September 29, 2023
December 30, 2020
Destruction Site
If there's a construction site, then there can certainly be a destruction site.
Most of the time, it seems like more destruction than construction really going on.
It's amazing how a construction job on one corner can take more than a whole year, when they built the entire U.S. highway system in not such a long time.
Now-a-days, money just goes down the sinkhole with the littlest jobs taking seemingly forever and the costs spiraling out of control.
Hello, is anyone out there managing this stuff?
Oh right, it's all funny money anyway.
Let's just keep printing some more. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Destruction Site
June 28, 2020
Too Much Violence
Physical violence.
Verbal violence.
Emotional violence.
When there aren't body sores.
There are emotional and mental ones.
So much suffering.
The silent masses.
Their doors close.
But behind them.
And outside.
In the chaos of the streets and on the subways.
You can see it in the eyes.
And hear it in their voices.
Maybe they are black and blue.
The people are troubled.
The world is insane.
The children are especially innocent.
The weak at the hands of the strong.
Anarchy reigns where G-dliness is absent.
Why? Why? Why?
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Too Much Violence
April 5, 2019
Batsh*t Crazy
They are what is commonly referred to as:
"Batsh*t Crazy!"
Some telltale signs in combination:
- Loud
- Out of control (off the spectrum)
- Exaggerated thinking/delusional
- Feelings of victimhood/paranoia/anger
- Gesturing wildly
- Fingers tightly extended or clenched into fists
- Banging on the table/wall
- Sharpening facial lines
- Clenching of the lips/teeth
- Bugged out/staring eyes
- Dark, hallowed-out eye sockets
- Disheveled hair/clothes
- Unkept/dirty/smelly
- In your face/space
- Potentially violent/dangerous
When you are dealing with batshit out!
You can't reason with them. You can't confront them. You can't evade them.
They have you in their sights.
Scary, right?
BTW, I looked up the derivation of this term:
It come from "there is nothing at all going on upstairs"--such that the bells are no longer ringing in the church tower, and hence the bats are coming to rest there, and they have been there so long that the batsh*t has built up.
There is certainly a lot of batshit from what I can see! ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution to geralt)
Batsh*t Crazy
July 20, 2018
How Angry Do You Get?
Hence, the term anger management!
The Talmud teaches that there are 3 ways to know a person's real character:
- Koso, Kiso, and Ka'aso.
From Aramaic to English it translates as:
- Cup, Purse, and Anger.
In other words...
Cup--When a person "drinks," this is how they handle their alcohol and how they act when physically (or perhaps emotionally) inebriated or as we say, "When the wine goes in, the secrets come out!" Are they jumping on the bar, ripping it all off and saying and doing the inappropriate and profane or are they able to recognize their point of weakness and ask someone for a ride safely home.
Purse--This is how a person handles money (and power). Materialism of people speaks volumes. Are they cheap, misery, and narcissistic or compassionate, caring, and giving to others.
Anger--When a person is angry, this is often when their "true colors" show. Do they get mean, bullying, abusive, and violent--do they go for the throat and the kill or are they situationally aware, measured, and do they listen, understand, and are they able to cope well when "under the gun."
Focusing on the anger piece...
It's easy to get angry, and it's also easy to look for a scapegoat and let it out on people that really have nothing to do with why you're really angry.
Maybe people can't always address their anger with the true source, maybe they don't even recognize their feelings fully, or have no idea how to safely release and reset.
In any case, anger is a dangerous emotion if not dealt with.
Many mistakes are made that cannot be undone when people lose their cool (or sh*t, as now seems more commonly said).
Thoughts on this...
Take a breath, slow down.
Evaluate what's really going on.
Think about whether it's truly the end of the world or not.
Assess the options for coping with it.
Look for ways to deescalate and resolve.
If necessary, seek help from others.
Finally, where possible be compassionate and forgiving.
And where not, cope, cope, cope--and survive another day! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
How Angry Do You Get?
July 9, 2018
Know Before Whom You Are Standing
It says, translated into English:
"Know before who you are standing (i.e. G-d)."
The idea is to remember when you are in the holy place of worship that you are standing and praying before G-d and should conduct yourself appropriately and with respect and reverence.
While certainly there are times when people forget themselves in the synagogue and say or do something not completely appropriate (e.g. socializing, talking, or even telling jokes to their neighbors during the service), usually it is not intended to be disrespectful, but rather to be friendly with their neighbors and community.
However, this past Shabbat I witnessed behavior in the synagogue (name withheld) that was truly a chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d).
Out of respect for the Rabbi (and Rabbabite), I will neither mention their names or go into the details about what happened except to say that it involved the politics surrounding the end of the Rabbi's 3-year term and the inability for him and the board to come to terms on a new agreement (even though one had apparently been signed and reneged on).
This did not belong in the synagogue on the holy Shabbat, period.
Those embracing and kissing the Rabbi in his support and going against the President and the board that is elected to represent the congregation was disgraceful.
Further, while I support the Rabbi saying his farewells, demanding to speak without the permission of the President and the board, and even before the President gave his regular announcements was inexcusable.
And when the fighting between the Rabbi and President brought yelling and fighting to the congregants, this should have been a sign for that behavior to immediately cease.
The desecration of the "peace" of the Shabbat with the politics, money, and contract issues and the ensuing fighting (almost civil war between those supporting the Rabbi and those the President and the board) before the Holy Ark filled with the Torahs was reprehensible.
For the spiritual leadership to behave in such a crude and disrespectful fashion was a mark of utter disgrace in the synagogue before G-d.
I have never seen anything like this before and hope never to have to witness anything so irreverent again.
This was a most traumatic event for the community and I hope we will recover in time and have a complete healing.
Moreover, I pray that G-d forgives the behavior that happened and has mercy on this congregation because things got out of control and I think they forgot before whom they were standing. ;-)
(Source Photo and not of the synagogue under discussion: Andy Blumenthal)
Know Before Whom You Are Standing
June 19, 2017
I Doth Fear
Kathy Griffin holding up a severed head of the President.
Stephen Colbert's tirade and obscenities.
And the list goes on and on...
Is this resistance or are things perhaps going too far for political discourse?
Whatever your views, does the rhetoric need to get any hotter or more violent in this country.
Cooler heads and compromise need to prevail for anything positive to come from all this.
Is it not still possible to unite under the shared values of freedom, human rights, and democracy that we all presumably hold dear and use these to advance our common cause?
At least twice now protesters have stormed the Shakespearean stage calling the incitement as an evil portrayal reminiscent of those like Nazi Propaganda Minister, Goebbels (may his name and memory be erased).
The other side pretends nothing is going on and says, but it's only Shakespeare.
Demonstrating against the actors' nightly violent portraying (and perhaps undisguised wishing for) the killing of the President, the plays' protesters are themselves summarily dragged off by security.
Nothing seems to stop the shrill words, calls for violence, and violence itself.
Just last week, we had the unreal and gross shooting of Congressman Whip, Steve Scalise, at an early morning baseball practice with his colleagues.
For those who care to glimpse down the road, what happens from here as we seem to forget who we are as people and as a nation, and we let extremists take over the agenda.
I doth fear (a little Shakespeare myself here) that the problem with extremism and violence is that it can too easily beget more extremism and violence.
Incessant name-calling, an avalanche of punches by the media, hostility on college campuses towards free speech, SNL just poking fun (is this really so funny anymore), an inciting Shakespearean play, plus marches, protests, and then taking things too far.
Like the closing in a classic Shakespearean tragedy...should we all not fear how this will end? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
I Doth Fear
October 30, 2016
What Do We Fear More?
It's a holiday to remember those that have passed.
In modern times, it has become a holiday of ghosts and ghouls, spooky and scary.
People dress up often in ghastly costumes, party hearty, and go door to door, trick or treat.
With fright night, I ask myself, are we more afraid of what we don't understand from the spirit world or perhaps of what do understand from people in this life?
Certainly, the supernatural and the spirits--elements of what's awaiting for us on the other side are things we don't really have tangible experience with or understand...we are afraid of the unknown.
But in this world, we are familiar and encounter bad people and deeds, and unfortunately have to deal with them, but it never becomes easier or less scary to confront these.
Sure, we understand that not everyone is good, and not everyone has the best impulse control--people do rotten, horrible things for selfishness and greed or simply because they can't stop themselves.
How scary is it to run into and have to deal with people that can and will do almost anything--maybe without a conscious thought or remorse for doing wrong...perhaps, they might even enjoy hurting others, taking what doesn't belong to them, forcing their will or themselves on others, and doing unthinkable acts of crazed violence and evil.
We are definitely afraid of people like this...they are out of control, and don't add up for those of us who think in terms of a soul, conscience, an everyday moral compass, and a seeing and hearing L-rd above
So life is scary, but death awaits us all as well.
And as my dad used to say, no one has ever come back to tell us what happens over there.
He had the most faith of anyone I know, and I understand we are supposed to have faith that we are going to a better place, but like coming out of the mother's womb into this world, when we die, we are coming out into a whole new place altogether.
New things are scary and going from the physical world to the spiritual one, I assume can also be a little earth shattering--where exactly are we going and how will we be judged when we get there?
Of course, I hope that I will be with my family and with G-d and bask in his eternal light.
Thus for me, I find myself less scared of ghosts and metaphysical things, but the evil that people can bring, behind ghoulish smiles and with hidden agendas, telling lies and fooling us of their evil intent, that is scarier than any ghost or goblin, any time of year on Earth or beyond. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What Do We Fear More?
August 5, 2016
How The Election Makes Me Feel
Wait is that the candidates or the way I feel?
Like the Three Stooges, the pathetic behavior of the candidates is completely crazy and outrageous.
And who's worse--corrupt and scandalous or big mouth and offensive?
We all have have our opinion, but maybe both types leave us dumbfounded and scratching our heads, and even not wanting to vote for either, at all.
At this point, I think we are all probably somewhat embarrassed that this is the best our country has to offer.
With everyone hating on both candidates, but desperate to save their slice of the American pie, the put-downs, fights, and contempt have gotten completely out of hand.
There is ZERO problem-solving going on, and we are in ridiculous mode, while the rest of the world spins out of control in the hands of terrorists, demagogues, as well as our global competition out there capitalizing on our incredible stupidity.
I can only imagine the rest of the world watching our election play out--watching us--and thinking how did we ever get to be the superpower of this world?
This is the tipping point for our country.
We brought so much greatness to the world, but what is left when we get to the point of candidates that no one can trust, let alone stomach.
I think all we can do is pray that G-d sends an Independent candidate with true integrity and promise that everyone can really respect and rally around, and not have to settle for either bad or worse.
A country that is 80% negative about its direction is called imploding and obviously that does not bode well for us or upcoming world events.
Folks, this is going to take a miracle! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
How The Election Makes Me Feel
July 17, 2016
How's Things Looking 4 Months Before The Election
- Thursday night...another major terrorist attack in Nice, France left 84 dead and 204 wounded. Terrorism is now so deadly and commonplace that graphic on Facebook shows 4-step cycle of terror attack, pray for x, put up flag profile on Facebook to show unity, and return to state of stupor and await next ISIS rampage.
- Friday night...another major Arab country in turmoil with a unforeseen coup attempt in Turkey leaving 290 dead and another 1,400 wounded and now 6,000 arrested in a "purge." Arab Spring has turned into one ongoing murderous chaos in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia with Syria and Libya still in civil war, Iraq and Afghanistan fending off ISIS in it's cities and the annual Taliban Summer offensive respectively, and a succession of coups in Egypt 2013 and Yemen 2015.
- Sunday morning...another breakdown of law and order with 3 more murdered police officers in Baton Rouge, LA following up on 5 cops shot dead a little more than a week prior in Dallas, TX. Friday was supposed to be a Day of Rage across major cities in the U.S. with warnings for people to stay away and seek safety in what's being seen as a significantly worsening racial divide in a country that has until recent history prided itself on being a successful "melting pot" and driven to equality.
As anyone who follows the news knows, this is only the tip of the iceberg, and despite vigorous attempts by some to put rose-colored glasses on everything and try to create a forced-air of stability and calm...the truth of the disharmony and discord is loud and getting louder.
From Brexit to Zika to millions of refugees running for the exits, from Bill Clinton meeting with the Attorney General right before Hillary's non-indictment, from our exploding national debt and to long foretold bankruptcy of the triad of our social entitlement system, from Russian and Chinese militaristic resurgence in Georgia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and the South China Sea, respectively, from Iranian and North Korean nuke-capable missile launches, things are getting quite out of control and just 4 months from the election...and the truth is making it to the surface despite all attempts to silence Freedom.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
How's Things Looking 4 Months Before The Election
April 15, 2016
Versioning Gone Wild
However, many vendors have gone out of control with versioning.
1) Incompatibility--It isn't backward compatible, so if you try to work with an older version file/data, you may be sh*t of out of luck getting it to work.
2) Alphabet-Numerical Soup--We have so many versions of the same/similar thing, we can make your head spin with buyer envy.
3) Functionally Indistinct--Version changes are so minute or insignificant that there is virtually no difference to the end-user, but you'll love it anyway.
4) Long And Meaningless--Some versions just seem to go on and on into the version, let's compare that to the new version of the week of, and don't forget the 2.10.4 will be a completely different platform, so you better remember to order the right one.
5) Upgrade Pathless--You want to be on the current version, well your version is so legacy and ancient, there's no (easy) upgrade path--you have to install 26 patches, hot fixes, and 9 new versions and then you'll be on the right one!
6) Maintaining Multiple Versions--You'll need to maintain multiple versions of the same product, because your data on the older version can't be migrated to the new one. Can anyone say multiple maintenance fees?
7) Out Of Support--Your older version that you spent a lot of money on is no longer current and is now out of support--so scr*w you unless you pay us again for the next money maker version.
If you want to kill your brand and possibly your customers' sanity, keep on going mindless version crazy. ;-)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
Versioning Gone Wild