August 31, 2021

Fox Tails Rainbow

Wow, check out these colorful real fox tails. 

Ok, they're colored but still from fox. 

I asked the lady where the rest of the foxes where.

She pointed to the face masks in the tray (again real skinned faces from the foxes). 

Then she pointed me to the inside of the store, and said the rest of the foxes are in there.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 30, 2021

Cane Giraffe

Great Cane I saw with the head of a giraffe.

Cane is perfect as the long neck. 

This was awesome if you need the assistance and a smile. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 29, 2021

@Renaissance Festival 2021

(Credit Videos: Andy Blumenthal)


Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle."
It’s not always the largest, strongest, fastest, and best financed that wins. Like with the story of David and Goliath or even one of my modern-day heroes, Rocky, the determination of the little guy can overcome the biggest and the best of them. The Taliban were patient and over twenty years continued to wage their struggle against us, but more than that they knew that our patience was limited and that eventually we would leave, and they took the long view and planned for the overthrow of the government and the return of their rule after we were gone. They waited us out and that can be an incredibly successful strategy!
Israel is the Jewish homeland and the Biblical Promised Land from G-d. What the Palestinians haven’t understood in all these years, since the State’s founding in 1948, is that no matter how long they try to wait us out, we have more determination than they have patience! The Jewish people will never give up our historical and legitimate rights to be a sovereign nation in our land, Israel. In the end, the Palestinians may be very patient, but we are the ones who are utterly determined: whether Ashkenazi or Mizrachi, Labor or Likud, Tel Avivian or Jerusalemite, one thing that we all fundamentally agree on is our sheer and utter determination as the Jewish people to survive and be a free nation in our land.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)


August 27, 2021

Cycle of Life - From Birth to Death

This wins photo of the week in my mind.

Amazing representation of the cycle of life. 

How we start and how we finish.

Everything in the universe (G-d) is one!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: via Facebook)


August 26, 2021

Anti-Dentite, Like Pulling Teeth

This is a hilarious statue of dentist using a pliers to pull out someone's teeth. 

Notice the dentist has his foot up to get some leverage to pull out the teeth, yikes!

I guess this is how things were in the "olden days."

No Anesthesia either! 

I'm sure in a hundred years from now, they'll look at our state of healthcare and laugh too. 

Progress is a great thing! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 25, 2021

Israel and Our Forefathers


Wow, a friend sent this to me from FaceBook.

It shows that the Hebrew word for Israel is actually made up of the first letters of all the names of our forefathers and mothers:

Isaac - יצחק

Jacob - יעקב

Sarah - שרה

Rebecca - רבקה

Rachel - רחל

Abraham - אברהם

Leah - לאה

Like the Bible says, we are truly the "children of Israel" (ישראל)!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: RavDror via Facebook)


August 24, 2021

Awesome Designer Jeans

Love these jeans by Philipp Plein.

I eagle, lion, and pseudo military patches. 

The paint: red, white, blue, and yellow. 

Standout Pants, probably great with a leather bomber jacket.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 23, 2021

Giraffe Lady

This lady is just closing her eyes and taking it easy.

She's got the makeup, nice hat and jewelry and is relaxing with her back to the mirror. 

Life is good! 

On second thought, why the heck is a neck as long as a giraffe?

What is this another version of Pinocchio or something!  

Wake up lady, you've got problems to deal with here. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 22, 2021

G-d Doesn't Ask Us

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "G-d Doesn't Ask Us."

Truly, in whatever situations we find ourselves in life, and the pain and suffering that we may have to endure, we really don’t have a choice of our circumstance, but only in how we choose to respond to it. In life, G-d puts us right where he wants us and in situations that are personalized and best for us, whether it feels that way at the moment or not. G-d tries us, and we have to respond with the “right” thoughts, words, and deeds—always remaining a mensch and choosing holiness and righteousness, no matter how difficult it may be. That’s our ultimate challenge, to find holiness even in the depths of despair.
Everyone is confronted with levels of pain and suffering, as I heard said that: “there aren’t enough people for all the pain in the world!” The challenge is to resist hopelessness and the loss of one’s integrity, and nevertheless to choose to do good. As we approach Rosh Hashanah, we have the opportunity to do teshuva and to try to influence G-d’s decree for us for the new year, but in the end, G-d is the ultimate Judge. He doesn’t ask us; He tells us what will be for us. Of course, we have the opportunity to answer G-d’s call to us and the responsibility to choose righteousness even in a distressed world and in trying times. In essence, the underlying test of it all is not only to survive the challenges we must face, but also to emerge from them as better people with purified souls.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 20, 2021

Invasion USA

There's an invasion going on here. 

This dragon is swooping over the side of this building. 

It's not Hollywood, but downtown Santa Fe. 

Shoot it with your laser blaster!

Or else he'll gobble you up and spit out your broken bones. ;-) 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 19, 2021

Beautiful Building Architecture

Such beautiful pillars on this building in Miami.

Colorful, vibrant, energetic!

Wow, I think I'd like to see a whole building like just like this. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 18, 2021

Y'All Crazy

This guy's shirt says it all. 

Y'All Crazy!

The longer I'm around and see the world "in action," the more convinced I am that it's true enough!

Sorry world, I wish it wasn't so.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 17, 2021

Disastrous Politics

This Afghan withdrawal and the Taliban overrunning the country is a complete fiasco. 

- 20 years of blood and treasure: $2,000,000,000,000, and 2,500 lost US military personal and G-d knows how many casualties (oh, about another 20,000)!

Now complete and utter chaos, and a turnover to terrorism.

Reminiscent of Iran's overthrow of the Shah and the U.S. hostage crisis for 444 days and when we lost Vietnam and the helicopters frantically evacuating US embassy personnel from the rooftop. 

BTW, what happened to our "Red Lines" on chemical weapons in Syria?

Where are our inherent values and the dependability of who we are and what we stand for?

Now we are once again emboldening Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia. 

Moreover, US Admiral says China is within 6 years of potentially taking Taiwan (guess where most of the computer chips are made and we already have a shortage)!!!

On top of this we have the Delta variant of Covid (and fears of worse coming) for this 1.5 year long pandemic with the CDC mask on again/off again non-sensical guidance. 

Then we have a $1,200,000,000,000 infrastructure bill and a $3,500,000,000,000 social welfare bill in the works to put on top of the US already almost $29,000,000,0000,000 national debt

Any ideas what that will do to the value of the US currency in the world and inflation rearing its ugly head.

I am starting to see a run on food and home stables in the stores again with items sold out.

Consumer confidence is shaking and the stock market is teetering off at a very high precipice. 

Oh, don't forget the border crisis which is getting out of control again. 

What the F*** is going on here?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 16, 2021

Claw Tub on Pedestal

Nice claw-footed tub on pink and black/white mosaic pedestal. 

Why is it filled with pillows?

Maybe it makes it more luxurious to bath in. 

Only problem is there's no room for the person.

Reminds me of a funny poster from when I was a kid:

Save water.  Bath with a friend!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 15, 2021

Paradoxically Jewish

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Paradoxically Jewish."

While Israel and the Jews are filled with paradoxes from our forefather Abraham to the modern State of Israel, we are a people who try to wear these paradoxes well. We relish our commonalties even as we are proud of our differences and uniqueness. We argue and fight with each to try to get to “the truth of the matter,” and we negotiate, compromise, threaten and cajole to that sometimes elusive end. Paradox is just another word for our survival against all odds and our determination to overcome the blind hate, anti-Semitism, and scapegoating of Jews throughout history. We Jews are individually broken, but together, we are a beautiful, paradoxical mosaic—a little meshuggah (crazy) and with an unfortunate dose of PTSD, but fundamentally good in intent and deed—working to fulfill our optimism, hope, and mission to usher in the universality of G-d in the world and of betterment for humankind.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 13, 2021

Shabbat Shalom Flower Painting

Wow, what a week! 

So glad for Shabbat tonight. 

Rest, relax, refresh, rejuvenate - soul, mind, and body. 

It's what we work all week long for!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 11, 2021

50 Kilos of Weed


So marijuana is big business!

Not just street corner, back alley, and black market, but also:

- Medicinal

- Recreational

If you just take the crime out of it, perhaps more people can get a little relaxed. 

I've never tried it (seriously!), but I would imagine that perhaps there would be less anxiety, less discontent, less bickering, and less aggression.

What's the argument against legalization?

Sure, there's got to be some responsibility and self-control or else you end up hurting yourself by being a glutton and overdoing it. 

But otherwise, here's 50 kilos just hanging around for the taking.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 10, 2021

Who Let the Dogs Out

No idea what made me think of the song for this:

Who Let The Dogs Out, Who Who

Even the dogs party hearty!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 9, 2021

Nice Log Sitting Area

Thought this was a nice log sitting area. 

So simple with the wooden block stands

And the split log benches. 

Lined up perfectly for a presentation or outdoor movie showing.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 8, 2021

@Great Falls 2021


No Talking To A Terrorist

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "No Talking To A Terrorist."

The fact of the matter is that when a terrorist who hates you and wants to kill you talks, they are telling you that homicidal action is soon forthcoming. It starts with words of disdain, loathing, threats, and hostility, but make no mistake, that those words end in terror and death. Terrorists, like the radical Iranian mullahs are not someone you can sit down with for tea, have a nice conversation, and work out a meaningful or binding diplomatic agreement. Unfortunately, the only thing that a murderous, racist terrorist understands is a punch in the nose! Accordingly, no amount of talking with Iran is going to lead to them ceasing their pursuit of weapons of mass destruction to use against the Jewish State and the United States. In their own very distorted “religious” minds, the irrational Iranian mullahs hate us and want us dead, period. To them, we are the scorned infidels, and they are the holy jihadists on a mission of murder. As much as we want peace with all our neighbors, in this case, a military response is not only necessary, but required.
The Jewish people have learned very well the hard and painful lessons from tyrannical madmen who have sought to destroy us over the centuries. The Holocaust is seared into our present-day consciousness like the tattooed numbers were into their victim’s flesh. We have learned to never let our guard down, to expect the unexpected, and to fight like hell when we have to. I am confident that with G-d’s help, Israel and the United States will not wait until it’s too late or stand by for a genocide to happen again! What Iran “says,” it means, but what Israel “does,” it expertly succeeds at.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 6, 2021

Sign Of The Times

Everything is starting to close back up and require masks again due to the spreading Covid "Delta Variant."

So much for having the masks off for a couple of weeks, which was at least a taste of fresh air and freedom. 

But backwards we go...

A sign of the times in Covid is to park your bicycle in front of the couch, so no one can actually sit down on it and spreads any germs. 

Any bets on what happens from here with all the variants and how this is gonna impact our daily lives for time to come? 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 5, 2021

Being A Gentleman


Wow, what a cool book by Brooks Brothers:

How To Be A Gentleman

Now sure how many people even think in those nostalgic terms of ladies and gentlemen anymore, but it seems like it would have some good tips.

Dress (speak and act) for success!

I'm not sure about all the prim and proper stuff, but being a mensch is certainly key to it all.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 4, 2021

Manifest Peacock

For those following the show Manifest, the peacock is a symbol frequently seen the callings by the resurrected passengers from flight 828.

Certainly, the peacock is a most amazing and beautiful of birds. 

But does anyone know what the peacock actually represents in the show?

Maybe we'll find out in Season 4, along with what does Noah's ark have to do with any of it.  

A strange show with constantly more questions than answers.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 3, 2021

You Got To Make It!

I liked this sticky note over this nice ladies desk:

You do not find the happy life.

You make it!

Too many people seem to wait for miracles, like manna from Heaven to give them what they need or want. 

They don't realize that G-d has gifts us what we need (including strength and determination) to work towards these things ourselves. 

We are not the Israelites stuck in the barren desert for 40 years that we need it to rain manna. 

Of course, it's nice every once in a while when a miracle shows up and we are given an extra hand (or maybe even a full arm). 

But day-to-day, we have to at least try to be self-reliant--as well as work with others--to work towards our goals and fulfill our missions in life. 

You got to make it happen if you want it bad enough.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 2, 2021

Tie Dye Crocs

Thought these Tie Dye Crocs (center) were standout!

The swirl pattern and rainbow colors is pretty awesome. 

Footwear design that lights up your life!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 1, 2021

Peace In The Home, Always

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Peace In The Home, Always."

If the husband and wife—with Hashem’s help as the third partner—create a peaceful, loving, caring, and harmonious home then they can have the likes of Shabbat all week long.
I realized why we say the blessing for the food before we eat and bless G-d for the land after we eat: before we eat, we don’t know how it will taste or whether it will sit well with us in our stomachs, but we imagine when we are hungry that all the good-looking food and drink will be great and so we bless G-d based on the perception of the coming food. However, after we eat, we make the blessing for the source of the food (the land, the food chain, and over wives for preparing it) for the sake of Shalom Bayit, because whether the meal was so good or not so good, we say thanks to Hashem and to our wives, because that contributes to Shabbat and peace in the home, always!

(Source Photo: Pixabay)