March 14, 2024
January 5, 2023
Big Swimming Smile
Nose is the swim board.
Mouth is the swim noodle.
That's a really great big swim smile!
(Credit Photo: Rebecca)
Big Swimming Smile
November 25, 2022
Hippo Head Water Fountain
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Hippo Head Water Fountain
August 16, 2022
Pretty Brilliant Accessibility
Stairs and ramp in one.
Love thinking of those with disabilities as part of what we do! ;-)
(Source Photo: Facebook)
Pretty Brilliant Accessibility
June 23, 2022
Nalgene Bottle Lights
What a colorful display.
Creates a little mood lighting for that cool shopping experience.
And inside is a water bottle for every adventure.
Simply unscrew the bottle to change the light bulb. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Nalgene Bottle Lights
October 27, 2021
Metaverse Arriving Soon
Follow me and let's hang out, play video games, have a meeting, or do a little shopping.
It's a world within our world and nothing is beyond your imagination! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Metaverse Arriving Soon
September 15, 2021
Virtual Car Driving Into Garage
Go ahead, drive it on down.
Good luck finding a spot.
Take a ticket and stop to pay at the machine before you head out.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Virtual Car Driving Into Garage
August 20, 2021
Invasion USA
This dragon is swooping over the side of this building.
It's not Hollywood, but downtown Santa Fe.
Shoot it with your laser blaster!
Or else he'll gobble you up and spit out your broken bones. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Invasion USA
July 27, 2021
Wise Old Tree
All it takes is a well-placed eyes, nose, and mouth.
Trees are people too. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Rebecca)
Wise Old Tree
July 21, 2021
Flowers On Perfume
I'd buy this just for the bottle; who cares what the perfume smells like.
Seriously, this is some genius creative design!
Beautifully done! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Flowers On Perfume
January 26, 2021
Flintstones Car(-Like)
Why do all the mechanic shops seem to have a car, like in this photo, lying around.
Sort of reminds me of The Flintstones Car (from the TV Show originally aired in 60s).
No motor or anything; you would just stick your feet out the bottom and you would run while in the car.
Stone Age answer to the need for an automobile.
Hey whatever works and no need to recreate the wheel either. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Flintstones Car(-Like)
February 28, 2020
Baby Shower Centerpiece
All those rolled up and tiered diapers and baby toys.
Creative and fun-looking and the couple having the baby gets to keep all the goodies and put them to good use hopefully.
Nice to celebrate even with smelly diapers to be. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Baby Shower Centerpiece
February 19, 2020
Creative Clock With Cars
Instead of just giving you the time (here it is 20:52 or 8:52 pm), the numbers are made up of 3-7 little cars.
When a number changes, cars either drive on or off to form the new ones.
(The "whole" clock is greater than the sum of its cars, which are the "parts".)
And then some of the drivers actually get out of the car to schmooze or maybe clean their car.
Very creative and it makes you think.
That's a good thing. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Creative Clock With Cars
November 11, 2019
Artechouse = Art + Tech + House
This place was really cool in Washington, D.C.
Artechouse = Art + Tech + House.
Great immersive technology, art, music, dance, and light show.
Highly recommend it!
This exhibit "Lucid Motion" was by Japanese artist Daito Manabe X Rhizomatiks Research.
They also had a nice augmented reality display.
Had fun with the clan.
Hope you enjoy!
(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)
Artechouse = Art + Tech + House
July 12, 2019
Awesome Teapots@Renwick Gallery
The last one is called Jacob's Ladder! ;-)
(Credit Photos: Andy Blumenthal and Itzchak Ochayon)
Awesome Teapots@Renwick Gallery
April 18, 2019
This Is What You Smell
"This Is What You Smell!"
Hot cinnamon pecans or almonds.
Wow, did that smell nice.
I got a tiny bag of the pecans, and when I opened it, the smell and taste that hot cinnamon really took over.
Were there other smells present as well?
Probably, but I chose to focus on the cinnamon nuts.
The other smells will have to wait for their special sign and appropriate attention to deal with it. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
This Is What You Smell
March 21, 2019
Cool Clock in Amsterdam
Check out how the time changes in Amsterdam.
I guess automation hasn't put everyone out of a job yet. ;-)
(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)
Cool Clock in Amsterdam
January 10, 2019
Hyundai's Great All-Terrain Concept Car
Very impressed with the Hyundai concept "Walking Car."
It can drive, walk, and climb.
I heard that this thing can even climb over walls and jump over gaps!
(Ah, I'm not going to say anything about border security with this--let's just hope the bad guys don't get this).
This is the closest that we've come to Hollywood's Transformers.
This is much more than a vehicle for search and rescue--this is ALL-TERRAIN!
Great job Hyundai--I'd love to test drive this beauty! ;-)
Hyundai's Great All-Terrain Concept Car
December 24, 2018
February 22, 2018
Not Every Problem Requires A High-Tech Solution
Yes, it's a "Smart" car.
But more important is this guy parked his car in a very smart way.
The spot was too small even for this micro urban car.
So he just parked it sideways--and poof it fits.
Also, look how easy it is for him to drive out of the spot when he's ready.
Now, I'm not one to say whether this is legal or not (his rear wheels are on the sidewalk, of course).
Still there is something refreshing about this solution.
Nothing high-tech about it -- he didn't need to move the cars further apart or shrink his own vehicle, rather just think out of the box.
Frankly, it works, and I think this guy deserves the parking spot--so right on dude! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Not Every Problem Requires A High-Tech Solution