Showing posts with label Calm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calm. Show all posts

March 31, 2023

This Is One of Those Days


Need some calming Shabbat relief.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 16, 2022

7 Rules of Life

 (Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 27, 2021

Staying Centered

So important to keep the mind centered.

I tried something new in the pool to tread water using the minimum energy.

At first, my body resisted and I started to flail with my arms and legs.

But then, I centered my mind and started to control my breathing.

My deep focused breaths raised my body above the water almost by itself.

My arms and legs relaxed and just was there for support.

It felt so good to be in a better state of self-control and mindfulness.

Always need to try and keep the mind still, centered, and in control of the body.

Focus, focus, focus!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 16, 2021

@Lake Needwood

Lake Needwood last Sunday. 

Seems so calm and peaceful. 

And unfortunately then comes the storm.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 6, 2020

Awesome Hot Air Balloons

Hot Air Balloons are so awesome!

Dreamy, drifting into the sky. 

Flying away with a birds-eye view.

Looking near and far across the landscape.

To the sunrise and the sunset. 

Calm, coasting, and carried by the wind. 

Fire breathing into the balloon. 

Up, up, and away.

My beautiful, my beautiful balloon! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 1, 2020

When All The World Is Going Crazy

When all the world is going c-r-a-z-y...

The best thing you can do is stay CALM. 

- Calm is where good energy enters and bad doesn't.

- Calm is where rational thinking gets done. 

- Calm is where positive action happens.

- Calm is where our inner faith is sustained. 

- Calm is where we can inspire and lead ourselves and others to do good. 

Calm is where we all yearn to be. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 29, 2018

What A Beautiful Song - To Forgive and to Forget

With gratitude to my beautiful daughter, Minna Blumenthal, for sharing this song by Idan Raichel with me. 

Shabbat Shalom!


April 5, 2017

The Key Is Calm

So what happens to most of us when we experience the stresses, disappointments, and conflicts in life?

We feel...

- Angst

- Anger

- Upset

- Frustrated

- Murderous at times

We even question, "Why me?"

But none of this helps.

In fact, it just makes things worse.

Because we compound our life challenges with more problems in how we react!

What should we do instead?

The key is to remain calm, cool, collected, and composed. 

Don't get rattled, disjointed, and out of whack over anything or anybody. 

These are all tests in life.

They are all fleeting. 

G-d is watching us and seeing if we have faith in him.

When you remember the creator and sustainer of all life then you can rise above the adversity before you.

Go beyond the superficial.

Experience the world beyond the earthly bounds of time and space. 

See the larger picture.

Breath deeply...a sigh of relief. 

There is nothing to be upset about that G-d can't make right for you. 

Face the challenges with a clear head, a brave heart, and follow your conscience.

Act with determination to speak out and right the wrongs you encounter. 

Remember, you are one with G-d and the universe, and all will be for the good. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 21, 2016

It's Getting Mighty Hot

This is a advertisement around Washington DC alerting people to the dangers of global warming.

"I'm Too Hot"


"9 of the 10 hottest years have occurred since 2000."

Wait a second, for some (or many) a little extra heat may be considered a good thing especially if you live up north with generally freezing cold and miserably snowy winters.

So don't just tell us about it getting hotter, but tell us how hot is it actually going to get and what will happen when it does--melting glaciers, rising oceans and catastrophic flooding of cities, weather abnormalities and violent natural disasters, and so on.

We need to move on to the substance of this. 

Just like with the national debt, we keep talking about it going up (and up). 

Well what's so bad about that if we can just print some more greenbacks and pay for more stuff, maybe it's a good--or great--investment in our country and future?

Here again, the message that isn't getting out clearly is what is going to happen when the debt becomes unsustainable and printing or devaluing dollars will not solve the problem and may actually exasperate it by creating run-away inflation, a downgraded or junk credit rating, and higher debt payments possibly tanking our economy and people's savings.

Yeah, we don't want to cause a panic. 

But shielding people from vital information on the dangerous paths we are on will only lead to going further down into the abyss of non-action and potential for cascading calamity. 

Let's face it--it's unpopular to talk anything doom or gloom--financial crises or natural disasters or especially anything with WMD--but if we aren't the adults in the political room, who will be? 

For once, I'd love a leader who tells it straight, who helps us face our own worst nightmares, and actually gets us back on track again, rather than keeps the wool pulled over our eyes for another term or two.

Leadership is lost in rosy glasses, vote counting, pundits called upon to obscure the truth from the people, keeping a false calm, and creating wildly inflated legacies.

These motives for now are stronger than the determination to deal with the threats we face, but not forever, and then the pendulum will most abruptly swing in the other direction, precariously late for the ensuing global effects. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 18, 2016

The King And Queen

Took this photo of these two Chinese porcelain statues.

They remind me of royalty--a king and queen. 

They stand so tall, proud, and elegant. 

Together on the mantel, they make a wonderful centerpiece to the room. 

I like the contrast colors--him in tan and she is white with the accent colors on their robes. 

His grasp on the long beaded necklace and her open fan give them a air of motion and life.

Yet, the faces are calm and balanced. 

These are awesome pieces of art work. 

Don't know what they are worth, but to me they have value of beauty. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 22, 2015

Ocean Waves (Take 60 Seconds To Enjoy)

I took this video of the ocean waves coming unto the sandy beach (some seaweed included).

60 seconds of pure calm and peaceful tide. 

Today, they finally took down the purple flags that indicate dangerous marine life, so we were able to go in the ocean and really enjoy. 

The rhythm of the ocean waves, the sun tanning our skin, the warm relaxing water, and the people playing and laughing (and some kissing).  

Thank you Hashem for this wonderful day and the beautiful world you created for us to partake of--blessed are thou! 

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

January 7, 2014

Live Stress Free, Almost

As we all know, stress is a killer--so you want to minimize it (if you can)!

There is a great little piece from CareerCast on the most and least stressful jobs out there in 2014.

From least stressful--audiologist.

To most stressful--enlisted military.

Anyway, to avoid stress--keep calm like the picture says, but also consider jobs with the following attributes:

- Desk job

- High growth potential

- Fewer strict deadlines

- Less travel

- Greater congeniality 

- Non-hazardous

One question from the list of jobs...why be a taxi driver earning an average of almost $23,000 a year in one of the top 10 most stressful jobs, when you can be a hair stylist earning about the same and have the 2nd least stressful job out there? 

So trade in your driver's license and learn to give a great hairdo! ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

February 13, 2013

Flying Under The Ocean

This is a cool video of a new experimental swimsuit called "oceanwings."

Similar to wingsuits for BASE jumping (skydiving), oceanwings have underarm and between the leg wings or spans of material that essentially gives a person float.

With oceanwings, instead of flying through the sky, you can fly through the water.

They are made by Aqua Lung which makes and sells professional and recreational scuba diving equipment. 

For someone that loves the water, oceanwing diving looks beautiful, calming, and a heck of a lot of fun. 

Not sure in the video, how the guy is breathing under water (since they don't seem to show any sort of air tank), but maybe he is just going on bated breath. ;-)


December 10, 2011

Try Something New, Relax

So you work hard and play hard.

You're always in "on mode".
Of course, it's a 24 x 7 world.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Well it's time to stop!
Take a time out.
Some time to think.
Enjoy life again.
Become a human being.
Here is your test: Go to Do Nothing for 2 Minutes.
- Your only goal for the next 2 minutes is to look at the ocean, listen to the waves and the birds, and relax--really.
- If you touch the mouse or keyboard, you fail and have to start over again.
See if you can do it.
See if you can calm your mind.
See if you can get off the treadmill.
See if you can free yourself from anxiety and pain.
When you can just do this--for 2 minutes, you'll realize what you've been missing.
Now try Calm--no time limit this go around--you've earned it.
You'll are better for it and your family, friends, and colleagues notice the difference.
It's not a new you, just a rediscovered you.
Find and enjoy peace!
