The smile is contagious.
One ring, and the customer service representative comes running.
Excellence starts with the first ring! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The smile is contagious.
One ring, and the customer service representative comes running.
Excellence starts with the first ring! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Service With A Smile
Take it stroke by stroke.
Don't worry about getting all the way from point A to Z.
Instead just focus on getting from point A to point A+.
Just take the first stroke and then another and another.
Like one foot in front of the other.
See how far you've come!
You're on the way to point Z but you don't have to drink the ocean in one gulp to get there. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
From Point A To Point A+
Whether on the ground or suspended on the lift, the cars are immaculately cared for.
Porsche displays excellence in every aspect of their brand.
The perception is tangible and real! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Porsche Branded Excellence
Never Too Young To Train
C's get degrees (too)!
Excellence Vs. Mediocrity
Start With Yes
Don't make me get through no to get to yes.
Keep a smile on your face and your focus on the customer; everything else takes care of itself.
The customer is in the water. They want the yacht. But I can give them a boat. It gets them to where they want to go, and they no longer need to swim. We can work our way up to a yacht.
Say YES!
"There's a solution to every problem."
"It's just that the customer may not like it."
"Well then that's not the solution you are looking for!"
Customer Service NO-NOs
"Don't make me go through NO
To get to YES."
Getting To Yes
I Like Working Here
Service From Yourself
Some Mighty Big Shoes To Fill
Innovation Echtzing and Krechtzing
Radiate Possibilities
In Fortune Magazine, 17 March 2008, Apple was rated in Fortune the #1 most admired companies in America and in the world and it won the highest mark for innovation too.
“In an industry that changes every nanosecond, the 32-yer old company has time and again innovated its way out of the doldrums. Rivals always seem to be playing catch-up.”
And Apple certainly knows innovation and mass appeal. “Invention is the creation of something new. [But] innovation is the creation of something new that makes money; it finds a pathway to the consumer.” Apple is great at creating consumer hits--just think iPod, iPhone, and MacBook.
“The iPod is to music what Kleenex is to tissue or Xerox is to copiers.”
“Almost everything Apple makes transcends gender, geography, and race.”
“In the last five years, “sales tripled to $24 billion and profits surged to $3.5 billion.”
What is Apple’s enterprise architecture (business and IT strategy)?
One of the biggest lessons for me from Apple is to never give up. For years, Apple trailed the computer market with the Mac holding only a 4% to 5% market share. But they kept innovating, developing and designing the best working and looking products. Now they’ve captured 70% market share with the iPod and are targeting sales this year of 10 million iPhones. Apple is a super company with business and technology planning that others can only look at in sheer awe with their mouths hanging open.
Apple and Enterprise Architecture