March 1, 2024
November 17, 2023
July 20, 2023
April 30, 2023
Lets Save Israel Now
(Credit Photo: Cottonbro Studio via
Lets Save Israel Now
April 2, 2023
If Pharaoh Had AI
In short, the message for Passover isn’t just the tremendous potential of AI for the good or even the threat it poses of becoming too powerful to control, but what happens when the bad guys (dictators, despots, and megalomaniacs), like the Pharaoh of yesteryear, are dangerously using AI to enslave the world to their vision of hate and contempt for democracy, human rights, and freedom for us all?
(Credit Photo: Ilnur Dulyanov via
If Pharaoh Had AI
October 31, 2022
Tires Overload
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Tires Overload
February 25, 2022
World Is Worse Today
With China up next to invade Taiwan.
With Iran and North Korea just waiting for their chances at evil.
With provocations, escalations, and threats of nuclear weapons.
The world is much worse today.
Peace is shattered.
There is no telling when or how this will all end.
(Credit Photo; Andy Blumenthal)
World Is Worse Today
January 5, 2022
Anyone Missing A Leg?
Wonder if the owner of the leg is on the other side of that wall?
What was this artist thinking?
Hopefully just to sensitize us to people's health, disabilities, and plights, so we can be more compassionate and caring people! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Anyone Missing A Leg?
January 2, 2022
U.S. Misses The Boat on Hypersonic Missiles
But the U.S. spends more than the next top 11 countries combined on defense.
Yet, we have failed miserably at the next BIG thing in defense: hypersonic weapons!
Both China and Russia have hypersonic weapons ready to use on us.
China even claims they can use they can use their hypersonic missiles with heat seeking technology to destroy our most advanced fighter aircraft the F-35 and F-22.
Yet as recently as November, the 3rd of the U.S. Air Force's hypersonic missile tests failed!
Now at best, the U.S. Navy is hoping to be able to perhaps deploy hypersonic weapons by 2025-2028.
In the meantime, the U.S. is vulnerable to its adversaries at a time when Russia and China are rearing their militaries for confrontations in Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively.
And that could be only the beginning, if we don't get our military R&D together and fast.
How could this happen with all the money we spend on defense?
Eyes wide shut like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 all over again! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
U.S. Misses The Boat on Hypersonic Missiles
December 21, 2020
A Perfect Biowarfare Attack!
You wouldn't want to release a full-scale deadly pathogen, because then you would endanger your own population as well as your adversary.
But instead, you release a pathogen (like Coronavirus) that is just deadly and contagious enough to cause a worldwide panic, shutting down countries and economies and threatening to overwhelm hospitals and emergency responders.
Then you would watch patiently as vaccines are developed that everyone would need to get to resume their lives and jobs. Of course, the vaccines get rushed through development, approval, and distribution in order to calm the fearful and disenfranchised populace.
And here is where you would have your adversaries by their you know what, because if your agents can then infiltrate the vulnerabilities of the overwhelmed and unprepared, civilian pharmaceutical companies, their supply chains, or distribution networks during the emergency, and contaminate the vaccines with a really lethal pathogen, you would ensure that all your adversaries are eliminated (from their leadership on down to the blue collar workers in society), while your own population (which wouldn't get those vaccines from abroad) would be absolutely fine.
Maybe even the first dose is intentionally passed through okay to lull the population and its leadership into the trap, but then the follow-on doses are tainted once the flies are already in the spider's web.
Your adversaries are now sick and/or dead, but their countries and infrastructure are fully functioning and in place for you to take as spoils.
World domination, it can happen as plain and simple as this.
Look around you at what's happening in our times. Mad men or genius, but this is more than any science fiction could offer. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Pixabay)
A Perfect Biowarfare Attack!
October 21, 2020
Watch Where You Stick Your Nose
We love it when you stick you nose in our business...
Gee, I sure hope this isn't referring to a manure business. LOL
In short, be careful into what stink you stick you nose in or know when to mind your own business! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Watch Where You Stick Your Nose
February 20, 2020
Wash Hands, Don't Touch Face
Today, one of the people that clean the office told me to be careful and said:
Wash hands. Don't touch face!
Someone also questioned where fundamentally did this new killer virus come from:
Is this new virus really from eating exotic animals like they say or is it really something that escaped from a Chinese biological laboratory?Since we are dealing with an origin of the virus that is from a Communist county that represses freedom of information, the Wall Street Journal raised doubts about the information we are getting:
As the outbreak was already under way, the local government did what Communist governments always do: cover up...[and even] China's president cannot trust the information he is getting. The lack of trust mean he must make decisions in the dark. No institution can function effectively this way.
With coronavirus more contagious than even SARS or MERS, perhaps the most important immediate questions is how far and deep will it spread?
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Wash Hands, Don't Touch Face
February 18, 2020
Growing Fears Of Coronavirus
Today, Apple announced that the outbreak will imagine their sales.
And I read yesterday that airlines, even Israeli El Al, is warning of the impact.
But how you know that the people, as individuals, are getting seriously worried are by the level of precautions they are starting to take.
These include: canceling travel arrangements, wearing (antiviral) face masks and latex gloves, and ever more frequent hand-washing and use of hand sanitizers.
The picture here shows a couple of ladies waiting on line for some gelato at the airport, and they have masks over their faces and this is in the Holy Land, and not even where the outbreak is in China!
I hear official figures of 70,000+ infected and 1,800 dead, but on the street people are saying these are grossly understated.
Let us pray that this virus is brought speedily under control, that a cure is found, and that no more people are sickened or killed by it.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Growing Fears Of Coronavirus
October 22, 2018
The Value of Pain
1) Pain is a warning of dangerous threats and helps safeguard us.
2) Pain that doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
3) Pain lets you know you ain't dead yet.
Then again, nothing wrong with a little pain relief. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Value of Pain
August 4, 2018
Things Look Different Up Close
I was coming up the highway.
In the distance, there looked like there was a large tractor-trailer heading towards me.
I had to take a double take, because this truck was on my side of the divider...Oh shit!
It was only as I got closer that I could see that the truck was really being towed in reverse by a tow truck.
Yes, "seeing is believing!"
This is a lesson in life:
Things may look one way from a distance, and very different up close.
Sometimes, my wife tells me:
"Andy, don't look too close!" lol
But the truth is that you may not really see what you heading towards until it's right in front of your eyes.
So it's important to look out over the horizon and study what is coming your way.
But don't take your eye off the ball (or Mack Truck as it may be).
Things can change your perspective the closer you get to it. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Things Look Different Up Close
March 8, 2018
Fight or Flight
So I learned this interesting thing about the Fight or Flight response.
Fight or flight is not just physically fighting or fleeing, but it has a much more diverse set of responses involved to perceived life-threatening events.
Fighting (turning towards the threat)
1. Physical fighting (Protect yourself with force)
2. Non-physical aggression
- Criticism (e.g. Attacking personality or character)
- Contempt (e.g. Attacking sense of self-worth with sarcasm, shaming, insults, eye-rolling, and sneering)
Flight (turning away from danger)
1. Physical fleeing (e.g. Run/hide)
2. Non-physical withdrawal
- Defensiveness (e.g. Deflecting the attack with excuses, disagreement, counter-arguments, or blaming)
- Stonewalling (e.g. Conveying disapproval or disconnection, stop participating, change the subject, or giving the cold shoulder or silent treatment)
When you recognize that not all issues are life-threatening, then you can lower the intensity of the "Amygdala Hijack" in terms of fight or flight and instead work towards developing mutual understanding, trust, respect, and shared goals and solutions.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal and attribution of content to Dr. Britt Andreatta)
Fight or Flight
November 20, 2017
Hammer and Nail
"To a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
We try to solve fresh daily problems, yet everything we are going through is seen through our preset filters and mindsets.
In many cases, we are simply and undeniably biased, mistakenly believing that what worked in the past or for particular challenges will always work in the future and for all our problems.
We stereotype people and races and see them as either "the good guys" or "the bad guys"--but there's no grey in there to further differentiate.
Also, we work in a comfortable zone of blind routine thinking that we wish it's all as simple as wash, rinse, and repeat.
But while some die-hard habits and lessons learned in life are very valuable and should be mentally recorded and referenced, seeing life through a single, or even a few handy-dandy, filters can prove disastrous when things or times change.
For example, one big criticism of our dealing in Washington is that:
"Politicians, like generals, have a tendency to fight the last war."
Instead, if we evaluate the nuances of each person and particular situation, we can work to get a more detailed evaluation, and potentially be able to fine-tune approaches for what needs to be done, and how, with each and every one, accordingly.
Chucking a batman belt approach to just using whatever tools are immediately available, can facilitate a broader and more creative approach to problem-solving.
Sure, to a certain degree, we are creatures of habit--and we intuitively rely on what's worked in the past, and reject and shun what hasn't--but past experiences do not necessarily foretell future successes.
If we don't stay agile and resilient, we can easily get blown away by the situation or the competition.
There is always a new challenge to test us and someone coming up who may be better, faster, or stronger that wants to try and take us on or down.
A shotgun approach, in lieu of a more precise surgical strike, can result in a lot of collateral damage and maybe even missing the mark altogether.
Think, think, think.
Focus on what needs to get done--apply lessons learned as applicable, but also look for new sources and methods to build a bigger and more versatile tool chest.
In the walking dead, a hammer to the head works fairly well on all Zombies, but sometimes there are too many zombies in the hoard or even more dangerous living people and situations to attend to. ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution to stevepb)
Hammer and Nail
October 14, 2017
We Broke The Weather
This was during the series of numerous recent hurricanes in just a few weeks period of time, including Harvey, IRMA, and Maria that devastated Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.
He said to me:
"We broke the weather!"
And after decades of warning about the impact of global warming--maybe he is right.
This last September was the most active month for Atlantic hurricanes ever on record.
Further, we are seeing simultaneously the deadliest wildfires raging in California in its history.
This only 13 years after the deadliest Tsunami from the Indian Ocean in recorded times killing about a quarter million people!
And only 28 years after the deadliest Tornado occurred in Bangladesh in 1989 that killed 1,300 people.
All these as if the increasing threats of nukes and other weapons of mass destruction and cyberattack weren't enough to keep you up at night.
As we get more sophisticated and technologically dependent, incredible manmade and natural disasters are threatening us superbig time.
And over and over again, it is being reported that a well-placed EMP explosion over the United States would kill 90% of the population within a year--talk about a extinction level event!
As we experience temperatures15 degree above normal this fall, even the trees are behaving abnormally as the leaves are not changing to colors of yellows and oranges and reds and purples that we expect and enjoy.
Nature is messed up by our abuse of the planet and nurture is messed up by megalomaniacs with the weapons to do us in.
If we don't correct the dangerous path we are on polluting our planet and over-relying on technology then soon we could be turning horrible colors even if the leaves just fall to the ground or turn to ash. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
We Broke The Weather
August 9, 2017
Nuke Fear Turning To Action?
Currently, there are about 15,000 nukes either stockpiled or poised to strike around the world.
Enough deadly weapons to kill the entire planet!
After a frightening series of 5 nukes tests since 2006 plus 18 technologically progressive ballistic missiles tests over the last 6 months, things are escalating after new sanctions imposed to try to contain the threat--with North Korea rattling it's nuclear arsenal with a shrill threat of attack moving to "physical action" and the U.S. shooting back "fire and fury,"
As to further North Korean mad progress, it was reported that they are developing a powerful new H-bomb with immense destructive power, especially towards our density killing fields:
- If such a weapon would strike, G-d forbid, Washington D.C., it could mean 500,000 dead and another 900,000 injured--let alone what this would mean in terms of a destructive decapitation to the very functioning and continuity of our government and country.
- Even worse fatalities would occur should it strike our financial capital, New York City, with estimates of 1.7 million dead.
Hence, the news that this is no joking matter anymore (as if it really ever was).
Fears typically first get expressed in rhetoric, but then with greater and ever potent means for them to become reality, the risks increase for them to actually make the horrific leap.
What happens next with the ever menacing dangers from rogue Axis of Evil nations, North Korea and Iran--and will we ever feel and be safe again, absent any meaningful social progress while they continue to absolutely and speedily advance their ever more deadly weapons programs and the means to deliver them, first class. ;-0
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Nuke Fear Turning To Action?
August 6, 2017
What A Nuclear War Looks Like
Wow, wow, wow!
Great job Hashem Al-Ghaili on this video depicting the implicit horror of nuclear war.
16,000 nuclear weapons...2,000 ready to launch at a moment's notice.
Wake up world!
It just takes one numbskull to kill it for everybody.
"Few people laughed.
Few people cried.
Most people were silent.
Now I am become death.
The destroyer of worlds."
We need to pray to G-d and do everything to protect this amazing world and our people for the future.
There has got to be a tomorrow! ;-)
What A Nuclear War Looks Like