Except of course that there is no such thing!
The same screwdrivers work in both the left and rights hands.
But that's what it is with some people that like to call what they are doing innovation or out-of-the-box thinking.
When really, what's new to them is just regurgitation of "what's old is what's new!"
We can't just work harder, rather we need breakthrough thinking to work smarter.
But how many times do you really see smarter happening versus just a different flavor of the month introduced to score points or mark some victory laps.
Real innovation or transformation means making a new way to screw things together and not just screwing it with a different hand.
Yes, most innovation is really individual small steps that end up in aggregate, making a great leap for mankind.
Occasionally, someone really does invent the smartphone--now that was smart!
Be careful buying that left-handed screwdriver or into that new methodology for accomplishing great things until you know that it really isn't more snake oil sold from someone's bullsh*t soapbox--and that it is from someone with a very big mouth and a very little brain. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)