"You can't eat the elephant in one bite."
The idea is that you need to break things down in little pieces to get them down.
If you try to eat the elephant in one bite, I assume that your mouth would easily split in half and your face would literally explode.
Similarly with projects, if you try to get to the nirvana end state in one fell swoop , the project explodes with complexity and risk, and you will fail miserably.
Thus, managing requirements and phasing them in chunks is critical to projects' succeeding.
Sure, customers want to get the Promised Land immediately--where the projects have all the "bells and whistles"--but you don't want to sacrifice getting the train on the tracks for the accouterments either.
Think big, but act small--little by little, one step at a time, you can actually eat an elephant. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)