So I took this photo in a Jewelry store in Mamilla Mall in Jerusalem.
All these beautiful hamsas!
Hamsas are traditional symbols of G-d's protection and to ward off the evil.
These were some very beautiful ones.
Some say that it is symbolic of the hand of Miriam, Moses' sister, raised in a protective stance over the people.
Five fingers are like the five books of the Torah and a reminder to use all five of our senses in worshipping and praising G-d.
Talking to someone yesterday about surviving in the face of some very difficult challenges, she said to me:
"Remember, just because the adversary is powerful, you are the David to the Goliath!"
With G-d's help and blessings, even a little David can slay the giant evil Goliath.
For the New Year of 2018 and forward, G-d should bless us and protect us, shine his face upon us and be gracious unto us, lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace!
The L-rd is the ultimate strength and justice and in front of Him no evil will stand.
Our faith may be tested, but from it, we will come out smarter, stronger, and better souls, as G-d teaches us to look always to the Heavens where all good emanates. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

G-d Protects Us - Happy 2018!