How many terror attacks do we have to undergo before someone wakes up and does something?
I watched Judge Jeanine express outrage on Fox News video about what is going on with radical Islamist terrorism across the globe.
Moreover, there is spiraling inner-city violence here at home with presumed racial killings of black people and the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas, Texas and more warnings about a Day of Rage in 36 cities today.
Things are out of control!
OMG, the list of terrorist attacks just this year alone in 2016 is so long that wikipedia had to break them up into separate lists by month.
Some still can't get up the courage or leadership skills to identify the enemy.
Moreover, they vow not to put boots on the ground.
Instead, they prefer platitudes and implications that Western civilization is at fault rather than the murdering terrorists.
Choosing disengagement, withdrawal, and appeasement over defending our national security.
Just this week again, Iranian attack boats swarmed a U.S. battleship in International Waters that had our 4 star general in charge of U.S. Central Command, and we do nothing but lift sanctions on them, release $100+ billion, and encourage the opening of finance and trade with them as they continue to chant "Death to America."
Russia and China continue to buzz our planes and ships and extend their boundaries into Crimea and the South China Sea, respectively, while North Korea tests ballistic nuke missiles that may soon be able to reach our shores.
Moreover, instead of making things better, we are continuing to make them worse, with our own military warning against the change in policy to a stated "no-first-use" weapons policy in an age of dangerous nuclear proliferation and resurgent and modernized adversaries.
After 9/11, we overreacted with almost 10-years of war, lashing out at enemies real and imagined, and now for the last years, we have become disengaged and withdrawn--either too afraid, unwilling, or ridiculously "political correct" to defend our own national security.
The pendulum has swung wild and reckless for too many is time for a normal and balanced course of action to protect our people and country--can anyone say radical Islamists? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)