And out of the corner of my eye, I see this bird swoop in overhead.
But it's not outside, it's inside the building enclosure.
The bird dived in through an open door.
Now it was stuck inside.
It perched itself on a shelf overlooking the outdoors.
But it was stuck behind the glass walls.
The lifeguard tried to swoop it out with the sticks, brushes, and nets for cleaning the pool.
But this bird wasn't going anywhere.
I asked if it was injured or sick.
He said that the bird was scared, which made sense.
Over and over again, the lifeguard tried to coax the bird out.
Finally, it took flight and headed straight into another glass pane--BONG--and fell down--SPLAT--onto another ledge.
The lifeguard and I looked at each other -- asking whether the bird was still alive or not.
I suggested he call for help, and the advice he was given was just to leave it alone and that eventually, it would find its way out.
It was time for me to go, but I am still thinking about that trapped bird.
If you love something, you have to let it free.
Everyone and everything should be free (unless they've abused that freedom).
Free to come and go, free to express themselves, free to choose, free to act.
Sometimes when you're free, you run into trouble or into a glass pane.
You need to find your way out and home again to freedom. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)