(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
April 30, 2023
April 16, 2023
Kosher in Body and Soul
The essence of keeping kosher is not that we just keep the dietary kosher laws and eat only that which G-d commanded is permissible to us, but more so that we feed our spiritual soul with G-d’s manifestation to us and ultimately that we live kosher lives through His wisdom and the performance of good deeds.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Kosher in Body and Soul
August 22, 2022
7th For Shabbat
And the seventh (bent over at the top) is separate for Shabbat.
Even nature reminds us to keep G-d's commandments. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
7th For Shabbat
May 15, 2022
The Tragic Comedy of the “Anti-Zionist Synagogue”
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Tragic Comedy of the 'Anti-Zionist Synagogue'."
"…the creation of an ethnic Jewish nation state in historic Palestine resulted in an injustice against the Palestinian people, an injustice that continues to this day."
However, the facts do not match the rhetoric. Anti-Zionism, regardless of the source is ultimately about Jew hatred.
The Tragic Comedy of the “Anti-Zionist Synagogue”
August 24, 2020
90-10 Charity Rule
In Genesis 14:20:
Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
In Genesis 28:22
[Jacob says] And in all that you give me I will give a full tenth to you.
In Leviticus 27:30:
A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the L-rd, it is holy to the L-rd.
In general, G-d lets you keep 90% and he commands that you give 10% to charity.
I understand that some righteous people even give 20% of their income to charity.
I learned from Rabbi Yaron Reuven that:
For those that are miserly and not charitable and don't tithe, G-d reverses the equation, and He takes back the 90% and lets you keep the 10%.
Very ingenious and where the punishment fits "the crime" so to say.
So what do you want the 90% or the 10%--it's your choice to give or have it given for you! ;-)
(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
90-10 Charity Rule
May 23, 2020
The 11th Commandment
How many times do I hear about fellow Jews trying to "out-frum" (i.e. be holier than thou) other Jews: whether it's in terms of Kashrut, Shabbat or even who stayed up the latest for the Passover Seder. Recently, when it came to coronavirus, I was more than a little shocked to read that someone actually attributed the disease to it being a punishment from G-d because women's skirts are not being worn long enough. While certainly it's good to be introspective and there is a strong concept of reward and punishment in Judaism, there is something about us Jews where we tend to want to go a little more and a little farther. In some cases, we are doing "hiddur mitzvah" (beautification of the Mitzvah) which is praiseworthy, but in other cases, we may be adding unnecessary "chumras" (i.e. stringencies) than can backfire religiously. My unequivocal preference is to follow my father's teaching to me of the Rambam's "Shvil Ha'zahav" (i.e. the golden path) and not go too far to the left or to the right, but keep a healthy middle of the road approach to life.
In the end, the number of commandments are what they are, and with 613 throughout the Torah, there is enough to keep us all busy going what is right with G-d and our fellow man. While we may like to overachieve in our careers, our education, and our pedigrees, it is not necessary to try to outdo each other religiously. Religion is a matter between us and Hashem and G-d knows what is in our hearts and counts up all our deeds according to His holy Torah with nothing added and nothing subtracted.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The 11th Commandment
February 15, 2019
Shabbat Shalom!
So fresh and delicious.
Plenty for all.
G-d's blessing for a restful Shabbos.
Thank you for sanctifying us with your mitzvot. ;-)
(Source Photo: Minna Blumenthal)
Shabbat Shalom!
September 15, 2018
Reflections B4 Yom Kippur
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Reflections Before Yom Kippur."
"I get up in the middle of the night, and I’m still 3/4 asleep. My mouth feels dry, and I walk over to the mouthwash to refresh. I reach for the bottle, but I grab the image in the mirror..."
Hope you enjoy this true story and the parable for living our spiritual lives and not just reach for the ego image in the mirror.
May you be sealed for another year in the book of life. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Reflections B4 Yom Kippur
September 22, 2017
613 Everywhere
My wife and I continue to see 613 all the time and everywhere!
Prices, receipts, license plates, accounts balances, stock price changes, lottery winnings, bar codes, time of day, wait times, schedules, number of email, rows in a spreadsheet, road numbers, social media views, etc. etc. etc.
- I have questioned myself over and over whether I am seeing it because I am sensitized to it or simply even looking for it at this point.
The answer is a definite no!
Here's a recent example, of the change in the stock price for Teva Pharmaceuticals (above)--it's exactly -.0613!
But this isn't a one time event or a fluke.
As we all know stock prices fluctuate every moment on the marketplace. Yet, when I check at completely different and random times, it is up or down by a variation of 613!
Other times, I'll check multiple stocks... and they will simultaneously be moving or priced at variations again of 613--at the exact same moment, I repeat, different stocks priced at the exact same moment.
Here's another non-financial example:
I did a post a few weeks ago on the critical importance of emergency preparedness.
Look at how many views it got on LinkedIn...exactly 163!
This happens everywhere and all the time!
Here's a third example:
A license plate.
Here's a fourth example:
Can you see the code on the package...613!
A fifth example:
A tracking code on a shipment.
A sixth example:
A bar code on a bottle of Life Water.
A seventh example:
A label on some spinach!
An eighth example:
A construction site.
An ninth example:
A public solicitation for the Department of Energy.
A tenth example:
The winning pot for Powerball.
Hey, I am not superstitious and I am not OCD--seriously.
But this happens all the time.
I cannot help but think that G-d is sending us an important message.
From a personal level, my wife and I have both tried to take the messages seriously and to continue to improve our lives--albeit we know, we are far from perfect human beings.
However, we also feel compelled to share this message more broadly.
There is a lot going on in the world, and could this mean something bigger and more consequential to a lot more people?
Please, please, please, G-d have mercy on your children...we are but flesh and blood...and we desire to do good.
(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
613 Everywhere
June 13, 2017
Today Is 6/13
Yes, check your calendar.
It only comes once a year.
613 is the mystical and holy number of commandments in the Torah.
For more than 2 years (this is not a short-term phenomenon), my family and even some friends have been seeing an inexplicable number of 613 everywhere.
Here is one from a stock I follow from the other week: Twitter was up exactly 6.13%...and I don't follow that many stocks.
Just yesterday, another stock (that been doing terribly...it's a startup!) is down an enormous 61.3% since I started following it.
And yet another major stock--of the largest company in Israel and the largest generic pharmaceutical company in the world--Teva--is down 16.03 year-to-date.
Nearly every day, we see an endless barrage of license plates, roads, train and plane schedules and physical or URL addresses, get purchase receipts or invoice totals, see number of posts, views, likes, or emails, and even the other day almost booked a hotel with the address....that's right and only 613!
I am a rational person...maybe almost to the extreme, and what I initially laughed off as a lark or someone's OCD thing, is beyond any reasonable explanation that I can fathom at this point.
I am left with faith that there is truly some message being sent from the One Above...the question is what is the meaning of the message?
I continue to hope and pray that the message is one of blessings and redemption for mankind...I hope you will join me in this prayer. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Today Is 6/13
March 13, 2017
Know Before Whom You Stand
It was taken in Synagogue in front of the aron (ark) where the Holy Torahs are kept.
On Sabbath and holidays, after services, devout people often go up to the doors of the ark to say a personal and silent prayer of devotion getting up close to the Torahs (G-d's sacred words to us).
What you'll see here is that someone is dressed (for Purim) as Superwoman.
The juxtaposition of Superwoman to the Holy ark is accentuated by the words above the ark, which translated from the Hebrew states:
"Know before whom you stand."
A cautionary note and reminder that before the ark, we are literally standing before the presence of G-d (and to conduct ourselves with the utmost respect and propriety)
So in this picture, we have Superwoman standing before G-d, the most super of them all!
When I think of how minuscule we as human beings are before our Maker, it is magnified for me that even the most super of human beings infinitely pales when standing in front of the majesty and omnipotence of our L-rd.
Superman and Superwoman prostrate yourselves before Hashem, even as we all must do. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal with compliments to Monique for the photo)
Know Before Whom You Stand
March 4, 2017
Kosher Trust Or Not
The Rabbi is having a Purim open house and he invited everyone to bring a pot luck.
"Only home-made food, no purchased food please!"
In Jewish circles, this is the opposite of what you'd expect, where checking the kosher labels and symbols is critical to ensuring the food has followed the strict kosher dietary laws and can be eaten.
Yet as pointed out, kashrut has been made into a whole commercial business these days...does it still reflect the intent?
The Rabbi explained in services today, in a very well received way, that we need to get back to respecting and trusting each other.
That these values are essential to being truly religious people.
It was a wonderful speech in that it evoked unconditional acceptance and respect for everyone.
As we know, no one is so perfect, even though the goal of course is to be as perfect as we can be.
So two things:
1) I really like the notion of treating people well and putting that high on the priorities as we are all G-d's creatures.
2) I myself am kosher, but not fanatically so, therefore, I personally appreciated the acceptance and love in the community.
Yet, after I got home, and thinking about this some more, and despite my own failings religiously and otherwise, I asked myself, "Am I really comfortable eating from a parve and meat community pot luck?"
And even as I ask this question, I am sort of squirming at the idea of just eating anyone's food--and not knowing anything about it.
How am I doing due diligence in even trying to keep kosher like that?
While maybe I'm not the most kosher of everyone, it certainly is important to me to at least try (to some extent), but I ask myself can this be considered really even trying--when some people aren't religious, may not have a strong religious education, and perhaps some may not even be (fully) Jewish?
Sure, someone can even have the best intentions and try to bring kosher food, yet it's certainly possible that the food may not be kosher.
Perhaps, in prior times, it was an issue of more or less kosher, but these days, it can be an issue of kosher or not kosher at all.
This is a very difficult issue--because we can't put people up against the law--we must by necessity respect both.
So yes, I love the idea of respecting everyone and that's a given assuming they are good, decent people, but trust is not something you just have, it's something you earn, by...being trustful!
I'm not one to preach religion to anyone...I struggle myself with the laws and in trying to do what's right in the commandments between man and G-d.
And while I am ready to accept all good and loving people, I am perhaps not ready to just trust them without knowing that the trust is dutiful.
Love thy neighbor as thyself is paramount, but also we have a duty to G-d to try to fulfill his commandments the best we can. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Kosher Trust Or Not
February 4, 2017
The Miraculous Mezuzah
Reminiscent of ancient times when Jews were slaves in Egypt and G-d told the Israelites to put the blood of the Paschal lamb on the doorpost.
When they did this and the Angel of Death killed the firstborn in each home of the taskmaster Egyptians--he passed over the doorposts of the Israelites that had the blood on it as commanded by G-d.
So too these days, the Mezuzah has the holy prayer of the Shema Yisrael on it:
"Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is One".And it is believed to be a symbol of G-d's divine protection for the home.
This week in Synagogue, Rabbi Haim Ovadia told some miraculous stories about the Mezuzah from when he was the Rabbi in Bogota, Columbia.
He told of how the cartels would raid the buildings where the people in the community lived. The cops would be told not to respond to the calls for help for at least an hour. But what was a miracle was that apartments with the mezuzahs were not harmed. Later, the people found out that the cartels, thank G-d left them alone, because they didn't know what a mezuzah was and thought it was some sort of fancy alarm system!
Another story, was the boss who put mezuzahs on the offices at work, and what happened? The profitability of the business went up. When they looked at why this happened, they realized that the boss would stop at the mezuzah to recite the Shema, and the workers thought the boss was there paying more attention to them and so productivity went way up.
Finally, the last one was really funny. They couldn't easily get mezuzahs in Bogota, so when they heard someone was coming from a trip to Israel, they asked him to bring 5 mezuzahs for the home. When it arrived, they opened it up, but lo and behold, the parchment with the prayer inside was missing from them. When they asked what happened to it--the person said, I already know how to put up a mezuzah on the doorpost with 2 nails and a hammer, so what do I need the instructions inside it for!
G-d is glorious and the holiness that he bestows on us with his commandments is amazing. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Miraculous Mezuzah
December 31, 2016
Nourishment For The Soul
Nourishment For The Soul
December 11, 2016
613 Faith Redux
Then on June 12, 2016, there was a terror attack in Orlando, which killed 49 people and wounded 53 others.
We read about this all over the front page of USA Today on 6.13.16 (the date spells 613 in BOTH directions!)
Then all of a sudden we stopped seeing 613--completely stopped.
That is until 2 weeks ago.
When out of nowhere we all simultaneously and independently started to see 613 again.
On clocks, license plates, order numbers, treadmills, everywhere.
Yesterday, I saw 613 displayed brightly on a warning cone (above) in the roadway!
And today again, an order number received "randomly" for a purchase online ends in 613!
All I can say is that it is scary to see this--it feels like some sort of warning or message--and we need to have renewed faith in G-d, turn to him, and ask for his mercy.
In the ongoing war of good over evil, I think it's certainly a time for extra repentance, prayer, charity, and lots of good deeds. ;-)
(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)
613 Faith Redux
June 3, 2016
613 Stock Market
613 Stock Market
June 2, 2016
613 Lottery
251 and 110.
Combine the numbers and yes, it is exactly 613 again!
Mystical, holy number of commandments in the Torah.
Please G-d for blessings. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
613 Lottery
May 29, 2016
613 Calories
I tried to do it intentionally.
I was getting my activity, and lo and behold, I see that I am at 612 calories burned so far.
Oh, how cool--I can capture 613 in a another second or two.
And I continue my activity looking intently at the Apple Watch monitor.
Okay, 613 now!
No, now!
How about now?
But it doesn't come.
I am waiting for it.
It can't come on my terms.
Next thing I know, the calorie counter jumps from 612 to 616.
I can't believe it.
I couldn't capture the 613 when I wanted to.
Every other time so far has been--we'll it's just been.
And maybe that's the whole point. ;-)
(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)
613 Calories
May 28, 2016
613 Synagogue
Mystical, holy 613 (number of commandments in the Torah).
May Hashem bless us in his mercy.
(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)
613 Synagogue
May 25, 2016
(Re)Kashering The Kitchen
Yesterday, I posted that I would show you today how it is personally affecting us.
So one of the things that we are doing is (re)kashering our kitchen.
New and separate dishes and cooking utensils for meat and dairy meals.
We got these beautiful French Perle Lenox in gorgeous lilac and ice blue (of course, no one better actually use one and break it).
Being more a part of the synagogue and community now, we are hoping to host more people for Shabbat etc.
There are other small (and large) ways that we are coming back to more of our traditions, but we are far from perfect.
Sort of a blend of the secular world, the religious one, and just being ourselves.
But that is our road, and we strive to do better in all aspects of our lives and pray for G-d's mercy and blessings all along the way and at the destination. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
(Re)Kashering The Kitchen