Showing posts with label Denial of Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denial of Service. Show all posts

February 13, 2018

Cyber Attacks Typology

Saw this acronym to describe the types of cyber threats and thought it was useful.


Spoofing - Falsifying identity to gain systems access

Tampering - Making unauthorized changes to data or systems

Repudiation - Forging identify of actions to data or system to deny responsibility or even blame a 3rd party

Information Disclosure - Stealing (exfiltrating) information and disclosing it to unauthorized individuals

Denial of Service - Depriving legitimate users access to data or systems

Elevation of Privilege - Transforming user account to allow it to exceed legitimate user privileges (e.g. admin account or superuser)

Funny-sad enough, these six types of cyber attacks can cause any information security officer to lose their stride. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal 