Showing posts with label Eating Out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eating Out. Show all posts

June 29, 2022

Falafel and Hummus

Awesome crispy falafel. 


Lots of creamy hummus. 

Pita is on the side.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 22, 2014

No Soup For You!

Remember the "Soup Nazi" in Seinfeld?

After some silly insulting encounter, the Soup Nazi refuses to give Jerry any soup saying in his deep accent, "No soup for you."

Well, when I walked in the local pizza store and saw this sign on the counter, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

It's the real thing...and it says, "Sorry No Soups Tonight."

And it's sort of sloppily written on a guest check and placed in a Coca Cola holder. 

I wasn't too disappointed with the news though, since who gets the soup at a pizza joint anyway?  ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)