When the end is good, all is good.
Or as we commonly say:
All's well that end's well.
Lot of truth to this.
And there are so many languages that talk to this.
I remember my father used to say it in German as well.
When things end well, it's as if everything went well. And when things end badly, it's as if everything was bad.
The human mind seems to focus on the last thing (and forgets virtually everything leading up to it).
Perhaps, we justify the means with the end (i.e. all the time and effort leading up to it).
Or maybe we recap our lives as either a success or failure by how things ended up.
In 20/20 hindsight, we can see the consequences of our actions.
- Was all the hard work worth it?
- Did we even focus on the right priorities and goals in life?
- Were the choices and decisions we made well-founded?
- What was the impact on ourselves, our loved ones, and more broadly?
We look for meaning and purpose in our lives, and hopefully in the end when we look back, we are blessed to see that it was all for the good. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)