It comes from Brookstone, and it's sand.
Yes, really--98% sand and 2% polymer to make it "soft and stretchy."
You can get one jar of sand (12 ounces) for $14.99 or be even more stupid and buy 2 jars for $25.
Just imagine all the fun you can have playing with the sand, and you don't even have to go to the beach or the dessert.
The bus fare or gasoline you save on the trip pays for this glorious sand in probably just one or two visits.
This is truly Pet Rock redux, where this guy sold 1.5 million rocks at the holiday time in the 1970's and became a millionaire.
It's amazing the marketing and branding brilliance behind this.
Imagine, you can sell rocks and sand and there are millions of people that actually take this seriously and buy it.
Next up, bottled flatulence (ok, I'll just say it...farts!) ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)