Showing posts with label Missiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missiles. Show all posts

May 10, 2024

F-35I Locked and Loaded


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 22, 2023

Prelude to World War III

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Prelude to World War III."

We have never come closer to World War 3. Amidst the most evil and brutal bloodbath by Hamas of 1,400 Israelis and another 200+ taken hostage into Gaza, Israel is entering its biggest and most difficult war since the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Further, northern Israel is ready to explode, with Hezbollah terrorists ready to infiltrate and 150,000 rockets poised to fly into Israel's population centers and critical infrastructure.

As the terrorists, anarchists, and some on the alt-left march and overturn our cities to outbursts of "Allah Akbar," "Intifada," and "Jihad" amidst the burning of and spitting on Israeli and U.S. flags, the biased media, looking for their next splash headline, thrills to falsely blame Israel for the Gaza hospital bombing. Similarly, despite the Palestinians' repeated refusal to accept generous offers of peace, the media continues to report on Israel's "occupation" and "apartheid," including in Gaza, where Israel unilaterally withdrew more than 18 years ago and in return has suffered relentless Hamas missile barrages, attack tunnels, abductions, and sadistic killings.

The world is on the moral and murderous brink, and there are weapons of mass destruction to make it happen deadly fast. One spark can ignite the whole colossal, flammable mess, and with it, the doomsday we all fear but suspect could be coming soon. Let us hope and pray that this is the prelude not to World War III, but rather to the coming of Mashiach.

(Credit Photo: Geralt via


October 8, 2023

Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It."

We can no longer go back to business as usual! The usual must be upended, and Gaza must be militarily conquered, period. All the Israeli hostages need to be found and brought home, even if it means excruciating house-to-house searches and street-by-street battles; it is better to fight it out once and for all in Gaza than endlessly in the cities of Israel. Finally, Gaza's military and terrorist apparatus must be completely eradicated. The strip must be divided, secured, and demilitarized permanently.

This attack by Hamas is just a small prelude to what is to come with Iran and its terrorist proxies. If we don't want to see mushroom clouds rising over the Middle East and Europe, Israel and the United States must once and for all deal definitively with Iran's nuclear and terrorist capability—no more ifs, ands, or buts.

None of us wants to see any more bloodshed pouring forth on Israeli streets and fields, children abducted, women brutally raped, men held captive and tortured, and the Holy Land scorched by missiles and flames. There should never any more be the illusion of "land for peace" or of a two-state solution when what they want is to drive the Jews into the sea! Astute political engagement has its place in dealmaking and genuine peace-making, but now is the time for skilled military strategy, engagement, and the resounding defeat of our enemies.

(Source Photo: Hananya Naftali via Telegram:


May 14, 2023

Israel's 3 Stages of Attack


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's 3 Stages of Attack."

Iran has long sought nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. Of course, if the Ayatollah doesn’t change course towards peace, it only makes sense as a strategy for Israel to not only preemptively attack but also incrementally dismantle Iran and its terrorist weapons buildup in three distinct stages.

As we are maneuvering closer to the finish line with Iran, we must maintain our ultimate faith in the “Rock of Israel,” as well as continue to be dedicated to defending our people, land, and religion.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 22, 2022

The Iranian Malachi Crunch

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Iranian Malachi Crunch."

Aside from the threat of the Iranian nukes themselves, Israel has to contend with the two Iranian terrorist proxy groups, Hamas and Hezbollah, that have set Israel up for the dreaded and violent crunch. Israel needs to avoid being positioned in the middle of the attack that is sure to come. Instead, Israel will have to take out the enemy with strategic pinpoint attacks that disable not their derby cars, but rather their terror rockets and missiles. When the evil Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah are all dealt a staggering blow of epic proportions, then there will be happy days for Israel and the rest of the world, and please G-d, true peace and the arrival of Mashiach.

(Source Photo:

August 8, 2021

No Talking To A Terrorist

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "No Talking To A Terrorist."

The fact of the matter is that when a terrorist who hates you and wants to kill you talks, they are telling you that homicidal action is soon forthcoming. It starts with words of disdain, loathing, threats, and hostility, but make no mistake, that those words end in terror and death. Terrorists, like the radical Iranian mullahs are not someone you can sit down with for tea, have a nice conversation, and work out a meaningful or binding diplomatic agreement. Unfortunately, the only thing that a murderous, racist terrorist understands is a punch in the nose! Accordingly, no amount of talking with Iran is going to lead to them ceasing their pursuit of weapons of mass destruction to use against the Jewish State and the United States. In their own very distorted “religious” minds, the irrational Iranian mullahs hate us and want us dead, period. To them, we are the scorned infidels, and they are the holy jihadists on a mission of murder. As much as we want peace with all our neighbors, in this case, a military response is not only necessary, but required.
The Jewish people have learned very well the hard and painful lessons from tyrannical madmen who have sought to destroy us over the centuries. The Holocaust is seared into our present-day consciousness like the tattooed numbers were into their victim’s flesh. We have learned to never let our guard down, to expect the unexpected, and to fight like hell when we have to. I am confident that with G-d’s help, Israel and the United States will not wait until it’s too late or stand by for a genocide to happen again! What Iran “says,” it means, but what Israel “does,” it expertly succeeds at.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 8, 2020

Ballistic Missile Attack A Sham

I think that the Iranian ballistic missile attack on the American bases in Iraq was basically a sham and done in such a way, thank G-d, as to inflict minimal damage and causalities.
  • The Iranians needed to make a show that they were getting revenge on the United States to appease their radical terrorist base for the killing of arch terrorist, General Soleimani.
  • President Trump had already threatened 52 Iranian sites if they retaliated.
  • Iran choose a very limited response hitting 2 military bases in Iraq --10 missiles striking one base, 1 missile striking another, and 4 missiles (26%) that failed!
  • There were no American causalities!
The Iranians are smart not to provoke the U.S. any further.

They may just have dodged a VERY BIG hit on their military. 

The matter of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the Ayatollahs remains an outstanding issue that MUST BE resolved once and for all even as we hope and pray for peace and security to prevail for the long term. ;-)


August 18, 2019

In Sderot: Bombs and Birthday Cake

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "In Sderot: Bombs and Birthday Cake."
Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 and gave it to the Palestinians in a unilateral effort towards peace, but soon after terrorist group, Hamas, took control and has since been raining down missiles on the Israeli civilian population centers around it...Last night, as the missiles came towards Sderot and the Israeli sirens wailed for the people to seek shelter–they have only 15 seconds–the beautiful youth in Noaa’s birthday party ran towards the safe room. What was incredible with these youth, was that rather than stop the celebration and hide in fear and suffering from the missile attacks, instead they courageously continued the party and sang with great strength in Hebrew, Happy Birthday to Noaa!

Let us all learn from these amazing young people of Sderot to have birthday cake in the face of bombs and to celebrate life in the face of death, and let Mashiach soon come and bring us peace in the Promised Land.

(Credit Photo: Miriam Sasy)


July 4, 2019

Countdown To Iran

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Countdown To Iran."

For two decades the cat and mouse game with Iran's development of nuclear weapons has gone on while Iran is leading State sponsor of terrorism and one of the worst human rights abusers.  Iran has marched forward with its desire for a global caliphate and has gone on threatening death and destruction in the Middle East and beyond and murdering with impunity. 

Now the end game is almost here...

The U.S. and Israel are committed to preventing Iran's existential threat and may G-d help us. 

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 5, 2019

I Watch With Terror The Rockets Fly

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "I Watch With Terror The Rockets Fly."
I watch with terror the rockets fly.
The plumes of white smoke in the sky.
Randomly, randomly where will they fall.
A car, a home, a factory, a kindergarten.
The shrapnel penetrating the flesh of its victims.
The rockets do not know the difference,
Between military and civilian, men and women, children and old.
Please pray for the peace and security for Israel. ;-)

(Source Photo: Reposted here in video by Israel Foreign Affairs Ministry)

June 13, 2018

Mao Tse Tung - China Leadership Watch

So this was absolutely amazing today. 

We had a meeting and someone brought in a bag of "prizes" as an icebreaker.

Low and behold, one of the items being given away was a this cool watch. 

At first, we thought it was Kim Jong-il (father of Kim Jong-un, North Korea's current leader). 

"Coincidentally," this just one day after the historic peace summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un. 

Then later, we realized that this is Chairman Mao Tse Tung, the founding father of modern China. 

It is mind-boggling to me why anyone would give a watch like this away. 

I am curious if anyone knows what the inscription on the back is?  

Anyway, I think this watch is an amazing piece of history, especially from China's transformation to the world's largest Communist country.

I can only imagine what the history of this timepiece is and how it got here to NIST.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 9, 2017

Nuke Fear Turning To Action?

What sane person would not be afraid of the incredibly destructive power of nukes (and other weapons of mass destruction)?

Currently, there are about 15,000 nukes either stockpiled or poised to strike around the world. 

Enough deadly weapons to kill the entire planet!

After a frightening series of 5 nukes tests since 2006 plus 18 technologically progressive ballistic missiles tests over the last 6 months, things are escalating after new sanctions imposed to try to contain the threat--with North Korea rattling it's nuclear arsenal with a shrill threat of attack moving to "physical action" and the U.S. shooting back "fire and fury,

As to further North Korean mad progress, it was reported that they are developing a powerful new H-bomb with immense destructive power, especially towards our density killing fields:

- If such a weapon would strike, G-d forbid, Washington D.C., it could mean 500,000 dead and another 900,000 injured--let alone what this would mean in terms of a destructive decapitation to the very functioning and continuity of our government and country. 

- Even worse fatalities would occur should it strike our financial capital, New York City, with estimates of 1.7 million dead. 

Hence, the news that this is no joking matter anymore (as if it really ever was). 

Fears typically first get expressed in rhetoric, but then with greater and ever potent means for them to become reality, the risks increase for them to actually make the horrific leap. 

What happens next with the ever menacing dangers from rogue Axis of Evil nations, North Korea and Iran--and will we ever feel and be safe again, absent any meaningful social progress while they continue to absolutely and speedily advance their ever more deadly weapons programs and the means to deliver them, first class. ;-0

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 18, 2017

Paper Navy Tiger

We spend $600 billion on defense and this is what we get?

In the middle of the night our U.S. Navy DESTROYER crashes with a ginormous container ship.

The commercial vessel (yes it's bigger, but it's a civilian ship) is lightly damaged, but the U.S. Navy BATTLESHIP (after having undergone a recent $21 million upgrade) has 7 dead, the captain injured, and it can barely make it back to its port except with tugboats for extensive repairs. 


How does an battleship with the latest sensors and technology collide with a civilian ship--how did such a foreign vessel even get close to our navy ship let alone collide with it--was someone completely "asleep at the wheel?"

This is no joke!--this is our first line of defense in our ability to project force globally. 

What if this had been a terrorist ship laden to the hilt with high explosives or an Axis of Evil Iranian or North Korean fast attack craft or even a Russian or Chinese attack submarine--surprise!

Doesn't a battleship need to be ever-vigilant and -ready for battle? 

How can we fight sophisticated 21st century militaries with advanced ship-killer cruise missiles, torpedos, and mines, if we can't even avoid the essential sinking of one our own fighting ships in peacetime. 

Our brave men and women who take up the uniform to serve this great nation--and this country--DESERVE BETTER!

Does this paper navy ship with a punched hole in it represent a larger forgotten or war-weary military in dire need of modernization and genuine readiness to defend the beautiful and free America? 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal via The Guardian)

May 31, 2017

Wonder Woman Vs. Hezbollah

So get how hateful they are behaving in Lebanon...

They have actually banned the movie, Wonder Woman.

Hezbollah is afraid of Wonder Woman!

Gal Gadot, an awesome Israeli actress and model, who plays Wonder Woman is too much for them to handle.

Hezbollah, the terrorist organization in Lebanon--and the proxy for Axis of Evil Iran--has 150,000 missiles aimed at The State of Israel, but is threatened by a pop movie and superhero.

If the culture of democracy, freedom, human rights and peace-loving could overcome the radical Islamists and their terrorism then Wonder Women could become a beloved hero to them too rather than a threat to put in the dustbin along with women's rights and freedom of religion and expression. 

Wonder Woman block those bullets and missiles and teach those terrorist bad boys a lesson they'll never forget. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 3, 2017

Easy Solution to Axis of Evil

So there is an easy solution to the hellbent destruction of the Axis of Evil...

North Korea and Iran are sworn to the destruction of the U.S. and it's allies. 

Repeatedly, they sponsor global terrorism, abuse human rights, violate agreements against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, conduct nuke tests, and missile launches. 

Instead of destroying the missiles immediately upon launch or on the launchpad, which is a nice start...

Let's just do this:

- When North Korea launches, let's redirect the guidance system on the missile to Tehran. 

- And when Iran launches their missiles, let's redirect it toward Pyongyang. 

We don't have to fire a single volley. 

Let the evil ones destroy each other and have a gangbusters time doing it. ;-)

(Source Photo: here with attribution to Pixabay)

April 29, 2017

Crosshair Planning And National Security

So I wanted to share this amazing crosshair diagram...

Not because we currently have North Korea in the crosshairs before they hit us with a nuclear-tipped ICBM.

But rather for how this diagram can be used in strategic planning and enterprise architecture. 

The way this is used is the following:

First, you put your goals in the inner quadrants (or other such division of the inner circle).  For example, perhaps you have a goal to reduce your weight which is now 215 lbs. 

Next you create concentric rings around your goals with each ring representing a time horizon. For example, the first ring could be 6 months, the 2nd ring 1 year, and so on. 

Then for each timeframe in the rings, you put what your target is for that related goal. For example, maybe in 6 months you want to reduce your weight to 210, and then by end of year 1 to 205.

In this way, you can easily show your goals as well your targets over various time frames into the future. 

You can similarly use the other quadrants (or other divisions of the circle) for other goals emanating from the center to the future targets. 

Of course, you can also use this for North Korea--to target above the 38th parallel for dropping a good deals MOABs to clear the enemy and their nukes and missiles from threatening the U.S. and our allies.  The same solution goes for Axis of Evil, Iran, and their endless spread of global terrorism and human rights abuses. 

Targets are for restoring the peace and for strategic planning and these two intersect when it's comes to national security. ;-)

(Source Diagram: Andy Blumenthal)

April 19, 2017

Nation In Denial

We are a nation in utter denial over our problems.

Just to name a few...

Whether from the threat of North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, who smiled while displaying a video yesterday of nuclear missiles destroying the USA.

To the shooting death of three in Fresno, CA yesterday by a man shouting "Allahu Akbar" that was deemed not a terrorist attack.

To our national debt of $20 trillion which quadrupled in just the last 15 years under the administration of both political parties.  

Unfortunately, denial is still alive and well, while smiling photos of the North Korean dictator adorn the light poles outside the capital of the USA.

We don't like to admit our problems be it from despots threatening us with WMD to global terrorism that gives us no peace, and a mammoth debt that is sinking our national economic sustainability.

Smile for the camera!

Don't worry about big problem-solving. 

What we don't admit can't hurt us or can it?  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 25, 2017

The Trouble With Our Security

So the problem with our security is that we value our openness more than we do our security.

And perhaps, we fear war more than we desire true peace. 

This was a photo from Summer 2015 when the Pope was in DC.

And despite a "massive" security apparatus set up to protect the Pope, the "largest security operation in U.S. history"...

Check out this photo of a colleague who was able to literally run up to the Fiat car where you can see the Pope waving from. 

Our security is full of holes--if this guy had a gun, molotov cocktail, or bomb then the top Christian leader in the world could've been taken out, just across the street from the U.S. State Department. 

As a democracy, we value openness and freedom to say what we want, do what we want, protest what we want, carry guns as we want, but when is open too open?

Again, whether it comes to cybersecurity or physical security, unless we start to get serious about what massive and large security really means, it is just a matter of time before something really terrible happens, G-d forbid. 

We've got to do a better job balancing security and openness. 

No one should be getting right up to the Pope's car like this!

No one should be smashing windows, burning cars, and attacking police and pedestrians in Washington, DC or anywhere.  

No one should be buzzing our battleships and jets!

No one should be hacking into our sensitive cyber systems, taking down and crippling them and stealing our secrets!

No one should be recruiting, plotting, and carrying out increasing and devastating terrorist attacks right under our noses in this country or elsewhere. 

No one should be using chemical weapons around our red lines in population centers or in airports!

No one (Iran, North Korea, Russia) should be developing, testing, and aiming nuclear ballistic missiles at the West!

War is a last resort, but this is not peace.

It is time to rethink our security is past time. ;-)

(Source Photo: A Colleague)

January 11, 2017

Bombs But No Strategy

So the good news is that we have killed about 45,000 ISIS terrorist fighters.

The bad news is two-fold:

First, there are still roughly 15,000-30,000 remaining and more being recruited all the time. 

Second, it took us 49,315 bombs dropped over two years to do this. 

So we are averaging less than 1 kill per bomb!

Sure, we are also hitting other targets like oil and gas infrastructure and tankers.

But about 20,000 of the munitions dropped are GPS precision-guided (e..g Joint Direct Attack Munitions, Small Diameter Bombs, and Hellfire Missiles) and have cost $2 billion!

That comes out to a cost of around $45,000 just for just 40% the bombs to kill each and every ISIS terrorist, and doesn't even include all the extensive military infrastructure, planes, intelligence, and people. 

And this is just a super tiny drop in the bucket compared to the $4-$6 trillion that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, after 9/11, has cost just through 2013

--That represents between 20-30% of our our entire $20 trillion national debt!

At this rate, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the other terrorists may simply be able to cause irreparable damage and even bankrupt America.

How long can we afford to fight these extended and expensive wars against terrorism and never seem to even win--what's the strategy here? Is there one? 

(Source Photo: here with attribution to vaXzine)

October 25, 2016

Countdown To Nukesville

So I keep reading and hearing about Russia preparations for nuclear confrontation with the West and the overall risk rising greatly:

- Investing in new advanced nuclear weapons, such as stealth nukes that can destroy an area the size of Texas or France

- Adding hundreds of new warheads

- Moving nukes to the European doorstep of Poland and Lithuania

- Flying Russian bombers within 40 miles of California coast

- Pulling out of non-proliferation agreements, including producing new intermediate range nuclear cruise missiles 

- Violating security pacts to destroy plutonium stockpiles

- Skipping the nuclear security summit

- Conducting massive civil defense drills

- Threatening asymmetrical and painful actions against the West, including first strike

- Building new bases in Ukraine, Syria, and now eyeing Cuba and Vietnam

- Building dozens of new underground bunkers

- Entering a new arms race with the U.S. 

Well perhaps this is all just saber-rattling bluster and party-rallying political rhetoric.

The real question is if this is all talk, then why all the costly actions being made?

Self defense experts always say never pull out a weapon unless you seriously intend to use it, so are Russia's intentions to simply counter the West or is it going to go way beyond that. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)