or a Gameboy then to actually spend the afternoon with the kids. 

These days, people say ridiculous things like:
I love going into the office to get away from home.  

But you can't run away from your problems at home--you need to work on them and solve them.

The diabolical murderous Nazis used work as a tool to enslave, torture, and exterminate their victims as the sign over the gate of the Auschwitz (and many other) concentration camps read:
Arbeit Macht Frei  (or Work Sets You Free)

But as we all know inside, true freedom is being able to give generously from your time and effort to your loved ones, and slavery is not being able to let go of your work. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 10, 2018

Cool Car DC

Who would think you'd find a car like this in Washington, D.C.?

Definitely a standout, you think. 

Although it seems like the people crossing the street don't even notice it.

Ah, wake up people!

Anyway, where do you park a car like that?

It's nice to look at, but between people wanting to steal it or deface it, I think it's probably more trouble than it's worth. 

There are enough loonies out there...why give them a reason. 

Then again, if you tether yourself to it, maybe it's good for a joy ride around the Capital especially before the new tariffs kick in.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)