Of course, people gathered around joking about whether, as legend has it, there was a genie inside.
They asked, what do you have to do to try and get the genie out to make your three wishes.
Well of course, they say you have to rub the lantern--where the heck did that come from?
Me being the curious jokster that I am just picked the lantern up off the table and flipped the top open!
Low and behold, it was completely empty--no genie to be found.
Needless-to-say, I was quite disappointed hoping for an I Dream of Genie lady to magically appear or for a flying Persian magic carpet to whisk me away somewhere exciting.
Then I thought, perhaps someone else got to the lantern first?
And darn, they say you can't put the genie back in the bottle!
A great notion when it comes to transparency, freedom of ideas and expression, no repression...but when you still are waiting for your three earth-shattering wishes then perhaps you still need to find your magic lantern. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)