Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts

January 3, 2024

Hawaiian Mug

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 26, 2020

Have You Been?

Why is Hawaii one of those places where people always go:

Have you been?

They don't even say the words "to Hawaii".

Like Hawaii is just one of those places where you're supposed to read people's minds. 

Have you been?

Umm, let me think a moment. 

And before you even get a chance to respond further, the other person goes:

Oh, well let me tell you about the time we were in Hawaii and...

Of course, nothing much ever really seems to come after that except something about the wonderful beaches!

Like there aren't nice, exotic beaches anywhere else.

Frankly, it's a little remote anyway, no?

The other thing about Hawaii, of course, is if one of the volcanos starts smoking its angry stack! 

Better start playing that little guitar Hula dancer! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


July 19, 2012

What's The Internet Worth To You?

What a great question--what's the Internet or your Smartphone worth to you? 

Most people seems to say they wouldn't give these up--not even for a million dollars! 

Maybe $15-20 million--enough to never have to work again. Okay, now you're getting closer. 

Nah, I want a billion dollars to give up the Internet--that's what some people responded.

For me, I'm not certain even a billion dollars could keep me off the Internet--but I could certainly try it for a few days.

Being able to communicate, connect, learn, share, and transact online is like air and water to us now-a-days--an absolute necessity for modern survival. 

Without being able to do these things, you may as well be on a stranded island--you may own that Island (like Larry Ellison who bought the 6th largest Hawaiian Island of Lanai) and it may be quite a nice one at that, but you'll still be quite secluded and alone in the Internet age. 

Yes, the Internet and all we get from it costs only pennies on the millions (and/or billions) of dollars worth we each receive from it--and that's why on some things you cannot put a price tag. 

We're in this world to learn and grow and for that we need other people far and wide--either that or you'll need to have one heck of a big and non-stop party at home in paradise. ;-)
