Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrats. Show all posts

April 14, 2019

Ilhan Omar - Laughing At Terrorism Against America

It's time to stop defending this anti-American hate-monger who sits in the esteemed House of Representatives.

Omar's words: 
When I was in college, I took at terrorism class....we learned the ideology...Every time the professor said Al Qaeda, his shoulder went back {in intensity/fear}...We are laughing his name.

Watch her video here mocking Americans about terrorists, Al Qaeda--the same who killed 3,000 people on 9/11.

This is just one of many instances of her extreme callousness, like where she recently said casually about 9/11, "Some people did something"--that something which was a mass murder terror attack on American soil. 

As we contemplate the hate-mongering of Ilhan Omar, we should think about what Luthern pastor, Martin Niemoller once cautioned: 
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
This isn't about left and right, but about hatred, bigotry, and racism at the highest levels, and we need to stand together against it. ;-)

(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

March 9, 2019

A Disgrace On The Democrats

The Democratic Party should be ashamed of themselves. 

They have become the new hate-mongering party!

Progressives no way. 

Their bigotry, racism, and hatred are taking us backwards. 

Their members' attack friends, allies, and patriots of this country. 

And these bigots are worshipped and placed on the cover of Time Magazine. 

To the 3,000 that were killed on 9/11, it is a disgrace. 

To this great nation, it is bringing us down from being a light unto nations to ushering in darkness and prejudice. 

Shame on Pelosi and Schumer and the other democrats who are allowing extremism and hate to dominate their agenda. 

First they hated on Trump 

(Ilahn Omar even hated on Obama!)

Then they hated on Israel and the Jews. 

Who are they coming for next America?  

(Source Graphic: Adapted from Time Magazine By Andy Blumenthal)

March 8, 2019

Democrats and Anti-Semitism

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel, called "From Belgium To The Democratic Party."
There are terrible anti-Semitic events happening in parallel in Europe and right here in America. This past week, Belgian hosted mocking and hateful caricatures of Orthodox Jews in their carnival procession. And right here in Washington, D.C., the Democratic Party made a complete farce of the handling of one of its own, anti-Semites, Rep. Ilhan Omar. Omar continues to vent her hared against Israel even going so far as to denounce its supporters as having "dual loyalty."

It is so disheartening to see the Democratic party reverting back to its ugly days and roots of hate just like during/after the Civil War when they were the party of "opposition to civil and political rights for African Americans."  

The question is how far down this evil path will things go again?  ;-)

February 11, 2019

The New Faces Of Hate

Representative Illhan Omar claims Congressional lawmakers are bribed to support U.S. friend and ally, Israel:
"It's all about the Benjamins baby".

Representative Rashida Tlaib said about congressional representatives supporting Israel in a bill  that would punish companies that participate in Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) to further Israel's destruction. 
"They forget what country they represent."

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated about Israel's defending their sovereign border with Gaza amidst terrorist organization, Hamas-led violent protests, terror attacks, and infiltrations into Israel:
"This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state is absolved of the mass shooting of protesters."
"Silence" around the Palestinian cause "has been a little interesting to me." 

Perhaps, the most concerning thing is where is the Democratic Party leadership in calling out these anti-Semitic hate-mongers in their ranks?

November 10, 2018

Democrats and Democracy

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Democrats and Democracy--Could It Be Again?"
The polarization, opposition, racism, and hatred is despicable and seems to only be getting worse. Two more people came to me today after synagogue to tell me they are “resigning” from the democratic party. We all used to love the Democratic Party and what it stood for, especially as Jews, who know the endless and murderous barbs of discrimination and anti-Semitism. What has happened? What once stood for freedom, respect, and dignity for all has turned upside down and inside out. All I hear now is hate, hate, and more hate.

Whichever political party and leadership can do what's right for the nation and adhere to civil rights, human rights, and doing what's right--that's the one for me. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)