Showing posts with label Flash Memory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flash Memory. Show all posts

February 25, 2008

Solid-State Drives and Enterprise Architecture

What is one, if not the biggest fear, with putting data on a computer?

Yes, that the hard drive crashes #@$%&!!

Well a new bred of hard drives will help prevent the hard drive failures (and those Monday morning blues).

The Wall Street Journal, 7 February 2008, reports that “Solid-State Drives [SSDs]…because they lack moving parts, they are faster, draw less power, are harder to damage and are quieter than [mechanical] hard drives.”

“Hard-disk drives, or HDDs, are mechanical devices. They work by recording data on a spinning magnetic platter or platters. By contrast, solid-state drives are made of chips and have no moving parts.”

The new SSDs are “close cousins to the so-called flash memory used in digital cameras, cell phones and smaller-capacity music players. They record data to special memory chips that retain their contents even when the device is turned off.”

SSDs are expected to become more popular as “their capacities increase and their prices drop.”

From the User-centric enterprise architecture perspective the value proposition, cost-benefit, for SSDs is not there yet. But it soon will be and then it will time to help alleviate your user angst of hard drive failures with safer, faster SSDs.
