This kid was pushing the shopping cart with groceries in it.
And a little sign at the top that says:
Customer in Training
His mom is nearby with the big shopping cart full of even more groceries.
It's interesting how we teach our kids to be just like us and at the same time to be not like us.
They emulate some things and they reject others.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
But no two apples are the same either.
Teaching is an important component of parenting and schooling.
We need to impart important lessons from the past, so children don't have to recreate the wheel in the present and future.
But spitting out little clones is not helpful to innovation and the engine of "what's next."
Sometimes, I envision that there is a really big war--maybe World War III--nukes are used and all our bits and bytes are wiped out, and we are thrown back to the Stone Age.
All the teaching is evaporated in the vapor of the blasts.
All that's left in what's in the soul of the remaining. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)