Showing posts with label Determination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Determination. Show all posts

June 23, 2024

Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel Victory: A Marathon, Not a Sprint."

We've been going on almost 9 months since October 7, and exhaustion is setting in. Many of us are wondering when the war will be won and the hostages will be home so that life can return to normal. However, what many of us aren't seeing is that the terrorists are playing a much longer game. They are willing to endure near-endless suffering and loss of life to achieve the goal of not only a "Palestine" but also a much broader terrorist caliphate. And to that end, they have interwoven a series of intricate false narratives and victimhood.

For us to succeed, we need to dig in our heels and embrace the kind of long-term commitment and unyielding dedication not only to defeating Hamas today but also to the terrorist threat in the long term. Our enemies have a vision of dominion over the West, and we must be committed and united to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to ensure they are completely and utterly defeated and that we are safe and secure forever.

(AI generated image via Designer)


October 29, 2023

Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas."

As always, Israel is facing long odds, attacked not only by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and terrorists in the West Bank but also potentially by the combined arms of hostile Arab nations such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, of course, the arch-terrorist Iran, which is seeking nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel. Despite all of this, and while we are still only at the beginning of this latest battle with evil, it is clear that once Israel overcame the initial shock and horror of the Hamas attack, the response from Israel has been nothing short of brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed.

Without a doubt, this will be a long and difficult war, and it is far from won. There are so many families grieving for those who have been lost, and hopefully, there will be no more. Moreover, the hostages are suffering and must be brought quickly home. No matter how precise our planning and how good our execution are, ultimately, we must pray to Hashem to help us overcome our enemies and suffering, grant us a complete victory, and speedily bring us peace.
(Credit Photo: Anastasia Petrova via


July 13, 2022

David Slays Goliath

This video clip is totally awesome:

David standing up to and killing Goliath. 

Faith over fear. 

With G-d, anything is possible!  ;-)


May 30, 2022

1,000 Days of Duolingo

Wow, thank you Hashem!

1,000 days trying to learn Hebrew. 

I still have such a long way to go. 

But as they say, it's the journey.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 13, 2021

“Rock and Roll” With Chabad


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Rock and Roll With Chabad."

People are often blocked from moving forward by uncertainty, indecision, insecurity, self-doubt, hesitancy, worry, and fear, yet one man, such as Jacob, can stand up and move that big rock off the well if he just sets his mind to it and tries!
The bottom line is that when people say it can’t be done or to wait because it will take an entire village of shepherds to simply move the rock from the well, instead we can see that even one determined person can “rock and roll,” make a difference, and start to make something special and meaningful happen.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 10, 2021

The Amazing Turtle

Love Turtles. 

Peaceful and protected. 

They live in water and land. 

Not the fastest, but the most determined.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 29, 2021

Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israeli Determination and the Afghanistan Debacle."
It’s not always the largest, strongest, fastest, and best financed that wins. Like with the story of David and Goliath or even one of my modern-day heroes, Rocky, the determination of the little guy can overcome the biggest and the best of them. The Taliban were patient and over twenty years continued to wage their struggle against us, but more than that they knew that our patience was limited and that eventually we would leave, and they took the long view and planned for the overthrow of the government and the return of their rule after we were gone. They waited us out and that can be an incredibly successful strategy!
Israel is the Jewish homeland and the Biblical Promised Land from G-d. What the Palestinians haven’t understood in all these years, since the State’s founding in 1948, is that no matter how long they try to wait us out, we have more determination than they have patience! The Jewish people will never give up our historical and legitimate rights to be a sovereign nation in our land, Israel. In the end, the Palestinians may be very patient, but we are the ones who are utterly determined: whether Ashkenazi or Mizrachi, Labor or Likud, Tel Avivian or Jerusalemite, one thing that we all fundamentally agree on is our sheer and utter determination as the Jewish people to survive and be a free nation in our land.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)


August 3, 2021

You Got To Make It!

I liked this sticky note over this nice ladies desk:

You do not find the happy life.

You make it!

Too many people seem to wait for miracles, like manna from Heaven to give them what they need or want. 

They don't realize that G-d has gifts us what we need (including strength and determination) to work towards these things ourselves. 

We are not the Israelites stuck in the barren desert for 40 years that we need it to rain manna. 

Of course, it's nice every once in a while when a miracle shows up and we are given an extra hand (or maybe even a full arm). 

But day-to-day, we have to at least try to be self-reliant--as well as work with others--to work towards our goals and fulfill our missions in life. 

You got to make it happen if you want it bad enough.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 29, 2021

Light It Up!

I thought this was a great message on self-reliance.

As they say, take the bull by the horns. 

Stop waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, and light it up yourself. 

You have to do you part and G-d will do His! 

(Source Photo: A Friend)


May 15, 2021

Israel's Last Stand

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Last Stand."
It is the mere fact of our Jewish existence that irks our Anti-Semitic, terrorist enemies. This is why the world does not care, and may actually even cheer while Palestinian terror rockets fly overhead, hundreds at a time, into major population centers in Israel. From 5-year old, Ido Avigal, killed by shrapnel in Sderot to an 87-year old woman killed near Ashdod while running from rocket fire, nowhere seems safe, including in cars, homes, walking down the street, and even "safe rooms."
Like it or not, every rocket, every suicide bomber, every attacker will be met and defeated—from north to south and east to west—because the Jewish people will not be driven out; this is our last stand and we will survive.

(Source Photo: Pixabay)

May 5, 2021

From Point A To Point A+

I loved this lesson in endurance from Naji Ali in the Wall Street Journal today. 

Take it stroke by stroke.

Don't worry about getting all the way from point A to Z. 

Instead just focus on getting from point A to point A+.

Just take the first stroke and then another and another. 

Like one foot in front of the other. 

See how far you've come!

You're on the way to point Z but you don't have to drink the ocean in one gulp to get there. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 2, 2021

Climbing Up, Falling Down

Thought this was insightful.
All paths up are different.

All paths down are the same. 

Climbing up is challenges and we all have to find our determination, strength, and skill to make it up rung after rung on the ladder of life.

Falling down is when the sh*t hits the fan and the walls come crumbling down and we freefall into the abyss.

The key as we usually learn early in life when we take our first falls is to quickly get back up (on the horse). 

Life is never just smooth sailing.

It's not meant to be. 

You wouldn't learn or grow if it was. 

Be prepared for the occasional fall from grace, and get your tushy back in the saddle and ride again.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 26, 2021

It’s Never About Luck

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "It’s Never About Luck."

Today is Purim, when we celebrate the Jewish victory over the evil Haman and his conspiracy to annihilate the Jews in the Persian Empire. Haman drew a lottery to determine what he thought was a fortuitous day, the 13th of Adar, to murder the Jewish people and pursued this plot through a decree by King Achashverosh. But as we know, G-d made miracles through Queen Esther and her uncle Mordechai, and Haman and his ten sons ended hanging by the noose that he built for Mordechai. 

This has been my personal experience as well, as I can see both now and in 20/20 hindsight that there is a definite Divine method and not just a world of random chance and madness.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 1, 2020

Parachute Running

This is a cool new hot activity.

Sprinting with a parachute on for added resistance.

Add in the hot, humid, summer sun burning down.

And you have yourself a decent exercise routine going on.

Hurry up and slow down. 

You run yes, but the parachute says no.

Go! go!! go!!!

You're almost over the finish line. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 8, 2020

Holding Back The Tide

These rocks are holding their own against the tide. 

They are also standing the test of time. 

We all need to push back against the tide when wrong is pushing forward. 

Whether its corruption or violence.

Be like a rock!

Choose good over evil in every situation.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 2, 2020

You've Got To Do It

Interesting message on this car window:
Imagine all the wonderful things that will never happen if you do not do them.

You've got to get up and get out there and try. 

Never say never. 

Success is within reach. 

Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

April 4, 2020

From Hate To Love

Just a self-reflection today...

Important to me. 

It's about who I thought I was and...

Who I became. 

Truly, I went full circle from a child's hate to an adult's love relationship with:

- Reading

- Writing

- Swimming

- Hebrew

As a kid, I tried to avoid these like the plague, and as an adult I like to practice these every single day of my life. 

I wonder to myself is it that I strove to become good (or decent) at what I have previously been bad at or was somehow afraid of. 

Yet now, they are integral to my life, learning, and growth. 

Like the hands of a clock that circle and tick the hours and minutes. 

My life takes me full circle and brings me home to who I am and what I really love spending time at. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 27, 2020

You Can Overcome It!

I like this runner's shirt a lot. 

It says:
Courage is endurance for one moment more.

Just when you feel that you cannot go on for another moment.

Just when you are at your very limit.

Just when you've reached your total breaking point. 


You take that deep breath and focus your mind intently. 

You disassociate yourself from the pain and struggle. 

You see the challenge in front of you for what it really is and you raise yourself above and beyond it.

Your inner spirit is so much greater than its power over you. 

You have the inner faith and can endure whatever it is. 

You can overcome it! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019: Inspirational Story

(Credit Video: Dannielle Blumenthal of Andy Blumenthal)

November 25, 2019

Surfing USA Beach

Even when you fall down, you should always rise up again!

(Credit Videos: Andy Blumenthal)