It's wonderful when we try to help others.
Isn't that one of the reasons we're here?
But sometimes we are trying to help and it's really something beyond our capabilities.
My mother-in-law said something funny about this:
Sometimes you're an electrician, but you're trying to be a plumber.
Isn't that true, we are really one thing, but we are often trying to be something else that we're really not.
We can't help someone that needs a plumber, if we're an electrician.
We have to know who we are and what we can do--as well as what we can't.
No one can do everything, no matter how smart, strong, or able they think they are.
Each person has strengths and weaknesses.
We need an electrician and a plumber.
And you can't be what you're not. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Trying To Be A Plumber