Showing posts with label Threats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Threats. Show all posts

June 30, 2024

Axis of Jihad

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Axis of Jihad."

Deport the terrorists, halt their vile ways,
Before darkness consumes our brightest days.
Iran’s threat looms large, Yemen’s shore cries,
The Axis of Evil seeks its prize.

Russia, China, and Iran—psyops behind it all,
Undermining the West with terror and chaos, oh the gall!
Their geopolitical dance, a cunning ballet,
While the world trembles, caught in their dangerous strategic sway.

 (AI generated image via Designer)


June 6, 2024

The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization."

In short, radical jihadists are not only using everything from terrorism to the pursuit of nuclear weapons to achieve their goals of domination and a caliphate, but they are also employing a dangerous strategy of subterfuge and subversion of our democratic institutions and society. As long as we continue to focus almost exclusively on threats from China and Russia and attempt to downplay the significant danger of a radical terrorist caliphate, we ignore the "revolution," the ideology of martyrdom, and the pursuit of Jihad that is a threat to freedom and human rights not only to the people in their own countries but to those around the world.

(AI generated image via Designer)


April 7, 2024

The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Canary in the Antisemitic Coal Mine."

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night disturbed by the very real nightmare about the rising anti-Semitism from dangerous Hamas supporters in our midst, this occurring less than 80 years after the end of the Holocaust, which saw the murder of six million Jews.

Day after day, week after week now, we see the vile Hamas terrorist supporters acting out in public, screaming, cursing, threatening, blocking, harassing, burning flags, pushing, prodding, and violently attacking others (i.e., Zionists and Jews). In any normal situation, the police would be there protecting the innocent, stopping the harassment, and arresting the violent agitators. But these days, what do we see? The police seem to be doing virtually nothing to stop them.

Without any serious consequences from our law enforcement, courts, or politicians, we can expect things to continue to escalate and get more dangerous.

(AI generated image from Designer)


February 4, 2024

It Comes Down to Leadership

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "It Comes Down to Leadership."

While surely all decent, patriotic American people want to see the United States continue as a beacon of freedom and leadership in the world, the problems this country is facing both internally and externally are wearing down our ability to cope with them. From our economy to our border and national security, from our universities to our urban centers, from radical wokeism to vile protests overcome with hate, racism, and violence, our nation is threatened perhaps like never before.

While there are many factors that contribute to our national success, certainly if we are going to be able to confront the challenges we face both at home and abroad, we must have strong and courageous leadership. Not only to unite us but also to evoke our very best, we need leadership that commands respect from both left and right, with a mighty and passionate vision that moves us not only to farseeing human progress but equally to moral righteousness. With this, we can instill pride in both who we are and where we are going and not be in fear of what’s threatening our streets or our shores anymore.

(AI generated Image via Craiyon)


December 31, 2023

Preventing a Future October 7

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Preventing a Future October 7."

First and foremost, we need more and better capability to think outside the box and see things not only as they appear, but what's behind the curtain as well. War gaming, planning, modeling and simulation, and using artificial intelligence are just some of the tools at our disposal for breaking the paradigm and thinking about what's possible and even what's probable. Most importantly, we need a diversity of thinking to end the groupthink and mind-numbing stasis of seeing things only as we think they are and not as they really are or could be. Whether we employ think tanks and advisory boards; military and intelligence assets; strategic planners, futurists, and statisticians; technologists, scientists, and engineers; psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists to get into the heads of our adversaries or the realm of the unthinkable, we must break down the barriers to novel thinking and creative solutions. Along with faith in the Almighty and a strong, technologically advanced, and well-trained IDF, this deep planning must become the bedrock of our security preparedness.
(AI Generated Image via Craiyon)


July 30, 2023

We're Not Prepared

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "We're Not Prepared."

Whether it is our inability to imagine what can happen, our disbelief in it actually occurring, or our ineffectiveness or corruption to really prepare, we may be in serious peril from future threats that invariably await us. When that earthquake that we know is overdue hits the west coast hard, or a nuclear ICBM from North Korea or Iran hits somewhere in our mainland, or the next bio-weapon from China strikes our masses, or Russia cripples our satellites and Internet with one of their hidden Trojans or a zero-day cyber-attack, we can all shake our heads in utter disbelief again at how unprepared we are for the "next one."

Certainly, no one is invulnerable to tragedy, no preparation will ever be perfect, and we can never get everything right in responding to and recovering when disaster strikes, but if we don't stop the endless denial and infighting, allocate our limited resources with foresight and good cause, and make a determined and continued effort to get ready for what we know with virtual certainty looms large and threatens us, then we are unfortunately complicit in the tragic downfall that awaits.

(Credit Photo: Hitesh Choudhary via

March 26, 2023

The Doctrine of Deterrence Has Failed

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Doctrine of Deterrence Has Failed." 

If we acknowledge that we are not willing to lose “our” Main Street, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the nation’s capital, and more to get into devastating conflicts to liberally protect others (who often aren’t even paying their own fair share), then we can make better decisions about when we should actually “fight the good fight.”

Moreover, it’s not enough to just put up a show of some limited and hollow resistance; rather, when we do fight, it must be with our full determination to win. Unfortunately, too often we have gone in militarily with “shock and awe,” but turned abruptly tail in a politically wishy-washy “shame and retreat.” It’s high time to make U.S. deterrence mean something inescapably formidable once again.

(Source Photo via

November 16, 2022

From Outrage to Action on Anti-Semitism

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "From Outrage to Action on Anti-Semitism."

What is striking to me is that when it comes to hate against the Jews as opposed to hate against other groups, we continually see that “their” rights are immediately supported, while we have to prove that it’s really hate.
Hopefully, our community leaders, police, FBI, and Homeland Security are paying close attention and will take appropriate preventive action so that we can avoid another incident like the shooting just four years ago at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. We need more intelligence, surveillance, officers, patrols, data-driven policing, self-defense and emergency medical training, synagogue protection, community outreach, beefed-up reporting systems, and tougher penalties to start with. We can’t expect the people who hate to stop, but we do need to keep raising the bar on how to keep our communities safe and stop hate crimes.

(Credit Photo: Laura Rosenberg Hosid)


October 30, 2022

The U.N.’s Double Standard On Nukes

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The U.N.'s Double Standard on Nukes."

As war rages or threatens in hotspots around the world, and the nations responsible are actively pursuing, building, testing, and threatening others with nuclear weapons, it appears that the United Nations is deliberately ignoring the real dangers here.

If only the United Nations would live up to its charter! Then we might truly have a world of tolerance and international peace and security.

Is the United Nations really about bringing the nations of the world together?

Or is it about casting the Jews to the wolves?

(Source Photo:

October 2, 2022

Worried About the Nukes?

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Worried About the Nukes?"

So, while Ukraine has turned the tides and Russia is losing on the battlefield against highly determined Ukrainian troops fighting for their survival with high-tech Western smart weapons, Putin has drawn a line in the sand saying that Russia will never relinquish this land that they now consider part of Mother Russia itself. Thus, Putin has left zero room for negotiation or compromise. If the Ukrainian counterattacks continue to try to regain their land, and Russia has no viable military options left, then they will turn to weapons of mass destruction. Clearly, if Putin doesn’t use everything at his disposal to win (and win he must), then Russia as a superpower will be the true laughing stock of the world, and Putin himself will be toast!

(Source Photo: Source Photo:


September 17, 2022

Putin’s Diabolical End Game

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Putin's Diabolical End Game."

Russia, the iron-clawed bear, fights to win. They are used to using a scorched earth strategy whereby they destroy everything in their path, so that cities are literally flattened. In 2003, the UN declared Grozny the most destroyed city on earth after Russia got through pummeling it! In February 2022, Russia attempted to enter Ukraine with endless columns of tanks and armored fighting vehicles and a barrage of artillery, mortars, and missiles to try to do the same to them. But this time, Putin has made every mistake in the war-fighting book.

Facing defeat and humiliation with his back against the wall, what will Putin do next?

(Source Photo:


February 14, 2022

Russia Wins This Hands Down

Russia has so won this conflict, hands down, with Ukraine in their targeting sights and the West demonstrating nothing but weakness. 

They have so intimidated Ukraine that Russia will be able to install a new government in Kyiv or just pull the strings on the puppets in place without ever firing a shot.

Moreover, Ukraine won't be considered by NATO for membership ever again knowing that Russia will go to the mat over it. 

Scare tactics can work if you carry a big enough gun and have the gumption to hold it to your opponent's head!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 29, 2022

Goading The Bull In Ukraine

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Goading The Bull In Ukraine."

A few years ago, Israel’s former Foreign Minister, Avigdor Liberman (Soviet-born) cautioned about Israel’s indecision on handling the existential Iranian nuclear threat:
We need decisiveness, determination, not whining…no agreement will stop them. If you want to shoot, shoot, don’t talk.

These days, there is a similar situation with Russia and the U.S.’s threats over Ukraine: too much senseless political bantering and ultimatums that is only ratcheting up tension in the world. The result is that Russia’s ominous military machine including 100,000 troops have surrounded Ukraine (the 2nd largest country in Europe) on three sides and are poised to attack, yet there is a ridiculous song and dance being played out on the world stage In the end, the question is whose strategy will prove to be the winning one: Russia’s daunting finger on the trigger or even an actual devastating invasion of resource-rich Ukraine to try and safeguard their flank on Eastern Europe or the U.S. gambling that Russia will get mired in a no-win Afghan-like military foray that will bankrupt them financially and morally. As we await the answer to this, the world is learning to disregard and disrespect those that talk bull and goad the bull rather than decisively confronting the threat. We can’t afford the consequences to world peace and stability.

(Source Photo:

July 5, 2020

Targeting Israel: A Distraction From Real Threats

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Targeting Israel: A Distraction From Real Threats."
While the world unfortunately focuses again on Israel (a state the size of New Jersey), they continue to unfortunately be asleep at the wheel when Russia invaded Crimea and annexed it from a sovereign country of Ukraine in 2014, and again now in 2020 as China is taking critical steps that restrict freedom and human rights in Hong Kong.

The question is why we are constantly being diverted to blame and attack Israel and to not look at the real threats to world peace? Yet again, it’s another modern-day blood libel! While the superpowers play Risk with the world order, we should not be fooled by others trying to tell Israel what to do. Nothing should stop Israel from annexing the 30% of the West Bank under the Middle East Peace Plan that is vital to their lasting peace and security. Today is July 4th and the U.S. and Israel stand united in their commitment to that future.

(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

December 7, 2019

Faith Chases Out The Fear

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Faith Chases Out The Fear."
It’s interesting that faith and fear are incompatible and they cannot coexist. Where one is, the other is not. Just like the light chases away the darkness, so too does faith expel fear from our lives. When we believe that G-d is in charge of everything that happens, and that he loves us and ultimately wants what is good of us then what is there for us to fear?

No matter in what danger we find ourselves and no matter how scared we feel, we are not alone. The Master of the Universe is watching over us, waiting for us to raise our eyes to the heavens in faith, and to take a stand and do what’s right. If we do, then G-d will manifest himself to us and indeed “will carry, and will deliver” us.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 22, 2018

The Value of Pain

Three notables on the value of pain:

1) Pain is a warning of dangerous threats and helps safeguard us.

2) Pain that doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

3) Pain lets you know you ain't dead yet.

Then again, nothing wrong with a little pain relief. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 6, 2018

The DIVIDED States of America

Our nation is increasingly polarized with little to no tolerance of others wants, thinking, or actions. 

- First under Obama.

- Then with the election between Hillary and Trump.

- And now over Judge Kavanaugh.

The result has been some of the worst behaviors seen since the Civil War--with not only disrespect, restrictions on freedom of expression, but even threats and actual violence!

This nation is no longer the UNITED States, but much more like the DIVIDED States. 

And that just plays into our enemies hands and could lead us to eventually lose our very democracy to totalitarianism, dictatorship, and tyranny.  

So now may be a good time to review for yourself how many biases are driving your thought processes and behaviors and creating dangerous fundamentalists and extremists all around us instead of thoughtful dialogue, negotiation, and compromise. 

Here are 20 biases that may be affecting you more than you realize:

- Do you overestimate the importance of the information you have or feel good about (Anchoring,  Availability, and Choice-Supportive Biases)?

- Do you seek out and perceive information that simply validates your preconceptions (Information,
Confirmation, and Selective Perception Bias)? 

- Do you overemphasize information that is more recent or recognizable (Recency and Salience Biases)?

- Are you ignoring information that doesn't "fit your script" (Ostrich Effect/Omission and Conservatism Bias)?

- Are you tied up in the groupthink of your peers (Bandwagon Effect)?

- Do you see patterns in random events or conspiracies that don't exist (Clustering Illusion)?

- Are you overconfident in your thought process and conclusions (Overconfidence Bias)?

- Do you tend to overvalue the usefulness or success of something, but not recognize its limitations or failures (Pro-Innovation and Survivorship Bias)?

- Do you fail to take risks because you prefer certainty (Zero-Risk Bias)? 

- Does your thinking something will happen actually cause it to happen (Placebo Effect)? 

- Do you use the ends to justify the means (Outcome Bias)?

- Do you judge people by their race, class, gender, religion, sexual preferences, or national origin (Stereotyping)?

- Do you fail to recognize your own biases (Blind-Spot Bias)?

Perhaps if more people would open their minds to information and engage in genuine thinking and critical thinking, rather than a lot of fake news and hype, we would be a far better and stronger nation. ;-)

(Source Graphic: Business Insider)

September 24, 2018

We Have Become Our Own Worst Enemies

The politics have gotten worse than ever again.

Since 2008 and Obama's left-wing tilt followed by Hillary's election debacle and Donald Trump's upset win, what have we seen:

- Resistance

- Violent Marches

- Extremism From Nazis And ANTIFA

- Photos Of Decapitation

- Threats To Blow Up The White House

- Chasing Politicians From Restaurants

- Stealing Questions From Debates

- Secret Dossiers

- Smear Campaigns

- Special Counsels

- Sanctuary Cities

- Lies and Obfuscation

- Endless Challenges and Lawsuits

- Pay Freezes

- Government Shutdowns

- Stalled Legislation For Healthcare, Immigration, And more

- Screams for Impeachment

- Possible Planning of a Coup

- Talk of states seceding or even of another Civil War 

Folks, what are we doing?

You're gonna justify the means with the ends? 

However, what are the ends so far and in the foreseeable future. 

Nothing productive can get done politically or otherwise this way. 

One side wins and the other throws a temper tantrum and stonewalls and then in reverse. 

There is world instability from Russia to China, North Korea, and Iran, as well as violence and refugees from Syria to Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq, and Afghanistan

The economic boom may very well end up an economic bust when it comes time to pay the humongous national deficit bill. 

We are eating each other alive instead of creating a better world order. 

Extremism begets extremism.

Hate begets hate. 

You can tell yourself that you are fighting for what is right--both sides do--but perhaps you are destroying much more than you are building. 

Things have gone too far and this country is self-destructing with or without Russian intervention. 

We have become our own worst enemies. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


February 13, 2018

Cyber Attacks Typology

Saw this acronym to describe the types of cyber threats and thought it was useful.


Spoofing - Falsifying identity to gain systems access

Tampering - Making unauthorized changes to data or systems

Repudiation - Forging identify of actions to data or system to deny responsibility or even blame a 3rd party

Information Disclosure - Stealing (exfiltrating) information and disclosing it to unauthorized individuals

Denial of Service - Depriving legitimate users access to data or systems

Elevation of Privilege - Transforming user account to allow it to exceed legitimate user privileges (e.g. admin account or superuser)

Funny-sad enough, these six types of cyber attacks can cause any information security officer to lose their stride. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal 

November 18, 2017

Invasion of Dinosaurs

So what's with the invasion of dinosaurs. 

First one is standing next to the checkout line in Whole Foods in Maryland.

Second one is actually on someone's terrace overlooking the beach in Fort Lauderdale.

Third one is the real McCoy from the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. 

Certainly, dinosaurs aren't cute and cuddly--even the plush ones from Whole Foods--they'd eat you and I for dinner if they could!

So why do we gravitate to relics from the Ice Age past?

Perhaps, just like looking forward to Aliens from outer space, the dinosaurs represent an important historical link for us, and thus anchor us in a much larger perspective of time and space. 

In a way, it all points to the dichotomy between us as humans with great--almost endless--potential, and yet at the same time, how small we are relative to the enormous dinosaurs that roamed the earth of yesteryear as well as the distinct possibility of mighty extraterrestrials that we may someday (soon) encounter from outer space. 

From this context, I guess what's really amazing is that we, as a people, are still here!

Despite our bad habits and unsustainable living, we continue to innovate our way out of own messes of greed, conflict, contagion, pollution, and resource depletion, and create a future far beyond what destroyed our predecessors or even what may come from current or potential future foes. 

Like the economy, we think we can grow ourselves out of all our troubles--and who knows, maybe we can if we can continue to stay at least one or two steps ahead of all the challenges and threats--but, at the back (or front) of our minds is what if we can't or don't?  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)