Someone had some lunch that was smell-eeeee!
The whole suite was reeking from it.
First one person runs up to me as I enter the suite and says, "Did you smell it?"
Just getting over a cold, I say innocently, "Smell what?"
Then as I head down the hall, even the sniffles doesn't protect me from whatever's been cooking in lunch-land.
Ick--it's like a combination of day old leftovers that have been warmed over with a foul fishy smell combusting the whole work area.
Next, I see one guy running around the cubicles with a air freshener--spraying and spraying--everywhere.
Followed by a lady, with a similar aerosol, sticking her head in the offices and giving a spritz or two or three.
Colleagues were gathering to discuss the stink and venture guesses as to who the culprit was that would invoke such horror in the office.
Jokes and mild-mannered innuendoes followed to sort of lighten the mood of the folks that had been working extra hard the last few months.
The stick stunk for almost 24-hours, but despite the bad smell in the air, the gregarious mood made up for it--as it was just another event we could bond around--the smell, the sights of the people running around with air fresheners, and the good-natured ridicule on who would offend and break the professional code of conduct--and leave everyone gasping for breath. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)