They are a perfect couple.
Look like brother and sister.
In the dark, with a flashlight on their faces, I think I'd take some fright.
And the pitchfork would give me a sharp little pause as well. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
They are a perfect couple.
Look like brother and sister.
In the dark, with a flashlight on their faces, I think I'd take some fright.
And the pitchfork would give me a sharp little pause as well. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Farmer Folk
Square Watermelons
"In celebrating Sukkot, we compare Adam and Adamah. Just like a man is dependent on seeding his teachings and good deeds which then leads to reaping his personal life harvest, so too the earth is dependent on seeding and watering which leads to harvesting its produce."Hope you enjoy and Chag Sameach. ;-)
Reaping What You Sow: Adam and Adamah
Teats or Not
Military-Style ATV For Pleasure Or Kicking Butt