This was a funny true story that happened recently.
Someone found a roach walking around their desk in the office.
Not knowing who to call...they call the (IT) Help Desk.
Hello. What is the asset number on the device you are calling about?
Asset Number! You don't need my asset number.
Well, what is the nature of your problem?
I'll tell you what my problem is. The problem is that I have a cockroach walking around on my desk!"
Ah, do you know that you are calling the IT!!! Help Desk?
Ah, yes I do. Can you give me the number for who to call about this roach?
Ah, you are calling the wrong number. Why don't you try finding out who your facilities person is?
Facilities person! But you guys are the Help Desk! Can't you tell me how to get help to get rid of this roach? And by the way--where there is one, there are definitely more.
Ah, We don't typically handle roach problems, but thank you for calling the Help Desk. {{click}}
I know many organizations are moving to Enterprise Service Desks where you can call and get help for all sorts of issues at work.
Even then, I wonder if the employees answering the line will be trained in who to call to get a Roach Motel or some Raid.
Perhaps this is the next evolution of support. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

This Is The IT Help Desk
So I went into this store in Chinatown in Washington, D.C. and was looking around.
I saw this chest of draws with all sorts of herbs and insects listed.
One draw included a label for "Cockroach".
I asked innocently:
Do you have cockroaches in there?
The lady behind the counter responds in broken English:
Oh yes, there are roaches in there.
Again, not understanding the relationship to the herbs for sale, I inquire:
What are the roaches used for?
The lady looks at me a little more intently and says:
It is for tea--cockroach tea!
My eyes literally bugged out and I go for a third round:
Do people drink that for health reasons?
She responds:
Yes, and it is good for managing pain.
Hesitatingly, I asked her to take out the bag and open it so I could see for myself.
I don't know about you, but growing up in NYC, we definitely didn't value cockroaches as part of our diet--in fact, we did everything we could to try and rid ourselves of these disgusting insects--but usually to no avail.
The roaches survived everything we could throw at them!
If they are so resilient, maybe they can provide some health benefits to people (who knows--you've got to respect ancient alternative medicines), but I will only say this, you won't get me anywhere near this roach tea--and not for all the tea in China! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Cockroach Tea