Loved seeing this amazing Indian wedding. The rocking music, the beautiful colorful outfits, the pageantry, and the adorned white horse. While this looked like a relatively small and intimate wedding--perhaps quality balances out quantity. Although one of my good friends from India told me that he had 4,000!!! people at his wedding that was held in a stadium--I can barely even imagine how awesome that was. So happy...all life should be great times like this. ;-) (Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)
Just thought this was such an awesome drum. On the top of the drum was a painting of a drummer. And on the side was a picture of a beautiful lady dancing. It was so simple, yet so eloquently done. There is something amazing when you can literally feel the art come so alive. Almost like seeing and feeling the vision of the artist as if looking directly through his eyes. Our experience her on earth is that of our soul moving and acting in a surreal physical world. But in so interacting, we leave behind and impact this world with artifacts, and deeds to others, that last beyond ourselves and the moment. What a wonderful world G-d has placed us in to experience his wonders and to learn and grow. I can feel the drumming of my heart and the dancing of my feet all along the way. And even though I don't comprehend everything I am experiencing or the decisions that I must make, in it contains not only deep intrigue, but also genuine surprise and challenge, and ultimately meaning, every step along the marvelous path of G-d's garden. (Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Andy Blumenthal is Deputy Program Director at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader with over 35 years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. All opinions are his own.