It starts perhaps with that big, warm smile.
Maybe a handshake and hug.
Perhaps, you even get a kiss or two (it's cultural, I think, LOL).
Colleagues, friends, you're just like family.
Sometimes it's real and you truly found something valuable in your life.
There are good people of soul and conscience out there.
But other times it's an act, a sham, deception, you're the fool.
The other person wants something--cash, control, connections.
Oh by the way, can I ask you for just a "little" favor?
You wouldn't mind if...?
Just do XYZ for me, I got your back.
I see you know so and so, would you introduce me?
I have a great investment opportunity for you, let me tell you all about it.Sure it's okay and actually wonderful in a real relationship for people to be there for each other and help each others..."that's what [real] friends are for!"
The problem is where the friendship is only about the ask for the benefit of the other and no care for you as a person.
Then the smile isn't a genuine collegial or friendship one of happiness and outreach. but rather it's upside down to get you to do something legit or illegit for the person pressing their lips up and out into that smile you already know is all about the ask. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)