So despite the immense beauty, fame, and fortune associated with the Kardashian women...if you are a man, you may want to stay far far far away.
It seems like in the end, nothing good ever turns out for the Kardashian men--who BTW are often ballplayers and even Olympic athletes.
Kris's husbands:
- Bruce Jenner (2nd husband) - divorced in 2014, and revealed "excruciatingly painful" transgender crisis and transformation to Caitlyn Jenner.
Kim's husbands:
- Chris Humphries (2nd husband) - Filed for divorce after 1 year, 7 months and divorce completed in 2013.
Chloe's husband:
Kourtney's partner:
What about brother, Rob Kardashian?
Anyway, it all starts with Kris Jenner, the controlling family matriarch who has been said to be "testy, demanding, manipulative," and generally narcissistic.
And how about the Kardashian daughters--who are they as people?--as they air their freewheeling "have it all" lifestyles on the show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians?
Even though they call it a reality show, maybe the real reality--like for most of humankind--is not so "all that" and glamorous after all? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

The Kardashian Ball-Busters