After October 7, the deadly abuse absolutely could not continue any longer.
There is a time to walk away and a time for necessary action.
Nobody Wanted War
Two Ways to Make Someone Feel Worthless
When Politics Gets Personal
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy."
Thank G-d, he finished the blood draw, and it was over. But as I reflected afterwards, I thought to myself that this guy is just one of probably millions out there who are unhappy with their jobs, their relationships, their lives, and maybe more broadly, the direction things are going in for them.How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy
Chutzpah Dating
Food Child Abuse
All the greedy and corrupt power players at the table with their fancy suits, money, gold, and properties around the globe.
And their game is sustained up on the bent backs of the simple people with nothing (not even clothing).
But a Seeing Eye (and a Hearing Ear) in Heaven is watching the evil perpetrated.
Eventually, faith tells us that the game will be over and the simple hard-working people will be fully restored and the corrupt will suffer their just desserts. ;-)
(Source Photo: Facebook)
Stand Up!
You don't know what you have until you don't have it anymore.
Often, people become lazy in their relationships or they stop appreciating what/who they have--we end up taking them for granted, not paying them our loving attention or worse mistreating them.
But one day, those people won't necessarily be there for us anymore.
That's when our eyes are opened to what we've done, but then it's too late to go back and undo the mistakes we made.
One good friend told me that marriage is not like Hollywood; it's not all loving all the time:
"There are good days and bad, but it's better to have 5 even really bad days a month with your partner than 30 bad days a month by yourself, alone."
Don't wait until it's too late to love and care for your spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.
Eventually, the clock runs out and regret won't bring anyone back.
(Source Photo: Millionaire Tutor via Facebook)
Appreciate Who You Have In Your Life
I’m reading the famous book, The Fixer by Bernard Malamud. It’s about the horrible pogroms in Russia and the blood libels where the Jews would be ridiculously accused of sorcery and witchcraft, and the killing of Christian children for their blood to put in Passover matzah!
The Only Fixer
Time To Mellow
Stop Harassholes Y'all
G-d does not let any tree grow into the heavens!
Harassholes Y'all
Chief Critic
Leadership With Heart
Have a Heart: Leadership With Heart
The Good Eggs
"Tell me more."
"What else?"
"Can you elaborate?"
Tongue-Tied Silence
When People Fear You, You're Not A Leader
"It's nothing personal."
"It's my favorite line when the boss says it's nothing personal. Of course it's personal. Is there anyone else in the room!"
Nothing Personal
"Which Shall It Be?The capitalist owners enjoy being able to give "trickle-down economics" to the average working man.
Duke: 'If you demand your rights, no more crumbs from my table.'
Working Man: 'Give me my rights and keep your crumbs.'"
Crumbs Are For The Birds, Not The Workers
You Are The Working Class
Screwing The American Worker