Showing posts with label Blocking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blocking. Show all posts

February 2, 2013

A SCIF Can Be Yours

A SCIF can be yours...if the wallpaper is right.

According to PC Magazine, a SCIF (Sensitive Compartment Information Facility) is a secure area where classified information can be discussed and handled. A SCIF is built to prevent information from leaking, being intercepted and compromised. 

Now, your business or home office can have its own SCIF-type protection without the use of more expensive Faraday cage electromagnetic mesh (e.g. chain-link) conductive shielding or Japanese anti-Wi-Fi paint that blocks all frequencies.

BusinessWeek (31 January 2013) reports on a new wallpaper called MetaPaper that blocks Wi-Fi signals and helps "improve data security and network speeds."

The Wi-Fi shielding wallpaper is developed by the French pulp and paper institute, Center Technique du Papier (CTP). 

MetaPaper is a snowflake pattern wallpaper "printed in conductive metallic ink" that "blocks Wi-Fi signals, while still allowing FM radio and emergency frequencies to pass through."

Its filtering is 99% effective (which may not be good enough for handling state secrets, but could be terrific for safeguarding most information) and sells for $12 per square meter. 

Aside from information security, additional benefits of MetaPaper is to protect people's health in terms of attenuating electromagnetic waves that cause genetic damage and cancer as well as socially to create quiet space, Wi-Fi free zones, such as in hospitals and movie theaters. 

Here is a link to a presentation on MetaPaper's development and benefits. ;-)
