So this open-door market has no workers there.
Someone comes in to stock the shelves periodically, and that's it!
It's completely automated of workers, and only has this automated kiosk for check-out.
As you shop, there are cameras watching you, so you don't steal anything.
Then you go to the checkout and like in other stores, you scan you items and pay with your credit card, but the difference is that it's without anyone else around at all.
Can you imagine someone would leave there business and there is no one watching you, except the cameras.
You're on your honor system.
Just think how much money the owner saves by not having to stand there or hire someone to stand there all day.
He can have 10 or 100 or 1,000 of these stores and no daily labor to pay for.
Talk about people losing their jobs to automation and robotics!
So even if someone does steal 1 or 2 things, it's a minor loss to the owner compared to paying someone to stand there and check people out all day (salary, benefits, payroll taxes, workers comp insurance, and more).
What if the camera isn't even real and it's just a dark cone, so you are just left to think that you're being surveilled...another savings for the owner.
Now imagine if we all internalized this thought in life that we were under the watchful eye of our Maker, and everyone would do the right thing even when no one else was there watching. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)