That's right, nothing else.
He wasn't a poor guy or anything, just a regular Joe.
I couldn't help myself and said: "what do you do with just one potato?" ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
That's right, nothing else.
He wasn't a poor guy or anything, just a regular Joe.
I couldn't help myself and said: "what do you do with just one potato?" ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
On Line For 1 Potato
When I checked out from the store with this deadly plant, the cashier oulls the cactus from the shopping cart and gets one of the pins stuck right in her finger.
It was just sort of caught there with the other end hanging out a couple of inches from her finger.
A little shocked and not sure what to say, I just sort of stumbled "Oh, Are you okay? I so sorry!"
She said she was and reached over and plucked the needle out holding her hand limply in the other.
On the way home then, this guy says to me, "you better not sit on that thing."
Ah yeah, you're not kidding! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Mother of all Cactus Needles
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