Wow, I heard a powerful story from a colleague that I wanted to share.
The colleague's father was a industrial psychologist and he would go into some relatively big organizations to improve the functioning and culture.
One of the things that he would do is get the CEO and the janitor in the same room together.
And he would say:
"Both of you have vital jobs in the organization and you need to appreciate each other!"
At this point, the CEO and the janitor would be looking around the room super quizzically.
And the psychologist would to the janitor and say:
"The CEO's job is critical, because without the CEO, we wouldn't have the leadership and vision for the organization to be successful, and you wouldn't have a job and salary.
Then he'd turn to the CEO and explain:
The Janitor's job is critical, because without the janitor, we wouldn't have a clean and functioning building and facilities for everyone to do their jobs and be successful, and you wouldn't be able to come to work ever day."
It's really amazing that despite all the fancy titles, corners offices, and rich compensation packages for some, really everyone in the organization is vital in their own way!
We need to remember that when we deal with others that they are human beings--in the image of G-d--and we need to treat all with the utmost dignity and respect for both who they are and what they contribute. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

The CEO and The Janitor