Worthless Corrupt UN Aligned with Terrorism
Showing posts with label Bad People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bad People. Show all posts
October 3, 2024
August 5, 2022
Get The Pest(s) Out Of Life
This seems like some good advice

Probably should say "pests" (plural)!
No wonder the people are happy to work there, they're pest free. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Get The Pest(s) Out Of Life
July 16, 2022
7 Rules of Life
Bad People,
Let Go,
Time Heals
August 15, 2020
Holes In The Eyes
IDK who this bust is, and I don't care.
What I do know is that there are some people (not all) in this world who are very bad people that are blind to truth and good.
They see themselves not only first and foremost but only themselves--they are truly selfish pr*cks!
Next, they see their buddies from the "old boy's network" where one dirty hand washes the other even dirtier hand.
They see everyone else as pawns to get what they want--power, money, prestige--and in turn others are for their abuse and as a punching bag.
People born and bred on immediate and self-gratification at the expense of doing what's right.
Power used to intimidate, to harass, to bully, to step on, to shame, and to kick to the gutter.
To them it's just what it takes "to make it" in this world. And for them they don't consider what they are giving up in the world to come.
It's an ancient war of good over evil where bad people seem very strong indeed.
But where we can't cower from a fight for what we know in the end is right.
Where did their eyes go? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

What I do know is that there are some people (not all) in this world who are very bad people that are blind to truth and good.
They see themselves not only first and foremost but only themselves--they are truly selfish pr*cks!
Next, they see their buddies from the "old boy's network" where one dirty hand washes the other even dirtier hand.
They see everyone else as pawns to get what they want--power, money, prestige--and in turn others are for their abuse and as a punching bag.
People born and bred on immediate and self-gratification at the expense of doing what's right.
Power used to intimidate, to harass, to bully, to step on, to shame, and to kick to the gutter.
To them it's just what it takes "to make it" in this world. And for them they don't consider what they are giving up in the world to come.
It's an ancient war of good over evil where bad people seem very strong indeed.
But where we can't cower from a fight for what we know in the end is right.
Where did their eyes go? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Holes In The Eyes
Bad People,
Good Over Evil,
Old Boy's Network,
Step On,
November 21, 2019
Not WHO They Seem
People may all sort of look alike.
But they are not all the same.
It's NOT a matter of race, religion, color, sexual orientation, etc. that is important.
But rather it's what is inside people's hearts.
Some hearts are pure in intent (even if not in every deed).
Others are sullied with hate and abuse of others just because they can.
But why hurt others when you can help them?
People are not all the same.
Inside they are different.
Luckily G-d looks at the inside; the outside is just the packaging. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

But they are not all the same.
It's NOT a matter of race, religion, color, sexual orientation, etc. that is important.
But rather it's what is inside people's hearts.
Some hearts are pure in intent (even if not in every deed).
Others are sullied with hate and abuse of others just because they can.
But why hurt others when you can help them?
People are not all the same.
Inside they are different.
Luckily G-d looks at the inside; the outside is just the packaging. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Not WHO They Seem
Bad People,
October 21, 2019
3 Types of Dumping
This was sort of a funny sign:
Dumping can refer to at last 3 different types of things and none of them are any good:
1) Dogs - When people are inconsiderate with the animals and they take a "dump" and people don't clean up after them (leaving the messy stink for you to step in).
2) Trash - When people throw their trash in the dump or what they consider to be a convenient dumping ground and they make a huge mess of the surroundings (like the used mattress on the side of the road).
3) Emotions - When people dump their emotions and problems on others; they just sort of let it all out and while they may feel better (i.e. a nice catharsis), now you feel like sh*t!
Overall, I can't think of any good connotation to dumping, so maybe people should stop doing it--dogs, trash, and problems. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

"No Dumping"
Dumping can refer to at last 3 different types of things and none of them are any good:
1) Dogs - When people are inconsiderate with the animals and they take a "dump" and people don't clean up after them (leaving the messy stink for you to step in).
2) Trash - When people throw their trash in the dump or what they consider to be a convenient dumping ground and they make a huge mess of the surroundings (like the used mattress on the side of the road).
3) Emotions - When people dump their emotions and problems on others; they just sort of let it all out and while they may feel better (i.e. a nice catharsis), now you feel like sh*t!
Overall, I can't think of any good connotation to dumping, so maybe people should stop doing it--dogs, trash, and problems. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
3 Types of Dumping
Bad People,
Letting Go,
September 16, 2019
Sometimes You Just Want To Say...
It funny, sometimes you just want to say...
Exactly what this ladies shirt says.
My father used to say when certain people were nasty to him, he would just be nice to them.
And when they would still be really nasty to him then imperceptibly, quietly under his breath, he would say "F*** You."
Ah, maybe not always so imperceptibly. LOL
Sure, we can't always just come out and say it like this lady does boldly on her shirt.
Maybe it doesn't help to use expletives, but sometimes some people can be such jerks that just saying it quietly is cathartic and truth-telling.
Perhaps more important, saying it let's you know that you still have a moral compass and personal integrity, even if others around you have seriously compromised on theirs. :-)
(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

Exactly what this ladies shirt says.
My father used to say when certain people were nasty to him, he would just be nice to them.
And when they would still be really nasty to him then imperceptibly, quietly under his breath, he would say "F*** You."
Ah, maybe not always so imperceptibly. LOL
Sure, we can't always just come out and say it like this lady does boldly on her shirt.
Maybe it doesn't help to use expletives, but sometimes some people can be such jerks that just saying it quietly is cathartic and truth-telling.
Perhaps more important, saying it let's you know that you still have a moral compass and personal integrity, even if others around you have seriously compromised on theirs. :-)
(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)
Sometimes You Just Want To Say...
Bad People,
Conflict Management,
Moral Compass,
July 10, 2019
There is a Place for Border Walls
There is a place for border walls.
Walls are not bad.
And neither are all people.
But some people are bad.
And we have the right to be protected from them.
Walls help to manage the flow.
Not everyone can just go whatever, whenever, wherever.
Surely, some people need to move to and fro.
But we must decide who and when and where.
Walls define spaces and ownership.
Not every place and thing is everyone's.
People have property rights as do sovereign nations.
Not everything is strictly defined.
There is the commons that we share.
But also there is a mine and a yours.
That's how economics functions and how people give and take.
Walls help separate and secure.
Bridges help connect and transport.
They are not mutually exclusive.
I've never seen a house, company, organization, or government without walls.
And neither have you. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)

Walls are not bad.
And neither are all people.
But some people are bad.
And we have the right to be protected from them.
Walls help to manage the flow.
Not everyone can just go whatever, whenever, wherever.
Surely, some people need to move to and fro.
But we must decide who and when and where.
Walls define spaces and ownership.
Not every place and thing is everyone's.
People have property rights as do sovereign nations.
Not everything is strictly defined.
There is the commons that we share.
But also there is a mine and a yours.
That's how economics functions and how people give and take.
Walls help separate and secure.
Bridges help connect and transport.
They are not mutually exclusive.
I've never seen a house, company, organization, or government without walls.
And neither have you. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)
There is a Place for Border Walls
July 6, 2019
Arrogance And A Messy Head
While sometimes children behave like "know-it-alls"...
Often an attempt to showcase what they've learned or to build their self-confidence. Sometimes, it's also to bully others.
More unusual though is to find an adult that thinks and actually says they know it all.
But sure enough, I ran into someone who told me (about technology):
And they said it with a straight face.
Literally, they told me how they came up through the ranks and knew EVERYTHING with emphasis!
Moreover, they told me that if I didn't know something, I should go ahead and ask them because they would most definitely know it.
So I respect all people and certainly admire those who are knowledgable and talented in their fields.
But something felt very wrong about an adult who feels that they have to go around bragging about the depth of their knowledge--and that their knowledge is apparently infinite (at least that's what they espoused).
I wondered to myself--is the person arrogant and a big mouth or the opposite--lacking in self confidence and therefore needing to boast and show off to compensate for their inadequacies?
When they were talking, it seemed like their head was getting so big and full of themself that it would just explode!
Most adults with emotional intelligence realize how little they know, and the older they get the more they realize that they don't know in life.
Especially, people of faith recognize that G-d is all-knowing and all-powerful, and we are but mere "flesh and blood" and truly just a speck of dust in the universe.
So truly smart people are humble and they look to learn from others, rather than preach and teach in a monologue of hubris.
Like many people that get too big for the britches, G-d usually brings them back down to Earth and their head to size. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Often an attempt to showcase what they've learned or to build their self-confidence. Sometimes, it's also to bully others.
More unusual though is to find an adult that thinks and actually says they know it all.
But sure enough, I ran into someone who told me (about technology):
"I know everything!"
And they said it with a straight face.
Literally, they told me how they came up through the ranks and knew EVERYTHING with emphasis!
Moreover, they told me that if I didn't know something, I should go ahead and ask them because they would most definitely know it.
So I respect all people and certainly admire those who are knowledgable and talented in their fields.
But something felt very wrong about an adult who feels that they have to go around bragging about the depth of their knowledge--and that their knowledge is apparently infinite (at least that's what they espoused).
I wondered to myself--is the person arrogant and a big mouth or the opposite--lacking in self confidence and therefore needing to boast and show off to compensate for their inadequacies?
When they were talking, it seemed like their head was getting so big and full of themself that it would just explode!
Most adults with emotional intelligence realize how little they know, and the older they get the more they realize that they don't know in life.
Especially, people of faith recognize that G-d is all-knowing and all-powerful, and we are but mere "flesh and blood" and truly just a speck of dust in the universe.
So truly smart people are humble and they look to learn from others, rather than preach and teach in a monologue of hubris.
Like many people that get too big for the britches, G-d usually brings them back down to Earth and their head to size. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Arrogance And A Messy Head
Bad People,
Big Mouths,
Emotional Intelligence,
Flesh and Blood,
Show Offs
June 4, 2019
Wig and Taped Mouth
Thought this was a pretty scary mannequin.
Aside from the disheveled hair covering her head and half her face.
You can see that her mouth and nose is taped over with clear masking tape!
Clearly she looks like she has been abused or worse, and the image is that she can't even scream for help.
Why anyone would advertise women's fashion in this misogynist way should be beyond all of us.
There are a lot of crazy nuts out there.
This photo is a small reminder of what we face in terms of ugliness in this world.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Aside from the disheveled hair covering her head and half her face.
You can see that her mouth and nose is taped over with clear masking tape!
Clearly she looks like she has been abused or worse, and the image is that she can't even scream for help.
Why anyone would advertise women's fashion in this misogynist way should be beyond all of us.
There are a lot of crazy nuts out there.
This photo is a small reminder of what we face in terms of ugliness in this world.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Wig and Taped Mouth
May 6, 2019
Wrong Direction--Who Stands For The Truth?
So I thought this was pretty funny in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend.
How true this little story is about life and what direction we choose for ourselves--in the face of the groupthink and the tidal wave of public opinion that will sweep you away if you aren't strong of mind and especially of character.
Whenever we choose the road less traveled, others see us as dangerous and going the wrong way.
Yet to us, others may just be following blindly, and we may truly see something that everyone else is missing...could it possibly be that they are really the ones going the wrong way!
But there is always some doubt in our minds...we are fallible, we can wrong, we can be crazy.
Whose truth is it anyway--Mine? Yours? Or could it really be "The (objective) Truth"?
Alternatively, maybe we just lack confidence or courage?
It is very hard to be the nail that stands up (and doesn't get hammered down) and say that something is wrong and everyone should pay attention and change direction or their ways.
Perhaps, they are all heading off a moral cliff or just heading towards disaster.
In some cases...
We know the agendas of the people who want to steer you wrong.
We hear the propaganda and lies they are feeding you.
We can see down the road or just around the bend where the danger lies in wait.
- Can we stand up to the crowd?
- Can we demonstrate the moral truth?
- Can we get others to see what we see?
It is certainly not easy to be the contrarian in the crowd.
Not only may you not be recognized for what you are doing, but you may even be persecuted for it.
It doesn't matter...
Because you need to do it anyway just because you know deep inside that it's the right thing to do. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

A wife is listening to the radio and she hears that a car is dangerously going in the wrong direction on the highway.
Immediately, she calls her husband to tell him about the car going in the wrong direction, and to be careful.
He husband replies: One car going in the wrong direction...there are hundreds of cars going in the wrong direction!
How true this little story is about life and what direction we choose for ourselves--in the face of the groupthink and the tidal wave of public opinion that will sweep you away if you aren't strong of mind and especially of character.
Whenever we choose the road less traveled, others see us as dangerous and going the wrong way.
Yet to us, others may just be following blindly, and we may truly see something that everyone else is missing...could it possibly be that they are really the ones going the wrong way!
But there is always some doubt in our minds...we are fallible, we can wrong, we can be crazy.
Whose truth is it anyway--Mine? Yours? Or could it really be "The (objective) Truth"?
Alternatively, maybe we just lack confidence or courage?
It is very hard to be the nail that stands up (and doesn't get hammered down) and say that something is wrong and everyone should pay attention and change direction or their ways.
Perhaps, they are all heading off a moral cliff or just heading towards disaster.
In some cases...
We know the agendas of the people who want to steer you wrong.
We hear the propaganda and lies they are feeding you.
We can see down the road or just around the bend where the danger lies in wait.
- Can we stand up to the crowd?
- Can we demonstrate the moral truth?
- Can we get others to see what we see?
It is certainly not easy to be the contrarian in the crowd.
Not only may you not be recognized for what you are doing, but you may even be persecuted for it.
It doesn't matter...
Because you need to do it anyway just because you know deep inside that it's the right thing to do. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Wrong Direction--Who Stands For The Truth?
Bad People,
Good Over Evil,
Off A Cliff,
Wrong Direction
December 28, 2018
Emo Art
So I've been wanting to post this example of this special art form from my daughter, Rebecca.
She makes this novel art called, "EMO", which stands for emotional.
In this art she mixes children and monsters--and it depicts how innocent kids have to deal with the monsters they find in an often unscrupulous and morally-tarnished society.
I love the feelings and message of this art in that it encapsulates how children enter this world in purity, but how so many bad people and things around them (and us) can corrupt that.
I always learned that the goal for each person was to leave the world a better place then the way we found it; however, I think a more personal goal should also be for us to leave here as better human beings than the day we arrived.
Challenging ourselves--learning and maturing--yet at the same time keeping that essence of decency and integrity of mind, heart, and deed--that is a life where we can grow up, but not turn into the morally-bankrupt monsters that we see all around us.
(Source Art: Rebecca Ochayon)

She makes this novel art called, "EMO", which stands for emotional.
In this art she mixes children and monsters--and it depicts how innocent kids have to deal with the monsters they find in an often unscrupulous and morally-tarnished society.
I love the feelings and message of this art in that it encapsulates how children enter this world in purity, but how so many bad people and things around them (and us) can corrupt that.
I always learned that the goal for each person was to leave the world a better place then the way we found it; however, I think a more personal goal should also be for us to leave here as better human beings than the day we arrived.
Challenging ourselves--learning and maturing--yet at the same time keeping that essence of decency and integrity of mind, heart, and deed--that is a life where we can grow up, but not turn into the morally-bankrupt monsters that we see all around us.
(Source Art: Rebecca Ochayon)
Emo Art
Bad People,
Good Over Evil,
Life and Death,
Tikkun Olam,
November 9, 2018
A Half Truth
So everyone is always playing with the truth.
They don't want people to really know the truth, but they don't want to call it a real lie.
Hence the saying:
A white lie is usually taken as in "pure" or "righteous"--in other words, there is a good reason (like to prevent someone from getting hurt) for lying, .
Yes, sure there is (LOL).
Sometimes people lie to themselves:
Most often, people tell what they call half truths.
This is commonly referred to as:
However, don't tell anyone:
And just like beating around the bush arouses the birds to fly and get caught in a net--that's what telling half truths do too.
Why is it so hard to tell the whole truth, because that would make most people look pretty bad.
If people only knew.
But someday, of course, they will. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

They don't want people to really know the truth, but they don't want to call it a real lie.
Hence the saying:
"It's just a white lie!"
A white lie is usually taken as in "pure" or "righteous"--in other words, there is a good reason (like to prevent someone from getting hurt) for lying, .
Yes, sure there is (LOL).
Sometimes people lie to themselves:
"What you don't know can't harm you!"
Most often, people tell what they call half truths.
This is commonly referred to as:
"Beating around the bush!"
However, don't tell anyone:
A half truth is a lie!
And just like beating around the bush arouses the birds to fly and get caught in a net--that's what telling half truths do too.
Why is it so hard to tell the whole truth, because that would make most people look pretty bad.
If people only knew.
But someday, of course, they will. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
A Half Truth
October 28, 2018
Shooting At You
As I heard recently in a movie:
"When someone is shooting at you, you know their intentions."
Sounds simple right?
But often the person throwing shots your way may be couching their real intentions and telling you:
"Ah, it's nothing."
Some may try and rip you off, and tell you:
"It's just business!"
Others punching you like a punching bag tell you:
"You need to get a thicker skin!"
People f*cking with your head ask you:
"Aren't you being a little paranoid?"
Yet others blame the victim calling you out for any sign of weakness"
"Why are you so pathetic? Crybaby!"
The truth of the matter is when people shoot you, take potshots at you, or otherwise physically, verbally, and emotionally abuse you, there is usually some evil sleight of hand and tongue at play.
People that are good people--don't abuse you!
There is no guise or beguiling when people are being truthful and when they truly care about other people.
When they shoot at you, yes you know their intentions.
Stop pretending they didn't mean it. Stop accepting empty promises that they won't do it again. Stop listening to hollow refrains of sorry.
People can be selfish and evil beasts that rip others apart because they will benefit from it or simply because they can or want to.
- Pain and suffering of other human beings is what they relish and feed on like blood is to a vampire.
Good people--do good to others.
- They want to give to others and see others flourish--they know G-d and understand the real purpose of life.
When they shoot you, you know their intentions.
Sure you can shoot back and sometimes you have no choice, but the best way to win is to be that good person. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

"When someone is shooting at you, you know their intentions."
Sounds simple right?
But often the person throwing shots your way may be couching their real intentions and telling you:
"Ah, it's nothing."
Some may try and rip you off, and tell you:
"It's just business!"
Others punching you like a punching bag tell you:
"You need to get a thicker skin!"
People f*cking with your head ask you:
"Aren't you being a little paranoid?"
Yet others blame the victim calling you out for any sign of weakness"
"Why are you so pathetic? Crybaby!"
The truth of the matter is when people shoot you, take potshots at you, or otherwise physically, verbally, and emotionally abuse you, there is usually some evil sleight of hand and tongue at play.
People that are good people--don't abuse you!
There is no guise or beguiling when people are being truthful and when they truly care about other people.
When they shoot at you, yes you know their intentions.
Stop pretending they didn't mean it. Stop accepting empty promises that they won't do it again. Stop listening to hollow refrains of sorry.
People can be selfish and evil beasts that rip others apart because they will benefit from it or simply because they can or want to.
- Pain and suffering of other human beings is what they relish and feed on like blood is to a vampire.
Good people--do good to others.
- They want to give to others and see others flourish--they know G-d and understand the real purpose of life.
When they shoot you, you know their intentions.
Sure you can shoot back and sometimes you have no choice, but the best way to win is to be that good person. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Shooting At You
July 19, 2018
Boiling A Frog
So sometimes you don't know that something is happening until it is too late.
A colleague yesterday told me this great simile:
It's like when you put a frog in a pot of water and turn up the heat, the frog doesn't know what's happening until it's too late, and he ends up being boiled alive!
With better knowledge of the context, of course, you can have the foresight to act, to fight, to get out, whatever.
Similarly with the frog, if you throw him into an already boiling pot of water, he immediately jumps out, and viola he's saved.
It's really important to have good situational and political awareness.
Not everyone out there is so innocent--even when they have a good act and pretend, "Who me?"
Many of them know how to work the system, so that the system works for them.
G-d forbid, when you're in the way, they'll often turn up the heat.
And if you don't realize what going on, you'll be the frog that's a not so tasty dinner. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

A colleague yesterday told me this great simile:
It's like when you put a frog in a pot of water and turn up the heat, the frog doesn't know what's happening until it's too late, and he ends up being boiled alive!
With better knowledge of the context, of course, you can have the foresight to act, to fight, to get out, whatever.
Similarly with the frog, if you throw him into an already boiling pot of water, he immediately jumps out, and viola he's saved.
It's really important to have good situational and political awareness.
Not everyone out there is so innocent--even when they have a good act and pretend, "Who me?"
Many of them know how to work the system, so that the system works for them.
G-d forbid, when you're in the way, they'll often turn up the heat.
And if you don't realize what going on, you'll be the frog that's a not so tasty dinner. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Boiling A Frog
February 24, 2018
Iron Maiden Torture
Check this out.
This is called an Iron Maiden.
It is from Nuremberg, Germany.
This one is from Medieval times, but they were apparently still around even in the 19th century!
It has 14 spikes on the inside that were designed to pierce the eyes, throat, and heart.
People placed for torture and death in the Iron Maiden sarcophagus would be completely mutilated.
Is this one of the reasons that so many people suffer from claustrophobia?
I remember seeing in a movie where someone was placed in a dungeon cell, but this one was carved into the rock wall horizontally.
The prisoner would be forced to lie down in it with iron bars caged over the side vertically.
S/he could not sit up, roll over, or move.
Can you imagine the sheer terror and torture?
How people could be so evil and inflict such suffering on others and often for crimes like heresy is extremely hard to understand.
Why in G-d's name does anyone call it the "good 'ol days?"
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Iron Maiden Torture
Bad People,
Iron Maiden,
December 20, 2017
Good Face, Ugly Mask
So many faces, so much phoniness.
Why can't we just deal with genuine people?
Not like the dummies in this picture.
Everyone seems to put on a face.
One person comes in the room, puts on a big smile and then drops it like you do your pants in the bathroom (excuse the comparison).
But it's just so wax!
Another person is talking it up, but you can see just under the thin veneer, they are a boiling powder keg ready to go off.
Faces are for expression--to feel and to share.
However, they are used to deceive and fool the world around them.
Is it a face or a mask.
What's behind it--good or evil?
If you don't look past the superficial then you are the real dummy. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Why can't we just deal with genuine people?
Not like the dummies in this picture.
Everyone seems to put on a face.
One person comes in the room, puts on a big smile and then drops it like you do your pants in the bathroom (excuse the comparison).
But it's just so wax!
Another person is talking it up, but you can see just under the thin veneer, they are a boiling powder keg ready to go off.
Faces are for expression--to feel and to share.
However, they are used to deceive and fool the world around them.
Is it a face or a mask.
What's behind it--good or evil?
If you don't look past the superficial then you are the real dummy. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Good Face, Ugly Mask
Bad People,
Communications Management,
Emotional Intelligence,
Good Over Evil,
Non-verbal Cues,
December 12, 2017
Wherever You Go
So my father used to say this idea about dealing with life's challenges:
Some people think that they can run away from their problems.
Move here, there, everywhere.
Change schools, jobs, spouses, whatever.
But you can't run away from yourself.
Wherever you run, you're still you!
So you need to fix yourself, your problems, your life.
Yes, sometimes your in a place is bad, a bad fit, the people are bad, the chemistry is bad, the circumstances are bad.
And then change can certainly be a welcome and good thing.
But when you change the external, the internal has to keep developing and changing as well, so that we learn and grow to be better people.
Change your place is not a substitute for changing and growing yourself--that is the only constant with change. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

"Wherever you go, that's where you are!"If you think about it for a moment, it really is very profound.
Some people think that they can run away from their problems.
Move here, there, everywhere.
Change schools, jobs, spouses, whatever.
But you can't run away from yourself.
Wherever you run, you're still you!
So you need to fix yourself, your problems, your life.
Yes, sometimes your in a place is bad, a bad fit, the people are bad, the chemistry is bad, the circumstances are bad.
And then change can certainly be a welcome and good thing.
But when you change the external, the internal has to keep developing and changing as well, so that we learn and grow to be better people.
Change your place is not a substitute for changing and growing yourself--that is the only constant with change. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Wherever You Go
Bad People,
Run Away,
August 25, 2017
Ever Feel Like You're Target Practice
Thought this was really spot on.
The knives get sharpened and readied.
At some point, they come flying out of nowhere.
Often, from all directions at the same time.
When it rains, it pours.
Some people latch on to the opportunity to try and make a kill.
You do your best to duck this way and that and survive the onslaught.
Hopefully, you were adequately prepared.
The big question is--can you hold unto your cheese?
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

The knives get sharpened and readied.
At some point, they come flying out of nowhere.
Often, from all directions at the same time.
When it rains, it pours.
Some people latch on to the opportunity to try and make a kill.
You do your best to duck this way and that and survive the onslaught.
Hopefully, you were adequately prepared.
The big question is--can you hold unto your cheese?
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Ever Feel Like You're Target Practice
Bad People,
Organizational Behavior,
August 24, 2017
Dog Days of Summer
Nice promotion at Whole Foods.
They take a photo of your Doggie.
People were lining up for it.
Another lady was there sharing her artist dog portraits.
They were some pretty impressive pooches.
Man's best friend is often not another person, but a dog.
And if you know some of the people out there, it's no wonder. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Dog Days of Summer
Bad People,
Best Friends,
Whole Foods
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