Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jews. Show all posts

July 26, 2024

Hotbed for AntiSemitism


Jewish man viciously surrounded in DC by Pro Hamas Terrorists. 

So much for the constitution, I guess freedom and rights in America don't apply to Jews any longer! 

Law enforcement does nothing. 

Politicians are sympathetic and approving. 

Bystanders don't care or maybe they are enjoying watching it.


June 16, 2024

Israel's Allies Must Speak Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Allies Must Speak Out."

It seems like the world has turned on Israel, but they are truly not alone, and good people from around the world stand with Israel despite the actions and rhetoric of the vile extremists that support terrorism.

Israel's allies rely on her to fight terror while they keep a "good face" on relations with the Arab community at large. But quiet support is no longer enough. Those who oppose terror must be bold.

(AI generated image via Designer) 


April 23, 2024

Jewish Students and Faculty Must Sue

Please see my new articles in The Times of Israel called "Jewish Students and Faculty Must Sue."

We have all been following the horrific news and video clips coming out of our American universities of blatant antisemitism coupled with intimidation, harassment, barring of access, and violence from Hamas terrorist protesters against Jewish students and faculty under the false guise of blaring calls for Palestinian freedom “from the river to the sea.”

As our enemies gleefully chant, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” and “by any (violent, abhorrent) means necessary,” we must answer with our “one solution” and that is to hold accountable the corrupt and even criminal institutions and leadership that are openly permitting this to occur.

(AI generated image via Designer)


April 21, 2024

By Any Means Necessary

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "By Any Means Necessary."

Modern-day anti-Semitism has taken the form of pro-Hamas supporters on our campuses and in our cities who pretend that they are fighting against colonialism and an occupation of Palestine. They strategically disguise their Jew-hatred by falsely portraying themselves as the victims of oppression. Instead of showing themselves as the vile racists that they are, they attempt to hide as wolves in sheep's clothing. They do this to try and get the world's sympathy and take the mantle of morality and legitimacy through lies and distortion. In so doing, they can call for resistance, intifada, and jihad, and "by any (murderous and abhorrent) means necessary," all the while pretending to be virtuous.

(AI generated image via Designer)


March 6, 2024

Never Again!

(Credit Photo: Dossy Blumenthal)


March 3, 2024

Love Is Not Blind, but Hate Sure Is

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Love is Not Bling, But Hate Sure Is."

What blind love and hate do have in common is an irrational mob mentality that destroys one's ability to think rationally and morally. When you either deprive people of real information and outside perspectives, brainwash them, or create a sense of baseless fear and anger, you can bring out a real destructive side of humanity that borders on the psychotic and sociopathic. Thus, when people get back to their family, friends, and "real life," similar to when Hitler was killed and the Nazis and their propaganda machine were defeated, then perspective and normalcy could return. This is why it's so important to fight the fake news and brainwashing that are so prevalent right now.

In the end, love is not actually blind, but hate most certainly is completely blind, deaf, and utterly dumb.

(AI generated image from Designer)

December 25, 2023

Am Yisrael Chai

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 21, 2023

Some Shabbos Chuckles

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Some Shabbos Chuckles."

People never fail to amaze me in both their potential as well as in their idiosyncrasies. But the last number of weeks have really brought home that while we Jews share many commonalities, there are also quite a few quirky differences, and many of these are worth sharing.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 17, 2022

The Art of Friendship

Please see my article in The Times of Israel called "The Art of Friendship."

My hope and prayer is that this is just a small microcosm of friendship and peace that can spread in all communities, societies, nations, and lands, so that we are no longer black or white, Jew, Muslim, or Christian, or any other divisive label, but rather that we are all children of G-d, and plain and simple, friends.

(Credit Photos: Andy and Dossy Blumenthal)


October 16, 2022

Israel, Warrior Nation

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel, Warrior Nation."

Israel and the Jewish people must maintain absolute resolve to defend our people, to be sovereign in the land of Israel, and to safeguard our faith and worship of the one true G-d. In the end, we can be assured that all the terrorist attacks, intifadas, missiles, and Iranian nukes in the world will be no match what-so-ever for the IDF and the almighty hand of G-d.

(Source Photo:

August 28, 2022

Announcing My First Book: On Judaism and Life

With gratitude to Hashem, I am announcing my first published book, On Judaism and Life

It is available on Amazon in Kindle, paperback, and hardcopy

Book description:
This book is about finding and connecting with G-d. As the prophet Jeremiah states (29:13), "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." This is my personal journey back to G-d and Judaism. It provides my life reflections, dreams, prayers, and hopes to strengthen my faith and trust in G-d by exploring a variety of the precious gems of Judaism and the Torah, reflecting on the diversity and strength of our people and culture, and longing for our nation and beautiful State of Israel and the completion of the final Redemption and bringing of the Mashiach. Please G-d, may it serve as inspiration for your journey as well.
I hope you enjoy!

Interview requests may be directed here.


October 15, 2021

Our World of Fake News

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Our World of Fake News."
Fake news about Israel and the Jews continues to proliferate from many mainstream news sources that have sold out to the devil any credibility, they may have one had. Whether it’s the “Failing New York Times,” “Fake News CNN” or any other of the notorious media sources that are alleged to report biased, tainted news, unfortunately, it seems like a virtual non-stop barrage of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic spewing. It may be overt or more subtle, but there are organizations like Honest Reporting that are tracking and calling out the false news reporting for the lies that they are.
Whether it’s 1984 “Big Brother” telling you what to think and do or the media twisting the truth so that’s unrecognizable anymore, this is dangerous not only to the Jews as scapegoats, but to the souls, freedom and future of our world.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 2, 2021

True Meaning of Torah Observant

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "True Meaning of Torah Observant."

The key is that everyone (Jew and Gentile) has an opportunity to do good or the opposite. We are all G-d’s children, and He loves all of us, and wants us all to learn and grow as human beings with the spirit of G-d breathed into us (Genesis 2:7). The Jews have a special mission to try and live by following the commandments in the Torah, as a good example to others. This is similar to the Kohanim and Leviim who had a special role within the Jewish people as the Temple priests and as the musicians and singers that accompanied them. No one is inherently better than anyone else. We all just have our roles, and we a need to do them the best we can or learn to be better as we go along. Like we start the cycle of reading the Torah again with every Simchat Torah, so too the New Year is an opportunity to “up our game” and another chance to raise the “standard of living” according to G-d’s will.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 30, 2021

A Soul-Stirring Holocaust Memorial

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called A Soul-Stirring Holocaust Memorial.

As we recently completed the Jewish high holidays between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a time of Judgment, and we ask G-d to forgive us, so we are told that we are asked to forgive others. However, can we ever really forgive the magnitude and cruelty of this genocidal crime to the Jewish people? I don’t think that is really humanly possible to forgive the premeditated and scientifically executed, brutal murder of a third of all Jews in the entire world. However, I do thank the artist, Wolfgang Stiller for his sentiments with the Magen David to remember and never forget the Holocaust, and most importantly, to never let it happen again! Finally, my hope is that this artwork memorializing the Holocaust finds a suitable home in perhaps Yad Vashem or other major Holocaust museum or exhibition where people can broadly experience and benefit from the important sentiments conveyed.

(Photo provided by Chic Evolution in Art | Las Olas Blvd)

August 15, 2021

Paradoxically Jewish

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Paradoxically Jewish."

While Israel and the Jews are filled with paradoxes from our forefather Abraham to the modern State of Israel, we are a people who try to wear these paradoxes well. We relish our commonalties even as we are proud of our differences and uniqueness. We argue and fight with each to try to get to “the truth of the matter,” and we negotiate, compromise, threaten and cajole to that sometimes elusive end. Paradox is just another word for our survival against all odds and our determination to overcome the blind hate, anti-Semitism, and scapegoating of Jews throughout history. We Jews are individually broken, but together, we are a beautiful, paradoxical mosaic—a little meshuggah (crazy) and with an unfortunate dose of PTSD, but fundamentally good in intent and deed—working to fulfill our optimism, hope, and mission to usher in the universality of G-d in the world and of betterment for humankind.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 20, 2021

Ben and Jerry's: Racism and Terror

New flavors to go along with Ben and Jerry's new hateful values. 

- Boom Intifada Cookie Core
- Everything But The Jews
- Jihadi Coffee Toffee
- Mintifada Chocolate Cookie
- AntiseMint

Forget Peace and Love; Ben and Jerry's moves to adopt Racism and Terror!  

Boycott Unilever and Ben and Jerry's. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Friend via Facebook)


July 15, 2021

Coexistence Means Everyone

I really liked this car's bumper sticker:


C - C in shape of Crescent Moon and Star represents Islam

O - O with Peace sign and designed for nuclear disarmament

E - E with Male and Female symbols represents Sexual Equality

X - X designated by Star of David represents Judaism

I - I with Five Pointed Star at top represents Pagans and Wicans

S - S with Ying and Yang represents Taoists

T - T in shape of Cross represents Christianity.

Now how do we get people to actually live this way: respecting each other and living harmoniously together?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 30, 2019

Jews, The People of Thanksgiving

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Jews, The People of Thanksgiving."
This week was Thanksgiving (חג ההודיה), but for Jews we are already called, "The People of Thanksgiving. "We are named יהודים (Yehudim) after יהודה (Yehudah), the son of Isaac and Leah because Leah said (Genesis 29:35): "הפעם אודה את יהיה." ("This time let me thank G-d"). Also as Jews, we are not just called the People of  Thanksgiving, but we are actively supposed to say 100 blessings a day thanking G-d, so in the true sense of the word, everyday is Thanksgiving Day for the Jewish people.

Jews are the People of Thanksgiving not only on Thanksgiving, but every day of the year. We are thankful for being the chosen people and for our redemption and return to the Promised Land of Israel; we are thankful for the life and opportunities that G-d has given to us; we are thankful in good times and G-d forbid, in the bad times; and we are thankful because, yes, ultimately everything from G-d is for the good.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 9, 2019

Making The Impossible, Possible

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Making The Impossible, Possible."

Even though the Jewish people are a tiny minority in the world, through our faith, determination, and the help of G-d, we are able to survive against all odds, contribute to the world far beyond our mere numbers, and succeed in truly incredible ways. From Einstein, Freud, and Marx to Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Ellison, we are a people that punches way above our weight.

I believe the lessons of faith and determination is one that we can all take away from the tests of our forefathers in the Bible to the flourishing modern State of Israel and to how we live our own lives today. G-d tests all of us, and if we go forward and answer His calling with a full heart and perseverance, G-d will help us to succeed above our wildest of dreams and even beyond the very laws of nature.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 9, 2019

A Disgrace On The Democrats

The Democratic Party should be ashamed of themselves. 

They have become the new hate-mongering party!

Progressives no way. 

Their bigotry, racism, and hatred are taking us backwards. 

Their members' attack friends, allies, and patriots of this country. 

And these bigots are worshipped and placed on the cover of Time Magazine. 

To the 3,000 that were killed on 9/11, it is a disgrace. 

To this great nation, it is bringing us down from being a light unto nations to ushering in darkness and prejudice. 

Shame on Pelosi and Schumer and the other democrats who are allowing extremism and hate to dominate their agenda. 

First they hated on Trump 

(Ilahn Omar even hated on Obama!)

Then they hated on Israel and the Jews. 

Who are they coming for next America?  

(Source Graphic: Adapted from Time Magazine By Andy Blumenthal)