Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts

March 24, 2024

Finding Strength in Difficult Times

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Finding Strength in Difficult Times."

There are countless shakeups and wake-up calls of life that span from small to large crises that test our faith and ability to cope. Yet, whatever the challenges, and however daunting, we need to confront and transform negative thinking:
  • Life is not meaningless, but it is an opportunity for us to make it meaningful by trusting G-d and knowing that He has a plan for us and everything He does is for our action and benefit.
  • What we think, say, and do isn't irrelevant but is, in fact, very important since we have the G-d-given power to sanctify our lives and positively impact ourselves, others, and the world through ever-present opportunities for giving and righteousness.
In whatever circumstances we find ourselves, it's not about escaping from the difficulties, but finding G-d even when he seems absent or hidden from us. G-d is there, and so is a path toward overcoming the challenges, sanctifying our lives, and finding our meaning and significance.

(AI generated image via Designer)


March 17, 2024

The Hostage's Cry

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Hostage's Cry."

The days are, oh, so long.
The years of the past now seem so short.
I am waiting for salvation.
In my heart, I pray over and over:
“Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d,
King of the Universe,
Who sets free those in bonds.”
I know you are coming to rescue me.
I am waiting for you.

(AI generated image via Craiyon)

February 25, 2024

Imagine Peace

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Imagine Peace."

Foes are turned into friends.
Families grow rather than attend early funerals.
Communities bustle and prosper rather than lie as dying evacuated ghost towns.
We all become part of a community of nations working to solve life's biggest problems, instead of planning how to maim and kill each other with greater pinpoint accuracy and effect.

(AI generated image from MS Designer)

December 3, 2023

It’s All in Your Perspective

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "It's All in Your Perspective."

Learning is a lifelong pursuit. None of us know everything. Here are five lessons about perspective in life that I wanted to share, and I hope you appreciate their wisdom as much as I do.

All in all, we need to maintain a flexible mindset and avoid approaching the world with rigid thinking, because when we do that, we miss out on so much that can enrich our minds, touch our hearts, and uplift our souls.

(Source Photo:


June 4, 2023

The Best of People

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Best of People."

When we finally got back to the hotel and my wife was feeling better, I told her how amazed I was with the goodness of these complete strangers that we encountered. I saw people who expressed concern and care for someone they didn't know and for whom they wanted nothing in return.
I believe that this is ultimately what life is all about: it's not about the money, the honor, or what we get out of a situation; rather, it's about doing good in the world and savoring G-d's blessing over anything that is material or narcissistic.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 22, 2023

Ten ‘Points to Ponder’

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Ten 'Points to Ponder'."

My dear father, Fred Blumenthal (ZT”L), like many from his generation, used to read Reader’s Digest. I remember that there was a section called “Points to Ponder,” which I thought was a good title for things that can have a deeper and more profound meaning in our lives. So in this vein, I’d like to share a variety of thoughts that may give you pause to ponder as well.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 25, 2022

How One “Peacenik” Became Practical

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How One 'Peacenik' Became Practical.'"

Simplistically, you can say that the Right is right! After almost 2,000 years of Jewish diaspora, pogroms, persecution, and the Holocaust, Jews can no longer, in good conscience, tolerate any existential threats. While Jews initially accepted the UN partition for a two-state solution, Arabs vehemently rejected it and went to war against the then-fledgling State of Israel. Moreover, despite the Arab loss, they continued to mount martial campaigns, intifadas, terrorism, and war against Israel, only to be repeatedly defeated. Each and every chance that Israel gave the Palestinians for mediation, negotiation, compromise, and peace was rejected and met with more cries of Jihad!

In short, the Left is right when it comes to caring about others and the ultimate goal that we all seek, which is genuine and lasting peace and the ability to live side by side as brothers and sisters in peace and prosperity. However, the Left got it all wrong when it comes to the reality on the ground in terms of the radical Islamic groups who want no peace, no negotiation, and no recognition of Israel, period. This is where the hope of the Left met the reality of the Right, and the Left lost all credibility, at least for the time being. Perhaps, just perhaps, reality will change and radical hearts will soften and give peace a fighting chance, allowing the Left to be right as well.

(Source Photo: IDF Editorial Team;

November 6, 2022

Monsters and Humans

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Monsters and Humans."

Ultimately, the litmus test is whether there is a human in that being. If there is that spark of G-d, that soul, that inner conscience weighing right and wrong, that fear and love of G-d and his creations driving decision-making, then there is still hope for that person as well as for mankind.
However, if we are dealing with those who are sadistic animals in human form, then we must be as soldiers of Hashem, taking a firm stand and decisive action, because true evil does not remain dormant for long.

(Source Photo: Aneesh Ans;

May 1, 2022

The Real Unthinkable Option

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Real Unthinkable Option."

Listen, we are forever in a battle of good and evil in this world. We have to rise to the occasion to stand by our faith in G-d and ensure that good prevails. Easier said than done, because of course, fighting to defeat wrongdoing and evil is not only a battle that takes places within our own souls, but with those that have already sold their souls to the devil for money, power, honor, and every worldly gratification. So, the battles and wars ahead are scary indeed, but we have to choose the right side, silence our own inner conflict and turmoil, and put our fears aide.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 3, 2022

There's Got To Be A Morning After

 (Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 31, 2021

What’s Your Kindness

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "What's Your Kindness."

When we are happy, we are able to graciously and generously give to others, and when we give to others, we are able to be happy! All the other pursuits in life such as wealth, ego, good looks, and so on are nothing but vanities (like King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes), and in the end lead to nothing but loss and suffering. However, giving and the happiness and positive spiritual energy it creates endures.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 3, 2021

Washington Monument Tall and Proud

Thought this was a pretty picture of the Washington Monument. 

Marble Obelisk that stands tall and proud against the clear blue sky in the nation's capital

Inspiring and hopeful for the future, if people don't blow the opportunities for collaboration and progress.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 17, 2021

Fiery Star of David

Sharing this beautiful Magen David (Star of David). 

Saw it on Facebook and thought it's really dazzling!

Man, we're on fire  and in a good way--rebirth after the horrors of the Holocaust, redemption to and flourishing of the Promised Land of Israel, and what looks like many more incredible things to come.

Hence, my reading of the three stars: our past, present, and future. 

G-d's plan for the world is happening, and it's hopefully very bright indeed.  ;-)


March 15, 2021

Vibrant Fashion Colors

Wow, what a vibrant fashion display of color at Macy's!

This is bold. 

This is fun.

This is exciting. 

This is alive. 

We're coming from the Covid dead back to the pre-pandemic life!  

Take out your stimulus checks and get ready to spend. 

There is still hope for humankind.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 13, 2021

Beautiful Flowers 4 A Beautiful Day!

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful day!

In this painting, art does a wonderful job imitating life. 

I love the flower pot as well as the flowers. 

Nature, in real and artistic ways, fills us with renewed life.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 10, 2021

What's With This Crazy World?

I don't recognize this world. 

This world has gone to sleep. 

It's not the world of life I used to know. 

Now fear and isolation pervade about. 

Things aren't even what they seem or they seem to be what they aren't. 

Everything is glossed over and black and white are easily substituted. 

There used to be a moral ground and a forward path. 

Now you have to have a stronger faith and inner conviction than ever before. 

To see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope it's the light we all yearn for.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 2, 2021

Covid May Be Over When Pigs Can Fly

Don't be fooled by the Covid vaccines. 

Aside from the very disappointing and dysfunctional rollout so far (less than 3 millions first doses in the time that they promised 20 million), the virus is mutating!

Hence the new yet more contagious Covid virus now going around. 

I wouldn't get my hopes up too high on the results of the vaccine quite yet. 

Hype is the opioid of the masses. 

Like the flu, Covid may be over when pigs can fly.  ;-)

(Credit Photo:  Andy Blumenthal) 


December 24, 2020

The End of Times

I am looking for a good book on the Jewish view of the End of Times.

  • Who fights who?
  • What happens and how does the fighting finally end?
  • Who will live and who will die?
  • Who from the dead will be resurrected?
  • What occurs in practical terms when the Mashiach arrives?
  • What does G-d's revelation to the whole world look and feel like?
  • Where is Israel at each step in unfolding of the redemption?
  • How does the 3rd Temple actually get built?
  • Is world peace not only possible, but also enduring? 
Wow, would love to read a layman's book like this.  

Can anyone recommend anything really good?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 15, 2020

Humming The Hatikvah

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Humming The Hatikvah."

But as I walk in the water, feeling both the softness and purity of the beautiful water as well as the buoyancy and resistance of it, I think to myself that no Jews should not be familiar and know The Israel national anthem. After 2,000 painful years in exile culminating in the concentration camps like Theresienstadt and The Six Million murdered Jews, we all must know that now G-d has kept his promise to our forefathers and returned us to The Holy Land.

Assuredly, we are living in the time of miracles, the redemption, and soon to be the coming of the Mashiach. Now is the time not just to hum The Hatikvah, but to bring every Jew back, including me and my family. It’s almost time to go home, where we will sing and dance, with hearts brimming over with Joy, before our L-rd, and once again go to worship at our holy Temple in Jerusalem. May it be His will! Amen.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 10, 2020

Forever Together: Peace and Security

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Forever Together: Peace and Security."

For Israel, we’re turning the corner towards peace and how wonderful it is, yet even as we do, we must never relax on the safety and security of our people.

Yes, in earnest, we hope for peace, we crave it, and we even sacrifice (sometimes painfully) for it, but also we know that we must safeguard that peace and our lives though the best, most advanced and relentless security, in case that often illusive and miraculously achieved peace at any time fails or falters. Strength, along with undying faith in the Almighty, is the constant and enduring safeguard of the peace that we so yearn for with our every fiber. This is why peace and security must always go hand-in-hand together.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
