Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

July 21, 2024

U.S. Secret Service Circles The Wagons

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "U.S. Secret Service Circles The Wagons."

Last week was a devastating disappointment for me (and presumably for the vast majority of our country) when a 20-year-old, high school graduate attempted to assassinate the former (and likely future) president, Donald Trump. I was shocked not only by the obvious failures of today's Secret Service but even more so by the reaction of their leadership.

Aside from Trump who was almost assassinated, and the innocent civilians killed and wounded, and our heart and prayers go out to all of them, I cannot help but wonder what damage all this has done to the trust and respectability of our nation in the eyes of our allies and the fear and deterrence before the ongoing threats from our adversaries.

(AI generated image via Designer)

May 29, 2024



April 7, 2024

The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine."

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night disturbed by the very real nightmare about the rising anti-Semitism from dangerous Hamas supporters in our midst, this occurring less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, which saw the murder of six million Jews.

Day after day, week after week now, we see the vile Hamas terrorist supporters acting out in public, screaming, cursing, threatening, blocking, harassing, burning flags, pushing, prodding, and violently attacking others (i.e., Zionists and Jews). In any normal situation, the police would be there protecting the innocent, stopping the harassment, and arresting the violent agitators. But these days, what do we see? The police seem to be doing virtually nothing to stop them.

Without any serious consequences from our law enforcement, courts, or politicians, we can expect things to continue to escalate and get more dangerous.

(AI generated image from Designer)


December 17, 2023

Why Wokeism Hurts More Than It Helps

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Why Wokeism Hurts More Than It Helps."

While we should continually strive to promote mutual understanding and empowerment, we must also call out the false messiah of wokeism for what it is: a hateful, corrupt, and self-righteous ideology of entitlement and dictatorship. Instead of wokeism endlessly talking about victimhood, trying to turn one against another, and taking "all you can get," we should instead take a more positive and unifying approach that includes strong individual and family values, hard work, constructive reform, and of course, faith in the One above.

(AI Generated Photo via Craiyon)


December 13, 2023

The Price of Silence for Harvard and MIT

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Price of Silence for Harvard and MIT."

The author criticizes top American universities, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT, for their moral inaction in condemning Jewish genocide and supporting Hamas terrorists. They argue that their inaction is not serving their First Amendment cause but demonstrates a lack of basic moral values. They urge universities to condemn genocide and terrorism, act in their self-interest, and consider the impact of history on their actions. They urge them to choose the path of goodness, respecting humanity, their well-being, and the Divine judgment that awaits them all.

(Source Photo: AI Generated via Craiyon)


September 29, 2023

Potential Government Shutdown and The National Debt

(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)


June 25, 2023

Putin: Will He Stay or Go?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Putin: Will He Stay or Go?"

Perhaps Putin dodged a bullet today, but we'll see over time if he continues to be so lucky and who is ultimately right about Vladimir Putin's future: will he be whisked away to some Siberian gulag or will he continue his absolute reign over Russia and its people and continue his war for Soviet-era power and dominance?

(Credit Photo: Florian Lisi via


March 19, 2023

How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How a Sticky Situation Taught Me Some Empathy."

Thank G-d, he finished the blood draw, and it was over. But as I reflected afterwards, I thought to myself that this guy is just one of probably millions out there who are unhappy with their jobs, their relationships, their lives, and maybe more broadly, the direction things are going in for them.

To “move the needle” of the world in the right direction, perhaps we must fundamentally change the order of things so that people are paramount while profit and power are not. What that means is that we don’t tolerate the conditions that lead to tyrants, corruption, and endless greed.

(Credit Photo: Anna Shvets via


January 22, 2023

Ten ‘Points to Ponder’

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Ten 'Points to Ponder'."

My dear father, Fred Blumenthal (ZT”L), like many from his generation, used to read Reader’s Digest. I remember that there was a section called “Points to Ponder,” which I thought was a good title for things that can have a deeper and more profound meaning in our lives. So in this vein, I’d like to share a variety of thoughts that may give you pause to ponder as well.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 15, 2023

The Biggest Liar in America

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Biggest Liar in America."

Who is the biggest liar in America today? You’d be hard-pressed not to answer US House Representative George Santos (R-NY). Although some would say, “What a perfect politician he makes!”

In the end, George Santos is perhaps an excellent “representative” for Congress in that he fits right into the political, news, and business culture that we live in, where lies are the norm and the truth is something to search for like a needle in a haystack. If you can find any, I’d like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

(Credit Photo: Chris Short adapted via

July 2, 2022

Contradictions, Corruption, and Lies

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Contradictions, Corruption, and Lies."

The list of “nonsensicals” in our society could go on and on (and I won’t even get started with all the Covid mandates and chaos), and you have to ask yourself what type of country (and world) we are leaving to future generations: A world that is full contradictions, corruption, and lies!
In the end, we can’t live with the double-talk and lies that we are being fed or the political grandstanding and corruption that takes the place of real humanity and progress. This leaves us to find truth and faith in the good and love that is G-d and to act from His word and not the phony media or corrupt politicians that seek to lead us continuously astray.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 13, 2022

No News Is Good News

No news is good news. 

Unfortunately, most of the news these days is bad news.

  • War
  • Terrorism
  • Global tensions
  • Threats of WMD
  • Political dysfunction
  • Inflation
  • Trade deficit
  • Ballooning debt
  • Sinking economy
  • Global warming
  • Social divisions
  • Rampant crime
  • Chaos at the border
  • Pandemic
  • Care giver shortage

Only good news is usually technology and acts of compassion, caring, personal sacrifice and sometimes true heroism!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 23, 2022

Jude in America

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Jude in America."
What was shocking was that despite the professional environment, this was a climate where they actually felt “safe” expressing their Antisemitism and hate. In this case, these high-level, powerful, “educated” people working in the heart of our nation’s capital should know better, much better than to harass someone because she is a Jew, an Israeli, a woman or all three.
It is unfortunate that there still are individuals that hate out there: that lash out questioning our faith, our people, and our intentions. Good people see the common humanity and good in others, and bad people are infatuated with imaginary intolerable differences, especially of minorities, and enjoy scapegoating them, goading others to join their hate, and even violently preying on them.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 10, 2022

Stand Up!

Wow, I thought this speaks volumes. 

All the greedy and corrupt power players at the table with their fancy suits, money, gold, and properties around the globe.  

And their game is sustained up on the bent backs of the simple people with nothing (not even clothing). 

But a Seeing Eye (and a Hearing Ear) in Heaven is watching the evil perpetrated. 

Eventually, faith tells us that the game will be over and the simple hard-working people will be fully restored and the corrupt will suffer their just desserts.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Facebook)


February 1, 2022

Drain The Swamp

We were promised they would "drain the swamp."

What happened with that?

It often still seems pretty dirty, dark, dank and swampy! 

We need real democracy, freedom, human rights, and justice for all people.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 30, 2022

People of Ukraine

It hit me today — with all the news about Russia preparing to invade Ukraine and devastate its people, unprovoked, there is nobody talking about the people of Ukraine.

Our leaders and news media are so misguided and focused on the geopolitics of the thing, all they talk about is what the U.S. and EU will do in terms of some measly sanctions.

But they have completely forgotten the innocent people there — 44 million of them — who face death and occupation.

Where is our leadership????

Where are the speeches about the innocent people? About freedom? About democracy? About human rights?

Where is the United Nations????

They are supposed to safeguard and maintain peace and security around the globe.

Where are the outspoken liberals who call out occupation, apartheid, and human rights abuses????

Not a word from anyone.

It’s incredible how prejudiced, biased, discriminatory and corrupt all these people can be. They can be brainwashed, bribed, and bought to speak out for those when it will somehow fit their agenda or benefit them!

But when the Russian or Chinese powerful aggressors are at the doorstep of Ukraine or Hong Kong/Taiwan — where is anybody to speak out?

Last night, I imagined the people of Ukraine sitting in fear, in worry about what will happen to them, their families, their homes.

Do the world leaders care anything about the lives of real people — men, women, and children — or only about how any conflict makes them look, and how they are polling, and the next election?

Morality and conscience — is it on life support or dead in this narcissist world of the powerful and elite. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 22, 2021

Don't Follow Haters and Liars

I liked this sign:

Truth does not mind being questioned. 

A lie does not like being challenged. 

This seems like truth to me!

People who push an agenda and their propaganda never like to discuss it or answer questions about it. It's usually prejudice in some way and they just want to ram it down people's throats. 

Questioning and shedding light on things that don't seem right is part of our moral and civic duty.  

Of course, the haters and liars would rather that we just accept the falsehoods they are peddling like stupid sheep who blindly follow them down the road to perdition. ;-)

(Source Photo: Friend)


July 19, 2021

Ben and Jerry's Can Drop Dead!

Just wanted to express my firm sentiment that:

Ben and Jerry's can drop dead!

The anti-Semites at Unilever/Ben and Jerry's decided that they would boycott selling their ice cream in the West Bank in Israel. 

Gee, why don't they boycott selling their crappy ice cream to the murderous Assad Regime in Syria or to the radical Mullahs in Iran or the terrorists organizations Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon and so many more outrageous dictators and human rights abusers in the world? Will Ben and Jerry's boycott China where they detain a million Uyghurs in "reeducation" camps or Russia for invading and annexing Crimea? But as we all know, these corrupt bureaucrats wouldn't dare! 

I am convinced deep down that we are dealing simply with hard core anti-Semitic hate-mongers playing executives at Ben and Jerry's. 

Honestly though, it is no loss what-so-ever, since Haagen-Dazs is about a million times better ice cream than Ben and Jerry's ever was or will be.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 9, 2021

When Might Makes Wrong

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "When Might Makes Wrong."

A single Jewish country, like Israel, doesn't stand a chance at the UN, where they are automatically outvoted and imprisoned by their enemies in a virtual diplomatic isolation.
The ability of the Muslim nations and those they coerce to outvote Israel at the United Nations, whether in the General Assembly, the HRC, and through UNRWA is neither right, ethical, nor moral, but simply a fixture of might makes wrong at the UN! In democracies around the world, we pride ourselves on balancing voting with constitutions that protect the basic human rights of all people, including minorities be they according to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability. Unfortunately, these principles and protections of people don't apply at the United Nations. Thus, bias and hatred of Israel is allowed and even encouraged to perpetuate as long as their enemies can use sheer numbers or their power to deny the basic rights of a secure existence and nationhood to the Jewish people. Regretfully, these types of gross injustices, including genocide, have been perpetrated against many other minorities as well. While there have been attempts in the past to reform the UN, unfortunately, these remain mostly unsuccessful, and the farce that is the United Nations continues with its unsound power structure and the lack of a global moral compass to guide its actions.

(Credit Photo: Pixabay


June 13, 2021

When Compromise Means Death

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "When Compromise Means Death."
The nations of the world look on with horror at the “plight of the Palestinians,” but they turn a blind eye to the chants of “death to Israel” and as the Palestinians turn billions of dollars of aid into relentless homicide bombs and send thousands of missiles into Israel civilian population centers. The compromise that Israel has shown would end the Palestinian “victim status” and thus endanger their endless money and support that flows freely from the UNRWA to prop up the corrupt Palestinian leadership. The reason that the Palestinian leadership doesn’t want an agreement is that they want the Jews dead “from the river to the sea!”
Israel has shown that is willing to make difficult and painful decisions and support Palestinian autonomy for the sake of peace, but will the Palestinians ever compromise at all? As Golda Meir said:
Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.
Please G-d, the day will arrive soon, when reason will overcome hate, and peace will prevail over prejudice, and Jews and Palestinians can live side-by-side, as neighbors and as friends.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
