One nation, the United States, speaking truth about the bias and hate of the UNJust, United Nations against the lone democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
How refreshing to have clarity of foreign policy after 8 years of
- Disastrous and secretive Iranian deals
- Bending over backwards for Radical Islamist terrorism
- Tension and military escalation with Russia, China, and North Korea
- Meltdown in Crimea, Syria, Yemen, Benghazi, and more
- Rise and proliferation of ISIS across the Middle East
- Weakening of the U.S. Military including our nuclear deterrent
- Shameful UN resolution 2334
All of these, which speaks volumes to the Obama years of foreign policy debacles, one on top of another.
While the fake news, New York Times, again published utter nonsense about President Trump needing to clarify his foreign policy when nothing could be further from the truth.
President Trump has made absolutely clear his support for Israel, Japan, UK, and other true friends and allies of America are crystal clear.
The President has also made it clear that he will not tolerate bad behavior towards the United States from rogue terrorist nations like Iran and North Korea.
Further, the President has made clear that he seeks better relations with Russia and at the same time a more robust NATO that can actually contributes to it's defense and has the muscle to show for it.
Finally, we have a doctrine of peace through strength and the implementation that is backing it up.
Anyone wonder why the New York Times isn't following, let alone reporting on the real news?
And how different could this be than the obscurity and chaos of Obama's disappearing red lines all over the globe. ;-)