I remember as a kid, my grandfather lived down the block from us on the Upper West Side in Manhattan.
He was old and not in the best of health with a heart condition, hearing aids, and more.
One day, he was coming home from the bank, and he went into the elevator in his building.
He was followed by a punk, who after the elevator door closed, proceeded to grab my grandfather and choke him until he was unconscious.
The thug took his wallet and left my grandfather on the floor of the elevator.
Now, today I saw on the news about the Knockout Attack Game--and some "game" this is.
The attacker runs up behind the person unbeknownst and with full force slams their fist against a person head, knocking them unconscious, and when successful, this is done with one punch!
In other cases, an entire gang will attack, punching and kicking a victim until they stop moving.
While I couldn't locate the exact video that happened in a neighborhood in NY to a Jewish woman, this video of an attack on a Muslim girl in London about a year ago, approximates it very closely.
While some victims of these attacks end up with broken jaws, skulls, shattered teeth, internal injuries, bleeding and more, others are not so lucky and end up dead.
I never forgot what happened to my grandfather and the cowardly schmuck that attacked this old, helpless man--but at least, he apparently did it for the money.
In these knockout attacks, when they ask the attackers why they do it, the response is for the fun and laughs.
What a commentary of our society, when people brutally attack other people--not for money, revenge, self-defense, or principle--but simply to see others needlessly suffer and to take a form of intense joy in it.
Perhaps, there are certain crimes for which the L-rd above must look down and mete out his own version of justice, in a way that restores order to this world of hope and despair.