When politics
When media becomes propaganda, this country is in serious trouble.
We are so busy telling each other what "the truth" is that nothing is getting done.
While Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and radical Islamist terrorists increase in strength and bravado, we are fighting one another here at home.
As more people in the U.S. gravitate to the extremes--alt-left and alt-right--lines in sand are drawn between us, while the red lines defending our common interests are eviscerated.
Self-destructing from within, while we outwardly spend $600 billion on defense--34% of that of the entire world!
No strategy or weapons can defend us, when fake news and alternate facts and hatred of one another is at our present-day core.
Tearing us apart, the endless hateful calls of:
- "Not my President"
- "Resistance and persistence"
- "Love Trumps Hate"
- "Deplorables, Nazis, Communists!"
The political extremists and their media henchmen are leading the charge to America's downfall and possible doomsday.
Unless we, the American people, can moderate and unify and love each other again.
We must before our enemies take advantage of our inner divisiveness and weakness.
If we don't come to our common senses, then we may very well pay a most heavy price in our persons, property, and freedom that we all so cherish and value. ;-)