- They are stealing our intellectual property.
- They are hacking into our systems.
- They are unfairly forcing us to transfer technology to them.
- They aren't opening up their market to us.
OMG stop the complaining already!
If you don't like what they are doing, then do something about it.
Tariffs are a start, but just a small one.
Seriously, if you can't incentivize them to stop the harassment and unfair trade practices by adding them to the World Trade Organization, investing in them, and partnering with them, then you need to actually compete with China.
- They steal our sh*t--you help yourself to a generous serving of theirs.
- They break into our systems--you find your way into their systems.
- They try to unfairly take away our markets and jobs--you take away theirs big time.
Everyone knows that to deal with bully, you must fight back!
The more we are scared into inaction, the worse it gets.
This doesn't mean that we should get into a military exchange with China, but we do need to get into a confrontation over what economic and global partnership should mean and look like.
China is an old and truly great nation and their people should be highly respected.
However, the USA should also be treated right, and if that means it's time for a heart to heart and some evening up of the playing field then that is what has to happen.
We have to restore respect to America, not by becoming bullies ourselves, but by standing up to them when we are being taken advantage of. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)