Just to name a few...
Whether from the threat of North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, who smiled while displaying a video yesterday of nuclear missiles destroying the USA.
To the shooting death of three in Fresno, CA yesterday by a man shouting "Allahu Akbar" that was deemed not a terrorist attack.
To our national debt of $20 trillion which quadrupled in just the last 15 years under the administration of both political parties.
Unfortunately, denial is still alive and well, while smiling photos of the North Korean dictator adorn the light poles outside the capital of the USA.
We don't like to admit our problems be it from despots threatening us with WMD to global terrorism that gives us no peace, and a mammoth debt that is sinking our national economic sustainability.
Smile for the camera!
Don't worry about big problem-solving.
What we don't admit can't hurt us or can it? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)