This Afghan withdrawal and the Taliban overrunning the country is a complete fiasco.
- 20 years of blood and treasure: $2,000,000,000,000, and 2,500 lost US military personal and G-d knows how many casualties (oh, about another 20,000)!
Now complete and utter chaos, and a turnover to terrorism.
Reminiscent of Iran's overthrow of the Shah and the U.S. hostage crisis for 444 days and when we lost Vietnam and the helicopters frantically evacuating US embassy personnel from the rooftop.
BTW, what happened to our "Red Lines" on chemical weapons in Syria?
Where are our inherent values and the dependability of who we are and what we stand for?
Now we are once again emboldening Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia.
Moreover, US Admiral says China is within 6 years of potentially taking Taiwan (guess where most of the computer chips are made and we already have a shortage)!!!
On top of this we have the Delta variant of Covid (and fears of worse coming) for this 1.5 year long pandemic with the CDC mask on again/off again non-sensical guidance.
Then we have a $1,200,000,000,000 infrastructure bill and a $3,500,000,000,000 social welfare bill in the works to put on top of the US already almost $29,000,000,0000,000 national debt.
Any ideas what that will do to the value of the US currency in the world and inflation rearing its ugly head.
I am starting to see a run on food and home stables in the stores again with items sold out.
Consumer confidence is shaking and the stock market is teetering off at a very high precipice.
Oh, don't forget the border crisis which is getting out of control again.
What the F*** is going on here? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Disastrous Politics