Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts

October 4, 2024

Good Will Prevail Over Evil


September 8, 2024

On The Wings of Eagles

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "On The Wings of Eagles."

The importance of making Aliyah may seem counterintuitive given how anti-Zionist not only many Pro-Hamas supporters are, but also some diaspora and even Israeli Jews are. However, it is actually all the more reason for people who understand Israel's holiness and centrality to Jewish life, prayer, and tradition to make the leap. I think in the future, we will look back at this time and the immense pressure to abandon Israel, and we will recognize the strong souls who defied the mob.

(AI generated image via Designer)


August 18, 2024

My Beloved Zion

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "My Beloved Zion."

Zionism is a tree on the river’s edge,
A shield for our people, through ages of dread.

It’s the ancient homeland, settled anew,
Where deserts bloom, and skies turn blue.

Zionism is G-d’s promise fulfilled,
The land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still.

 (AI generated image via Designer)


February 18, 2024

Israel, You're on the Right Track

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel, You're on the Right Track."

The war of October 7 is truly one of light against darkness in the world. And not only against the evil terrorists but also their hateful, genocidal supporters around the globe who seek "intifada revolution," and our annihilation "by any means necessary." To defeat them, we need the ultimate faith in the Almighty and the determination to fight and win from Gaza to Iran.

Our strength is the combination of our dedication to serving Hashem and our mighty determination for our national and religious freedom in a world all too often of darkness, hate, and despair where rape is portrayed as resistance, where mutilation, murder, and hostage-taking are justified by those who reject peace and coexistence, and where their vile supporters chant their racism and hatred from city centers to cancer hospitals.

(AI generated image by Bing Copilot)

September 27, 2023

Bringing the Community Together this Sukkot


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Bringing the Community Together this Sukkot."

Like in all socio-economic caste systems, the Rabbi who was managing the sale of the lulav and esrog for the upcoming holiday of Sukkot differentiated between three types and offered the following: Aleph (the most expensive), Bet (medium priced), and Gimel (the least expensive), and all were supposed to be full sets, but they weren't.

This led me to reflect on all the different ways that we compete with and classify each other instead of valuing each person and acting like a real community (with an emphasis on "unity"). Really, it's a million things, from who can afford the better bar mitzvah to who makes the more lavish wedding; who is rated grade A for matchmaking, and who is considered to have a "mum" (defect) and be less or undesirable; who gets the prime kovod (honors) in the synagogue, and who never even gets called to the Torah for an Aliyah.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 28, 2023

Lessons in Peace, Inclusion, and Humanity

Please see my new video and article in The Times of Israel called "Lessons in Peace,Inclusion, and Humanity."

In this video, there are three stories from my recent Caribbean vacation, which include a conversation with a waiter about peace between Israelis and Palestinians, feeling unwelcome in a synagogue, and connecting with a stranger from India.


April 30, 2023

Lets Save Israel Now


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lets Save Israel Now."

After 17 weeks of virulent protests and plenty of animosity, one has to question whether the hateful politics surrounding judicial reform are bringing us ever closer to a dangerous breaking point. Certainly, all this heart-wrenching conflict of Jew against Jew is leading us down a terrible road of divisiveness, hate, and hurt for our people, country, and future. It is high time to change course and instead work together to solve our problems, mend differences, and unite in our faith as the proud children of the Maccabees against our common enemies.

(Credit Photo: Cottonbro Studio via

December 3, 2022

Hanukkah Is About Fortifying the Family

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hanukkah is about Fortifying the Family."
Modern Hellenism is when Judaism becomes less and less Jewish and more and more like another “value system” that is “politically correct” or “in style.”

To be clear, not every Jew is going to be “religious” in the same way, but still, each of us can contribute to the welfare of the whole. The point of Hanukkah is that Torah-true Judaism exists, even if we as individuals struggle to fulfill it. The task at hand is for each family and each of us to model proper behavior (thought, word, and deed) and to educate our children in the same so that the Greeks of our time do not win.

(Credit Photo: The National Guard via

October 17, 2022

The Art of Friendship

Please see my article in The Times of Israel called "The Art of Friendship."

My hope and prayer is that this is just a small microcosm of friendship and peace that can spread in all communities, societies, nations, and lands, so that we are no longer black or white, Jew, Muslim, or Christian, or any other divisive label, but rather that we are all children of G-d, and plain and simple, friends.

(Credit Photos: Andy and Dossy Blumenthal)


October 10, 2022

Concrete Faith in a Flimsy Sukkah

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Concrete Faith in a Flimsy Sukkah."

Jews place their faith in G-d rather than massive building structures, the strongest foundations, and incalculable amounts of concrete and rebar. Instead, we sit in the flimsy and temporary sukkah to remember that G-d is our ultimate stronghold.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 15, 2022

A Beautiful Song From The Guardians of Zion

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Beautiful Song From The Guardians of Zion."

I was very moved by the Israeli police, who have dangerous jobs defending the borders and the cities of the Holy Land, yet singing unburdened about our home and heart!

The Jewish people are an incredible tapestry of amazing people from all over the world.

December 11, 2021

Dancing on the Head of a Pin

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Dancing on the Head of a Pin."
We’re all different, and we all have something to say and contribute to solve life’s challenges. While some of us may think that they are better than others, the reality is that we are all human, fallible, and subject to life’s circumstance and G-d’s mighty hand. However, too often, we let ego get in the way, and instead of taking on the huge, almost insurmountable challenges that we face, we end up fighting about who’s in charge and who gets the credit.
As we face the daunting challenges confronting America, Israel, and the world, we need effective “servant-leaders,” who are guided by a genuine moral compass and faith in G-d to take well-reasoned actions and not to punt the problems down the political road. Real leadership means leaving your ego at the door; it means self-sacrifice, compassion, creative thinking, and bold problem-solving. Big challenges can be dealt with, but we’ve got to have the right measure of ourselves, strength of character, and unity of purpose to finally overcome them.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 6, 2021

Jewish Unity Is Strength

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Jewish Unity Is Strength."

It didn’t matter what race or nationality the person who had been hit by the car was, she was a human being in pain and who needed the help of others. We Jews need to remember that this is life in a nutshell. Life can change in split instance for better or G-d forbid, for worse. We need one another. No man is an island. We can’t afford to play holier than thou with anyone else. Only G-d can judge who is really “religious” and who is wanting.

It brought to my mind the irony that with the Jewish people, we are a small minority in the world, and yet we often disagree, fight, and can be intolerant and neglectful of one another despite facing anti-Semitism and other crises. This is far from the ideal of demonstrating love and acceptance, unifying ourselves together, and becoming as strong and effective as a “light unto nations” that we could and should be.

We can have our personal and communal ideals and standards, but at the same time have empathy for the journey that people are on. Therefore, we should strive to treat each other with kindness and tolerance and put aside the lofty and phony airs of personal judgement and exclusivity. Because in the end, no one knows who is laying next on the street waiting for that ambulance to come.

(Credit Painting: Dannielle Blumenthal)

October 5, 2021

Fish of the Sea

Thought this was a beautiful painting of a school of fish. 

One pupil at the bottom must have missed a few days of school, because he's going in the wrong direction. 

Always, an odd fish out!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 16, 2020

Take Me To Your Leader

Is there a leader in the house?

Anyone, anyone a leader here...

I need to find a leader.

Someone who I can look up to.

Who feels deeply, compassionately, and honestly cares about others. 

With faith and integrity, and who does the right thing, regardless. 

They inspire, rarely tire, and seek to make us all more than we otherwise are. 

Imbued with discerning insight and an ageless wisdom. 

Carrying forth a great vision, and a path and passion to get us there. 

They bring unity, and stand alongside each and every one of us. 

Never an autocrat, a bureaucrat, or a stinkin' rat. 

Just someone who is a genuine leader.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 6, 2020

We Are Comm-unity!

I saw this painted on a storefront window. 
Community, United We Stand. 

With all the polarization these days, is this still true?

Unity is literally built into Comm-unity.

Divided, we tear each other apart. 

Instead, we could accomplish so much together.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 20, 2020

The Times of Mashiach

Truly, we are living in the times of Maschiach. 

Someone contacted me with a friend request on Facebook, and his profile included that he is a:
Torah-Observant Gentile


It's truly like we say in the Aleinu prayer every day:
All Mankind shall invoke Your Name, to turn to You all the wicked of the earth.  They will recognize and know--all the inhabitants of the world---that every knee should bend to You...The L-rd will be King over the entire earth; on that day the L-rd will be One and His Name One.
We are on the way and I hope we all get to see and cross over the finish line soon. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal) 

December 3, 2019

Two Things To Know

There are two things to know.
  • Know-how:  That's knowing how to do things yourself.
  • Know-who:  That's knowing who to go to to get everything else done. 

None of us is perfect.

We each have strengths and weaknesses.

No one has all the answers--despite some big egos out there!

That's why we all need each other.

Knowledge is great, but networking magnifies your potential many times over.

These are two things you definitely want to know. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

January 27, 2019

@Sandy Spring Museum Music Jam

So nice to see neighbors from the surrounding communities just getting together to play music and sing along.  

It's amazing to me the good that people can accomplish when they come together like this. 

This is hopeful and happy. 

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

Impotency of our Democracy

The U.S. democracy is severely broken. 

We are supposed to be "one out of many," but instead we are many out of one.

There is a tearing at our nation's fabric. 

Resistance.  Obstruction.  Polarization.  Gridlock.  Shutdown.  Identity Politics.  Hating on each other.  Can't get anything done. 

Legislatively we're at an impasse.

It's not just the border wall...

- No full year (let alone multi-year) budgets for all Federal agencies.

- No Healthcare Fix

- No Immigration Reform

- No Education (STEM) Improvement

- No USA Infrastructure Bill 

- We are losing our edge to a resurgent Russia and a China taking world stage militarily and economically. 

Executive Branch has its hands tied. 

Special Counsels.  Congressional Inquiries.  Judicial injunctions.  Media Lynchings.

Alone.  Thwarted.  Unable to lead or act. 

Presidential hand tied by mommy Pelosi and Daddy Schumer.

State of the Union cancelled. 

Presidency is compromised in the eyes of every national competitor and demagogue in the world. 

Without a strong leadership reestablished and permitted to act, we are running a very strong risk of losing our superpower status and becoming just another has-been nation.

Don't think it can't happen.  

The three branches of the government should be working together and helping each other to strengthen our nation's survival, prosperity, and success.

If we don't stop the madness, then we will implode and it won't be a pretty or a happy day for anyone--Democrats or Republicans. 

Last chance for E. Pluribus Unum.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)