This last year has shown some difficult negotiations between the P5+1 and Iran.
It seems as if the P5+1 have been doing everything possible to get Iran to stop pursuing dangerous WMD, but that the response is just forever, "No."
So the deadline for a deal was extended once again.
Many are saying no deal is better than a bad deal--and that certainly makes sense.
The key is for national and global security to take precedence over any deal for deal's sake.
Everyone desperately wants peace, but it should be a real and lasting and verifiable peace.
Most people are good and want peace, but there are always those extremists who have an irrational hatred and seek nothing but power and destruction, and they says things like they want to "annihilate Israel" or seek to build ICBMs that can reach Europe and America.
Oh L-rd, please soften the hearts in Iran to agree to a real and lasting peace that safeguards us, and that brings prosperity and betterment to the world.
Maybe this next extension will be the charm--let's hope and pray.
Note: The characters in the cartoon are fictional and do not intend any disrespect to anyone--simply the hope for a softening of hearts and minds of Iran's leaders, and with that the attainment of a real and verifiable peace with this next round of negotiations.
All opinions my own.