Showing posts with label Jihad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jihad. Show all posts

October 6, 2024

Israel: Time to Go All In

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel: Time to Go All In."

Israel is currently under attack from multiple terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and radical Islamic jihadists. Despite being targeted by various weapons, Israel's military superiority and alliances have helped it defend against most threats. Adversaries resort to terrorism, targeting civilians and using human shields. Israel has eliminated terrorists, destroyed missile sites, and countered threats effectively. Moving forward, options include maintaining the status quo, appeasing terrorists, or applying overwhelming force. Israel faces an existential threat and may need to escalate to de-escalate the conflict. Prayers are for protection, unity, and lasting peace in this challenging situation. Israel may escalate militarily to subdue enemies and create conditions for peace.

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October 4, 2024

Good Will Prevail Over Evil


September 29, 2024

"Useful Idiots" Pro-Hamas/Hezbollah Terrorists


One, Two, Three, Knockout

Please see my new article in the Times of Israel called "One, Two, Three, Knockout."

Israel has achieved a significant milestone by eliminating Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, in a precise airstrike in Beirut. This marks the second phase of Israel’s strategic plan to counter radical Jihadist Iran and its terrorist proxies. Following the defeat of Hamas in Gaza, Israel is now focused on dismantling Hezbollah in Lebanon. The plan includes advancing armored forces to the Litani River to recreate a buffer zone, providing strategic depth and setting the stage for future peace negotiations. Israel aims to maintain control of this zone until a comprehensive peace agreement is reached, similar to the land-for-peace deal with Egypt in 1979. If Lebanon fails to pursue peace, Israel may consider making the demilitarized zone permanent or annexing the territory. The final phase will address the existential threat posed by Iran’s nuclear ambitions, with Israel determined to secure its state from further aggression.

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September 15, 2024

For Israel: An Ode of Hope and Strength

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "For Israel: An Ode of Hope and Strength."

From north to south, from east to west,
Israel stands, facing the test.
Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran's terror might,
Yet in the darkness, shines our light.

With rockets, drones, and missiles’ flight,
We stand strong, we stand to fight.
G-d’s strength within, our hearts ignite,
In this battle of wrong and right.

Falsehoods spread, to cloud the truth,
Hostages taken, tears of youth.
But G-d’s hand guides, through every night,
In this divine, eternal fight.

Global Jihad, Intifada’s call,
Yet we rise, we will not fall.
From tanks to planes, from ships to words,
Our voices soar, our prayers heard.

Few against many, David’s might,
Miracles in the darkest night.
The Mashiach near, redemption’s song,
In Zion’s heart, we all belong.

The war is harsh, the pain is real,
Yet future’s light, we soon will feel.
Blessings, peace, prosperity,
In G-d’s embrace, humanity.

Sacrifice and truth, honor’s way,
Peace will come, a brighter day.
Israel’s light, for all to see,
G-d’s will done, eternally.

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August 4, 2024

Israel Can Prevail Over Iran

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel Can Prevail Over Iran."

Certainly, Iran is a large country and a formidable enemy, and together with its terrorist proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis), have done some significant damage to Israeli society. Therefore, we are all poised on the precipice of escalating confrontation between the two parties.

Given Israel's incredible finesse at undermining and outmaneuvering its Iranian enemies, what is Iran going to do?

Some say that Iran is a crazy "irrational actor" and is bent on destroying Israel no matter what.

But thinking about this strategically, Iran is weaker than it appears and there are at least five reasons that it should restrain itself from any further escalation with Israel.

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July 28, 2024

Why Jews Are Concerned About Kamala Harris

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Why Jews Are Concerned About Kamala Harris".

Kamala Harris presents herself as someone who is evenhanded, but her actions raise a lot of questions that must be answered for the sake of the safety of the Jewish community.

In just the past few months, Harris has chastised Israel for defending itself, disrespected Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, normalized terrorism, and legitimized anti-Semitism.

Trump has voiced surprise at how any Jews could still vote for Kamala in 2024, one who favors pro-Hamas terrorists over their longtime ally and friend, Israel. I can tell you from my conversations with other Jewish people that, while many have been skeptical of the far right, they are becoming more concerned than ever about the radical left.

Note: Personal time, opinion, device, premises.

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July 7, 2024

They Are the Racists


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "They Are the Racists."

This past Independence Day, a disgraceful, vile shadow fell over our celebrations. We witnessed so-called "protests" erupt again in violence, filled with smoke bombs, flag burning, and calls for intifada, "death to America," and violent jihad "by any means necessary." These weren't demonstrations for change; they were hateful displays demanding the overthrow of our nation and its core values.

We are a nation built on inclusion and respect for diverse opinions. But tolerance has its limits. When our communities, campuses, and cities are overrun by those who seek to tear down everything we've built, we must act.

Those who are here illegally or are on visas and cannot live peacefully forfeit the right to remain here. Deportation is a necessary conversation, a way to protect our nation from those who threaten its very core.

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June 30, 2024

Axis of Jihad

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Axis of Jihad."

Deport the terrorists, halt their vile ways,
Before darkness consumes our brightest days.
Iran’s threat looms large, Yemen’s shore cries,
The Axis of Evil seeks its prize.

Russia, China, and Iran—psyops behind it all,
Undermining the West with terror and chaos, oh the gall!
Their geopolitical dance, a cunning ballet,
While the world trembles, caught in their dangerous strategic sway.

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June 23, 2024

Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint."

We've been going on almost 9 months since October 7, and exhaustion is setting in. Many of us are wondering when the war will be won and the hostages will be home so that life can return to normal. However, what many of us aren't seeing is that the terrorists are playing a much longer game. They are willing to endure near-endless suffering and loss of life to achieve the goal of not only a "Palestine" but also a much broader terrorist caliphate. And to that end, they have interwoven a series of intricate false narratives and victimhood.

For us to succeed, we need to dig in our heels and embrace the kind of long-term commitment and unyielding dedication not only to defeating Hamas today but also to the terrorist threat in the long term. Our enemies have a vision of dominion over the West, and we must be committed and united to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to ensure they are completely and utterly defeated and that we are safe and secure forever.

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June 16, 2024

Israel's Allies Must Speak Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Allies Must Speak Out."

It seems like the world has turned on Israel, but they are truly not alone, and good people from around the world stand with Israel despite the actions and rhetoric of the vile extremists that support terrorism.

Israel's allies rely on her to fight terror while they keep a "good face" on relations with the Arab community at large. But quiet support is no longer enough. Those who oppose terror must be bold.

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June 6, 2024

The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization."

In short, radical jihadists are not only using everything from terrorism to the pursuit of nuclear weapons to achieve their goals of domination and a caliphate, but they are also employing a dangerous strategy of subterfuge and subversion of our democratic institutions and society. As long as we continue to focus almost exclusively on threats from China and Russia and attempt to downplay the significant danger of a radical terrorist caliphate, we ignore the "revolution," the ideology of martyrdom, and the pursuit of Jihad that is a threat to freedom and human rights not only to the people in their own countries but to those around the world.

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May 26, 2024

Time to Take the Masks Off

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Time to Take the Masks Off."

People who aren't ashamed of what they are doing do not need to hide themselves. It's when they want to act out like animals and try to get away with it that they want to be incognito!

Good, decent people speak up and advocate for what they believe every day, and they do it openly, honestly, ethically, and lawfully. But those who seek to create anarchy and chaos, violate others' rights, act immorally, and illegally hide their identities like thieves in the night.

Whether it's the KKK looking to lynch their next victim or pro-Hamas terrorist protesters wanting to murder "Zionists," let's ban nationwide the full face covering and allow law enforcement and the Justice Department to do their jobs in holding criminals accountable. We shouldn't have to live afraid of masked men on our streets and campuses who act out with malign intent and impunity.

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May 11, 2024

Campus Protests: Time to Pay the Piper

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Campus Protests: Time to Pay the Paper."

Right now, hate-filled anarchists, Marxists, and radicals are foaming and frothing at the mouth, very sure of themselves, and giving phony press conferences, posting “legal observers,” and surrounding and terrorizing innocent people, while the authorities and law enforcement seem to do little to nothing.

Every one of these bad actors has had their fun and lived out their fantasy of independence and “saving the world” (not!) and now it is time when they will pay the piper for their knowing misdeeds. The parents, institutions, “professors,” and our politicians need to wake up now, restore truth and order, and salvage what is left of the shattered credibility and lives of these unfortunate and misguided souls.
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May 5, 2024

America Is the Target; Israel Is the Front Line

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "America Is the Target; Israel is the Front Line."

This is not about free speech but about a takeover of America. These vile terrorist supporters are using our very Constitution against us as they falsely cry Islamophobia and free speech, all the while impeding, threatening, and committing acts of violence against students, citizens, and an orderly democracy. It is time for Americans to stop being complacent or fooled by their terrorist talking points and rhetoric of hate, racism, and Communist ideology. In the face of this evil, we are finally seeing Patriots emerge, proudly carrying and defending the American flag, singing the Star-Spangled Banner, and boldly chanting USA!

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April 7, 2024

The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine."

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night disturbed by the very real nightmare about the rising anti-Semitism from dangerous Hamas supporters in our midst, this occurring less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, which saw the murder of six million Jews.

Day after day, week after week now, we see the vile Hamas terrorist supporters acting out in public, screaming, cursing, threatening, blocking, harassing, burning flags, pushing, prodding, and violently attacking others (i.e., Zionists and Jews). In any normal situation, the police would be there protecting the innocent, stopping the harassment, and arresting the violent agitators. But these days, what do we see? The police seem to be doing virtually nothing to stop them.

Without any serious consequences from our law enforcement, courts, or politicians, we can expect things to continue to escalate and get more dangerous.

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March 31, 2024

The Occupation Game

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Occupation Game."

Since October 7, it has become almost a daily chorus by Hamas and their supporters around the world condemning Israel for “occupation.” However, if you really examine the facts, it becomes clear that the word occupation is nothing more than propaganda and a tool of radical Islam for hate, intifada, jihad, and terrorism.

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March 20, 2024

If Intifada had a Wine


March 3, 2024

Love Is Not Blind, but Hate Sure Is

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Love is Not Bling, But Hate Sure Is."

What blind love and hate do have in common is an irrational mob mentality that destroys one's ability to think rationally and morally. When you either deprive people of real information and outside perspectives, brainwash them, or create a sense of baseless fear and anger, you can bring out a real destructive side of humanity that borders on the psychotic and sociopathic. Thus, when people get back to their family, friends, and "real life," similar to when Hitler was killed and the Nazis and their propaganda machine were defeated, then perspective and normalcy could return. This is why it's so important to fight the fake news and brainwashing that are so prevalent right now.

In the end, love is not actually blind, but hate most certainly is completely blind, deaf, and utterly dumb.

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February 18, 2024

Israel, You're on the Right Track

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel, You're on the Right Track."

The war of October 7 is truly one of light against darkness in the world. And not only against the evil terrorists but also their hateful, genocidal supporters around the globe who seek "intifada revolution," and our annihilation "by any means necessary." To defeat them, we need the ultimate faith in the Almighty and the determination to fight and win from Gaza to Iran.

Our strength is the combination of our dedication to serving Hashem and our mighty determination for our national and religious freedom in a world all too often of darkness, hate, and despair where rape is portrayed as resistance, where mutilation, murder, and hostage-taking are justified by those who reject peace and coexistence, and where their vile supporters chant their racism and hatred from city centers to cancer hospitals.

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